Cultivate 13 departments in international first -class business districts to support Wuhan to create international consumer center cities

Author:Hubei Daily Time:2022.08.15

Hubei Daily (Reporter Li Zhaoxia, correspondent Zhao Yanyong) On August 11, Hubei Province supported Wuhan to create a joint meeting of the International Consumer Center Urban Department to upload news. Getting measures support Wuhan to create international consumer center cities.

In response to consumption supply, infrastructure, system mechanism and other aspects, our province will vigorously introduce high -quality brand flagship stores, concept stores, experience stores, and integration stores at home and abroad, focusing on the cultivation and creating two international first -class business districts and a group of international characteristics shopping Center; encourage key enterprises in Wuhan's manufacturing industry to set up sales companies to strengthen the construction of manufacturing brands; rely on open platforms such as free trade zones, comprehensive insurance areas, and customs clearance ports to build imported commodity distribution centers.

Focusing on the cultivation of new consumption formats and expanding new consumption scenes, our province will strive to build 26,000 new 5G Hongji stations this year. In terms of improvement of information products and service supply, our province will study and formulate a series of supporting policies for supporting and innovation parks, accelerate the gathering of Hubei Xinchuang Industrial Space, and form and improve the domestic independent controlling software hardware application ecosystem as soon as possible.

In terms of cultural tourism consumption, our province will further strive for special government bonds, local governments general bonds and special bonds to support Wuhan Cultural Tourism Project, hold the second China (Wuhan) Cultural Tourism Expo, and support Wuhan Red T and Chuhe Han Street to create a second batch of second batch National Night Cultural Tourism Consumption Gathering Area.

In terms of sports consumption, Hubei will support Wuhan to create a pilot city for sports consumption in Wuhan City, hold the second Hubei · Wuhan Youth Sports Expo to create a sports consumption gathering area.

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