High -temperature sky electricity bills are too expensive: nearly 25 million sets of high -energy air conditioning are to be replaced each year

Author:First financial Time:2022.08.13


Number of this text: 1855, the reading time is about 3 minutes older

Introduction: Green air conditioning goes to the countryside and has a great potential with the old replacement. Some high -energy air conditioning with long -term and old standards will accelerate the replacement of the policy.

Author | First Financial Wang Zhen

The topic of electricity charges in high temperatures made the top three on Baidu's hot search on August 13. The first financial reporter was informed that due to the stimulus of high temperature weather, the domestic air -conditioning market in July and August had flourished, reversing the momentum of the decline in the first half of the year, and the sales of air -conditioning in the county and towns increased significantly. At present, nearly 25 million high -energy air -consumption is needed to be replaced every year in China.

The high temperature allows the air -conditioning market to reverse the decline momentum

According to AVC data compass, from August 1st to August 7th, domestic air -conditioning online and offline markets have increased significantly year -on -year. Among them, sales of offline market increased by 15.89%year -on -year, and sales increased by 8.04%year -on -year; online market sales increased by 46.9%year -on -year, and sales increased by 54.33%year -on -year.

High -temperature weather reversed the decline in the air conditioner industry this year. According to Ovi's data, as of August 7, 2022, domestic air -conditioning online and offline markets have a total of double decline in sales and sales. Among them, offline sales and sales have fallen by 24.91%and 17.56%respectively; Online sales and sales fell 7.56%and 3.79%, respectively.

Peng Xiandong, the general manager of the Electric Power Division of Yikang, another research agency, told the First Financial reporter that in July, the national air -conditioning market increased significantly due to weather. Sales increased by 28%year -on -year; there was a large decline before the offline market, but after entering July high temperature weather, the year -on -year decrease was sharply narrowed.

According to the data provided by Suning Tesco to the First Financial reporter, since Jiangsu launched the green energy -saving appliance promotion promotion in July, 137 Suning Tesco self -operated stores in Jiangsu, Midea, Haier, Hisense, Boxi and other brand new -level energy -efficient air conditioners Sales increased by 88%year -on -year.

"The county market on the third and fourth -tier line, the sales of offline air -conditioning have increased significantly." Li Feng, chairman of Wuhan Industry and Trade, told the First Financial Reporter that the recent air -conditioning of the regional chain of Jiangxi Siping, Hunan Tongcheng, Chongqing Department Store and Wuhan Industry and Trade Sales increased significantly, and the sales of air conditioners in July exceeded the sales of two months last year. As of August this year, the air -conditioning sales of Wuhan Industrial and Trade Home Appliances have exceeded the air -conditioning sales of the full month of August last year.

"The weather is a key factor in determining the sales of air conditioners." The owner of a South China air -conditioning store told the First Financial reporter that during the summer, air -conditioning sales were mainly low -end models. In mid -to -late July, in the few weeks before it rained, the market was rare in recent years, and 80 % of them were replaced by the old. The inventory is now reduced, and the air -conditioning stores are actively purchased in the new cold year (August).

Air -conditioning prosperity also attracted new entrants. This week, Philips Air Conditioning officially released a new product of Frequency Fresh Air Conditioning Series. Xiao Youyuan, the chairman of Sanyou Technology, also revealed to the First Financial reporter that the sales of inverter air conditioners this year have doubled year -on -year.

Home and central air -conditioning energy -saving and space

In the case of hot weather and air -conditioning sales, many consumers have recently lamented the high electricity bills brought by air -conditioning summer heat. Some Shanghai netizens exposed the July electricity bill on social media. Due to the hot weather, the air conditioner was opened in the middle and long for a long time. Many people's electricity bills exceeded expectations. "It was shocked when receiving the electricity bill," some netizens said.

Recently, the country has issued a policy to promote green home appliances consumption. On July 28, 13 departments including the Ministry of Commerce jointly issued the "Notice on Promoting Several Measures on Promoting Green Smart Home Appliances Consumption" to encourage the new and green smart home appliances to go to the countryside; on August 8, the four departments of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued the about the four departments of the Office of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. The notice of promoting the high -quality development action plan of the home industry also mentioned green transformation and promoting green smart home products to go to the countryside.

Peng Xiandong believes that the air conditioners on the market now basically meet the first and second -level energy efficiency standards. The government's stimulus policies are more intensive on the replacement of air conditioners. Some high -energy air conditioners with long -term use of long -term and old standards will accelerate the replacement of the policy. Judging from the current air -conditioning ownership and historical purchase volume, nearly 25 million sets of replacement demand is expanded every year in the future.

"The high temperature does stimulate the air -conditioning market, and air -conditioning sales are better than in previous years. However, due to the overall economy, resident income, and real estate downturn, air -conditioning sales are mainly used for old -fashioned." Li Feng said that green energy saving and old -fashioned new ones have been introduced in the country. Implementation measures, but most of the places have not yet introduced the implementation policy, so they mainly rely on the old promotion to drive consumption.

"At present, energy-saving air-saving air-saving air-saving air-saving air-saving air-saving price gaps are 200-500 yuan. Enterprises are actively promoting the popularization of energy-saving air conditioners. From the perspective of price and product stability, it has reached the popularity of popularization Level. "Gan Jianguo, executive director of Meibo Air Conditioning, estimates that the current energy -saving air -conditioning market accounts for more than 50%. With the promotion of policies, technological upgrades and price popularization, energy -saving air -conditioning will account for 5%to 10%each year in the household air conditioning market. Raise speed.

中央气象台8月12日18时发布高温红色预警,预计8月13日白天,陕西东南部、四川东部、重庆、河南、湖北、山东南部、安徽、江苏、上海、浙江、福建、江西、湖南、 The northern and eastern of Guizhou and the eastern part of Xinjiang Basin, the west of Inner Mongolia and other places have high temperature weather at 35 ~ 39 ° C, of ​​which are high temperatures of 40 ~ 42 ° C. "I am in the air -conditioned room, and now the temperature in Shanghai is 41 ° C. As soon as the weather is hot, the cooling effect of the air conditioner is tested." An East China air -conditioned dealer told the First Financial reporter that it is necessary to save energy and save power. Inverter air conditioners; and energy saving is still available in the field of large central air -conditioning.

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