High temperature "heat up" pet cooling market, experts remind animals to cool down to be cautious

Author:Shenzhen Evening News Time:2022.08.16

Since the summer of this year, the temperature in various places has continued to rise. After a short Typhoon cooling in Shenzhen, this week has opened the hot and humid "steamer" mode. With the gradual improvement of Shenzhen's dog -breeding civilization rules, the number of pets in cities has increased, and the high temperature weather in the past few days has also "heat up" the pets of pets to cool down the economy.

The sales of pet sunscreen cooling clothing increased by more than 500% year -on -year

The hot weather, not only the citizens and friends are high -temperature, but also the hairy children wearing "fur" may also have physical sorrows. Dr. Zhao, the dean of the pet expert Rui Peng Pet Hospital, introduced to the late evening reporter that the core temperature of adult cats and dogs is generally about 39 ° C. Therefore, as long as the core temperature of animals (dogs and cats) is higher than 40 ° C, cooling measures must be taken immediately. Dr. Cha said, "In fact, even cold -blooded animals like lizards are also necessary to take certain cooling measures under high temperature weather."

▲ The kitten sleeping in the aluminum basin. Shenzhen Evening News reporter Dong Yuhan intern Feng Shiyi Photo

Various cooling tricks on the Internet can be described as endless. Recently, Tmall released a data show that since July this year, the sales of pet sunscreen cooling clothing have increased by more than 500%year -on -year, and pet ice mats have increased by more than 200%year -on -year. From the data released by Tmall, we can see that the "pet ice cushion" and "pet sunscreen clothing" are the best in various types of cooling moves.

In the late night, the reporter contacted Ms. Luo, a dog breeder, and she bought the "Summer cool sunscreen" for her "hairy child" this summer. "The effect of use is actually pretty good. For example, running in the grass, the dog will come back to find water for a while, but you won't be able to wear a cool clothes, and you will be thirsty for a long time." Her pet dog was just 3 years old. When the puppy was 2 years old, she had the heights of the corresponding season. After learning about pet sunscreen, Ms. Luo also considers for a while to decide to try it. "From the current situation, I will recommend it to other pets."

▲ Puppy wearing a cold coat. Shenzhen Evening News reporter Dong Yuhan intern Feng Shiyi Photo

Dogs can wear cooling clothes to cool sunscreen, but what should I do if the little hamsters have no suitable clothes? When the citizen Ms. Yuan bought a grass cushion for hamsters at the pet store, she saw the summer ice cushion. The clerk said that the ice pad could effectively cool the heat of the hamster babies. Ms. Yuan believes that the price is cheap, basically within 10 yuan, and buy it decisively. "Before I bought it, I put the little hamster on the balcony, especially during the high heat of the noon temperature.

▲ The hamster sleeping on the cold pad. Shenzhen Evening News reporter Dong Yuhan intern Feng Shiyi Photo

It is worth noting that the "ice" material in the pet ice pad is different. It is necessary to pay attention to the risk of poisoning by accidental food.

In addition to spending money to buy pets, Mr. Yao, a citizen, said that he also has a good way to spend money. "I have seen the recommendations of related products online. I think that cat pot and aluminum pot are similar products. I took the pot at home to try it. I did not expect that the cat would like it in it, especially put the aluminum pot in the air -conditioned room. After a period of time, the cooling effect is more obvious. "Mr. Yao told reporters that his method was used in waste and made his cat more comfortable.

Experts remind you to cool down scientifically

In the hot summer, pets must not only prevent heat and cool down, but also ensure health science. Dr. Zhao told reporters: "During the evolutionary process of animals, the temperature of the environment has a strong adaptability. Hair is a very important protection. It can prevent skin damage caused by direct sunlight in the summer and a lot The calories' evaporation 'can also have the effect of "insulation' in winter."

During the heatstroke prevention process, you should also pay attention to the core temperature of the pet's core. When the core temperature drops, the pet will cause the brain to decline, which will cause a sense of disorders (abnormal or weak walking posture), lethargy, arrhythmia, etc., which can cause coma seriously. Or death.

Recently, there are novel foods such as pet ice cream among the popular heatstroke prevention pet supplies. Dr. Checked also reminded that pet ice cream itself can supplement some protein, amino acids, and some trace elements, which can be eaten in small amounts. However, because the food itself is "ice", excessive consumption may lead to gastrointestinal discomfort in animals, especially for minor dogs or some special dog species with immune incompleteness or immunity, and gastrointestinal sensitivity, such as Alaska, Labrador Wait. In addition, for pets with special diseases, such as diabetes, heart disease, food allergies, etc., it is not recommended to eat ice cream.

What are the suggestions for pets? Dr. Cha said that as the temperature rises, the surface temperature is high when the sun is directly on the ground. Because mammals are on the ground, it is not recommended to walk dogs at noon at noon. At this time, the ground temperature is too high, which may cause heat stroke, especially for some short kiss dogs, such as Bago, bullfighting, etc. Because of the congenital structure, these varieties can cause heat dissipation disorders and more prone to heat stroke. At the same time, you can cool down through the fan and air conditioner at home, but try not to blow the animals as much as possible, which can easily cause animal colds. "Under normal circumstances, these conventional measures are enough to cope with the summer heat prevention of animals."

Shenzhen Evening News reporter Dong Yuhan intern Feng Shiyi

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