The total import and export of goods in July was 3806.4 billion yuan, an increase of 16.6% year -on -year

Author:Red Star News Time:2022.08.15

On August 15, the State Council's Press Office held a press conference to release the operation of the national economy in July. The Red Star reporter learned from the conference that in July, the added value of industrial industries above designated size increased by 3.8%year -on -year, a decrease of 0.1 percentage points from last month; and 0.38%month -on -month. In July, the total imports and exports of goods were 3806.4 billion yuan, an increase of 16.6%year -on -year, an increase of 2.3 percentage points from last month.

In terms of three large doors, the value -added of the mining industry increased by 8.1%year -on -year, the manufacturing industry increased by 2.7%, and power, thermal, gas, and water production and supply industries increased by 9.5%. The value -added value of equipment manufacturing and high -tech manufacturing industries increased by 8.4%and 5.9%year -on -year, respectively, respectively, respectively by 4.6 and 2.1 percentage points faster than the industrial added value above designated size. In terms of economic types, the value -added of state -owned holding enterprises increased by 5.4%year -on -year; joint -stock enterprises increased by 4.4%, foreign investment enterprises increased by 1.9%; private enterprises increased by 1.5%. From the perspective of products, the output of green smart products such as new energy vehicles and solar batteries increased by 112.7%and 33.9%year -on -year. From January to July, the added value of industries above designated size increased by 3.5%year-on-year, 0.1 percentage points accelerated from January to June. In July, the manufacturing procurement manager index was 49.0%, and the expected index of enterprise production and operation activities was 52.0%. From January to June, the total profit of industrial enterprises above designated size reached 4270.2 billion yuan, an increase of 1.0%year-on-year.

In July, the national service industry production index increased by 0.6%year -on -year, down 0.7 percentage points from last month. Among them, information transmission, software and information technology services have increased by 10.3%and 4.9%, respectively. From January to July, the national service industry production index decreased by 0.3%year-on-year, a narrowing of 0.1 percentage points from January-June. From January to June, the operating income of service industry enterprises above designated size increased by 4.4%year-on-year; of which information transmission, software and information technology services, health and social work, scientific research and technical service industry companies increased by 8.3%, 7.2%, 6.8%, respectively. Essence In July, the business activity index of the service industry was 52.8%; of which, railway transportation, aviation transportation, accommodation, catering, telecommunications, telecommunications and television and satellite transmission services, ecological protection and public facilities management, cultural and sports entertainment index were at 55.0% The above high boom range. From the market expectations, the service industry business activities expectation index is 58.8%.

From January to July, the national fixed asset investment (excluding farmers) was 3198.12 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 5.7%, a decrease of 0.4 percentage points from January to June; and 0.16%in July. In terms of division, infrastructure investment increased by 7.4%year -on -year, manufacturing investment increased by 9.9%, and real estate development investment decreased by 6.4%. The sales area of ​​commercial housing nationwide was 78.178 million square meters, a year -on -year decrease of 23.1%; the sales of commercial houses were 7576.3 billion yuan, a decrease of 28.8%. In terms of industries, investment in the first industry increased by 2.4%year -on -year, investment in the second industry increased by 10.4%, and investment in the tertiary industry increased by 3.7%. Folk investment increased by 2.7%. Investment in high -tech industries increased by 20.2%, and investment in high -tech manufacturing and high -tech service industries increased by 22.9%and 14.3%, respectively. In the high -tech manufacturing industry, the investment in electronics and communication equipment manufacturing, medical instruments, equipment and instrument manufacturing industry increased by 27.5%and 26.6%, respectively; among high -tech service industries, investment in the service industry of scientific and technological achievements, research and development design service industries increased by 16.2, respectively %, 15.5%. Investment in the social field increased by 14.5%, of which health and education investment increased by 33.0%and 8.2%, respectively.

In July, the total imports and exports of goods were 3806.4 billion yuan, an increase of 16.6%year -on -year, an increase of 2.3 percentage points from last month. Among them, exports were 2244.6 billion yuan, an increase of 23.9%; imports were 1561.9 billion yuan, an increase of 7.4%. The import and exports were offset, and the trade surplus was 682.7 billion yuan. From January to July, the total import and export of goods was 23604.1 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 10.4%. Among them, exports were 13369.8 billion yuan, an increase of 14.7%; imports were 10234.4 billion yuan, an increase of 5.3%. From January to July, the proportion of general trade imports and exports accounted for 64.3%, an increase of 2.3 percentage points over the same period last year. The proportion of the import and export of private enterprises accounted for 50%of the total import and export, an increase of 2.1 percentage points over the same period last year. The exports of electromechanical products increased by 10.1%year -on -year, accounting for 56.6%of the total exports.

In July, the factory price of industrial producers in the country rose 4.2%year -on -year, an increase of 1.9 percentage points from the previous month; a decrease of 1.3%month -on -month. The purchase price of industrial producers rose 6.5%year -on -year and decreased by 0.9%month -on -month. From January to July, the purchase price of industrial producers and the purchase price of industrial producers rose by 7.2%and 9.8%year-on-year.

Red Star reporter Zhao Qian Wuyang Beijing reported

Edit He Pioneer Yu Dongmei

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