Haikang District has made good use of the "Eight Villages of the Village" to expand the collective economy and roll up the sleeves and fill in the transcript by yourself

Author:Qinhuangdao News Network Time:2022.08.14

Highlight the organization and leadership, strengthen the supervision of the three -funded capital, promote the branch of the branch, cultivate one village and one product, optimize the talent team, carry out assistance to help, release policy dividends, strict rewards and punishment incentives ... In recent years, the three departments of the Haigang District Organization, Agriculture, and Finance have been strengthened Work overall planning, carry out a centralized economic conference in the village collective economy. Develop a new path.

It is understood that the key to "Qiang Village Eight Articles" focuses on twisting the collective "hematopoietic" function of the village. On the basis of the full coverage of 262 villages' collective "three capitals", the development forms of the branch of the branch, the "flying ground" across village joint construction, the "leading enterprise+production base+breeding farmers" Adapt to local conditions, one village and one product to build a large cherry in front of the mountain, the Jiumenkou Apple, Avenue Lingbulai, the Shanyangzhai edible fungus, Lutou Mountain onion and other industrial projects, 10 special picking gardens, 48 ​​agricultural cooperatives, 48 ​​agricultural cooperatives, and family farms 17.

"Qiangcun Eight Articles" also focuses on supporting the stability of the functional stability of the "hematopoietic". Nine agricultural and townships in Haigang District have established a "one -stop and one center" incubation base consisting of the youth talent service center and the talent station station. "Tian Xiucai", which shows excellent performance and has obvious effects, supports funds from the special funding of the "Talent Strong District" in the district, injecting funds in the "hematopoietic" function. Combined with the needs of the village, the 262 district -level cadres were selected to be selected to serve as a collective economic instructor at one -on -one village to carry out technical guidance and talent support. Clarifying the method of income links, 69 village party organizations with more than 500,000 collective economic income, and the 2021 assessment is all designated as "excellent"; 26 village party organization secretaries and "two committees" cadres with slow growth or retrogression are per capita. The deduction of performance subsidies is nearly 11,000 yuan, and the good policy atmosphere of the officer entrepreneurship is effectively created.

Driven by the "Qiang Village Eight Articles", as of July this year, the collective economic income of 262 villages in Haigang District all reached more than 50,000 yuan, of which more than 100,000 yuan villages accounted for 77.5%. The transformation and upgrade of strong or not.

Reporter: Chu Xuemin

Correspondent: Deng Yuming

Edit: Li Zhicai

Responsible editor: Liu Fuqing

Supervisor: Wang Yan

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