Inner Mongolia promotes 10 types of key industrial products, hidden dangers to investigate and regulate and rectify

Author:Inner Mongolia Daily Time:2022.08.16

(Prairm full media · North New News reporter Liu Rui) The reporter learned from the Market Supervision Administration of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region that the bureau recently held the analysis of the product quality and safety situation and risk monitoring and analysis of the product quality and safety of the product in the first half of 2022. The meeting notified the "rolling" inspector of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Market Supervision and Administration in the first half of the year. Continue to promote the investigation of hidden dangers of quality and safety supervision in 10 types of key industrial products in the field of 10 types of key industrial products, the quality supervision of the chemical industry transfer hazardous chemical quality, and various special actions such as fire products, scattered coal, and quality of refined oil quality departments.

It is understood that since this year, the product quality supervision and management department of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region has given full play to the role of product quality supervision and random inspection, focusing on product quality supervision key products, key areas, key industries, and key issues. In the "special operation," special operations, a total of nearly 600 key industrial product manufacturers such as hazardous chemicals, steel bars, cement, wire and cables, and more than 8,000 sales stores such as fire products, electric bicycles, batteries, gas tools, etc. The regulatory and management departments of various territorial territories discovered the problem of hidden dangers in a timely manner, seriously investigated and dealt with quality illegal acts, and included key cases in the typical cases of "Iron Fist" action to publicize the public, urging enterprises to implement the main responsibility, strictly observe the product quality and safety bottom line, and achieve staged results. The product quality and safety situation in the region is generally stable.

Source: grassland all media

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