What do you think of the future trend of China's economy?National Bureau of Statistics: It is expected to run in a reasonable range

Author:China Economic Network Time:2022.08.15

China Economic Net, Beijing, August 15th. In response to the annual economic trend, the spokesman of the National Bureau of Statistics and Director of the Department of Statistics of the National Economic Comprehensive Statistics of the National Bureau of Statistics said at the press conference of the National New Office today that my country has strong economic toughness, great potential, and great potential. The characteristics of wide space are obvious. The long -term good fundamentals have not changed. Under a series of policies and measures to prevent epidemic, stabilize the economy, and ensure development security, the economy is expected to recover and run in a reasonable range.

Fu Linghui said that since this year, my country's economic development is extremely unusual. In the second quarter, the economic overwhelming exceptional factors have been overwhelmed. It is not easy to achieve positive growth.

He said that from the next stage, it is still facing a lot of risks and challenges to promote economic continuous recovery and maintaining economic operation in a reasonable range.

From an international perspective, the global epidemic is spread, the supply chain of the industrial chain is not smooth, the spillover of geopolitical conflicts has continued, and the risks of the world economy have increased. Since the beginning of this year, major international organizations such as the International Monetary Fund have repeatedly lowered the expectations of world economic growth forecast for the year. At the same time, international grain and energy supply have been relatively tight, and commodity prices are generally operated at a high level. The main developed economies of inflation are at a high level of history. In order to cope with inflation pressure, Europe and the United States have accelerated the tightening of monetary policy, increasing the risk of world economic recession, and exacerbating cross -border funds. External uncertainty and instability are rising.

From a domestic perspective, in the second quarter, due to the factors of over -expected factors, the economy declined in April. Under the influence of a package of stable economic policy measures, it gradually stabilized and rebounded in May and June, and the second quarter achieved positive growth. However, from the current point of view, the economy is still in the process of recovery. The restriction role of market demand is still relatively large, the difficulty of enterprise operations is still more, and the foundation of economic recovery needs to be consolidated. Although facing these difficulties and challenges, my country's economic toughness, great potential, and wide space have obvious characteristics. The long -term good fundamentals have not changed. With a series of policies and measures that prevent epidemic, stabilize the economy, and ensure development security, The economy is expected to recover better and run in a reasonable range.

First, efficiently coordinate the prevention and control of the epidemic, and the policy of economic and social development. Since July, although the epidemic has been distributed in many places, the epidemic spread has generally been effectively controlled, and a package has continued to play a role in stabilizing economic policy measures. In July, the main production demand indicators were basically stable. From the later period, with the joint efforts of all aspects, the economic recovery is expected to be maintained.

Second, domestic demand recovery has gradually increased. From the perspective of investment, the stabilization of investment policies continues to be strong, and localities actively promote the construction of large projects such as "two new and one weight". The number of new projects and the total planned investment of projects has remained rapidly growing, which is conducive to the growth of infrastructure investment. From January to July, infrastructure investment increased by 7.4%year-on-year and accelerated for three consecutive months. Support the upgrading and development of manufacturing, and the implementation of a series of tax cuts and fees and reduction policies is also conducive to the steady growth of manufacturing investment. In the first seven months, manufacturing investment increased by 9.9%year -on -year, and continued to grow rapidly. From the perspective of consumption, employment is generally stable, and residential income increases. Under the role of epidemic prevention and control and promoting consumer policies, consumption of residents is expected to gradually recover. In particular, the preferential policies for automobiles and home appliances consumption will continue to make efforts, which will drive the growth of commodity sales. In July, the retail sales of automotive products above the limit increased by 9.7%year -on -year, which continued to maintain rapid growth.

Third, the recovery of production supply is expected to continue. Energy supply continues to make efforts, and mining, electricity, thermal, gas, gas and water production and supply are expected to grow steadily. The industrial chain supply chain blocking point card has gradually opened up, and key industries such as automobiles will return to normal production, and the supporting role of the industry will continue to be played. At the same time, with the recovery of the order of production and life, the needs of the service industry will gradually recover, driving the recovery of the service industry production.

Fourth, high -level open dividends will continue to appear. Although the international economic environment is complicated and severe, the characteristics of strong foreign trade toughness are obvious, and the import and export of goods have maintained rapid growth. From January to July, the total imports and exports of goods increased by 10.4%year-on-year. This has the factors of my country's strong production capacity and strong product competitiveness. In the context of the increase in global inflation pressure, the impact of my country's export product cost advantage must also have to be. Seeing that my country actively expands its opening up, promotes the construction of the "Belt and Road", accelerate the construction of free trade zones, develops a new format and new model of foreign trade, and injects new vitality into the development of foreign trade. From January to July, the total imports and exports of countries along the “Belt and Road” increased by 19.8%year-on-year, higher than the growth rate of all imports and exports.

"Especially in the next stage, a policy of stabilizing the economy is effective. Large -scale retention tax refund, special debt issuance and use, and financial support for the development of the real economy will continue to work, which will also promote the improvement of the economy and continue to develop." Fu Linghui said Essence

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