Xining: Reserve tax refund steadily implementation of taxes for enterprises Huichunfeng

Author:Qinghai Tax Time:2022.08.15

During the 31st National Tax Propaganda month, the large -scale VAT retain tax refund policy was implemented. In order to continue to implement the VAT tax refund policy, the State Administration of Taxation's Xining City Taxation Bureau has multiple measures and conducts personalized services, actively and meet the conditions for enterprises that meet the tax refund policies. The policy dividend should be well known to help enterprises solve problems and develop steadily.

Policy training makes the service more unblocked

"This policy is really raining in time. It can inject flowing funds and revitalize funds into the enterprise. Our company's more than 300,000 end -of -the -end retention will be refunded according to the policy. The taxpayer Major Accounting of the limited company said after participating in the training of taxpayers in the city.

Cadres in the city in the urban area to guide taxpayers online tax refund business (shooting: Zhao Doudou)

In order to ensure the steady implementation of the policy and ensure that the eligible taxpayers understand policies and operate, they should enjoy the policy dividends. The city's tax system is more effort. Training. The lecturer sorted out the difficulties in the policy, and started in -depth interpretation of the application method of the refund (deduction) tax application form with actual cases. To introduce the application area, etc., effectively help taxpayers to master policy regulations and operation points. On the basis of conducting training, carefully produce brochures and questionnaires, and solicit taxpayers' suggestions on tax refund work and register a return visit.

Precision counseling gives enterprises a guarantee

"From the end of March, tax cadres contacted our enterprises to explain the incremental tax refund policy, and analyze whether to meet the tax refund conditions. Ding Yuefeng, the financial officer of Trade Co., Ltd., got the tax revenue revenue of 124,000 yuan issued by the Taxation Bureau and said happily.

Tax cadres guidance taxpayers log in to the Electronics Taxation Bureau for tax refund (shooting: Han Ziyi)

The Xining Taxation Bureau set up a working group and special classes to rely on the background taxation big data comparison, and predicts that more than 5,000 taxpayers who fully meet the requirements of announcement in 2022 will be comprehensively complied with the requirements of the No. 14 announcement. Point -to -point push, category accurate counseling; use the website, WeChat public account, corporate WeChat group, circle of friends, smart tax platforms and other channels to contact institutions such as tax -related counseling agencies, according to the enterprise scale, industry and other objects, multiple rounds of secondary rounds of tax -oriented tax -oriented taxes People do a good job of policy propaganda, and actively achieve "early publicity and guarantee at the beginning" to ensure that the policy is effective.

After refined preparation in the early stage, Xining Real Estate Group Xinkang Property Management Co., Ltd. successfully completed the tax refund of micro -enterprises. Guidance, and the electronic tax refund operation throughout the process, convenient and fast. The just retained tax amount just retired is really a timely rain, which relieves the company's funding pressure and improves the company's confidence. "

Optimize the process of tax assistance and benefit

Due to the large number of tax refund households in 2022 and the high proportion of small tax refund, in order to improve the efficiency of tax refund, the Xining Taxation Bureau vigorously expands the "non -contact" taxation service and further accelerates the retained tax refund review speed. On the basis of monitoring, taxpayers who have completed VAT declarations and eligible meetings have timely completed the counseling and confirmation through telephone, WeChat and other methods, and greatly shorten the time for the tax refund processing.

Tax cadre video connection counseling taxpayer handling business (shooting: Liu Lu)

"Affected by the epidemic in recent years, our company's funds turnover has difficulty. The tax department has sent us a preferential tax policy for the first time. Through the video, we actively counsel for us. Niu Qin supply chain management is a logistics supply chain management service enterprise. Since the epidemic occurs, more express delivery has been suspended, and corporate income has decreased accordingly. Enterprises inform the new policy of reserved tax refund and counsel the enterprise to handle tax refund.

For taxpayers who need physical taxes, the Xining Taxation Bureau set up a VAT tax refund "consulting service post" and "work window" in the tax service department. Consultation and counseling taxpayers handle the application for value -added tax refund applications to ensure that the taxpayer handles the tax refund business smoothly. At the same time, the electronic tax counseling of the taxpayer is strengthened. Tax refund.

In the next step, the Xining Taxation Bureau will continue to strengthen precision counseling to small and micro enterprises and six major industries, improve the targeted and effectiveness of policy implementation, ensure that the tax refund is directly reached to the market entity, and effectively give play to the role of a combination of taxes and fees. Help the high -quality development of the economy and society.

Correspondent: Du Yaping, Wang Kefu, Ma Xiaoqing

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