Guangfa Bank's "big belly" marketing was fined 600,000, and the previous millions of tickets continued

Author:Radar finance Time:2022.06.17

Radar Finance | Edited by Li Yihui | Deep Sea

On June 17, the topic #Gangfa Bank released a fine of 600,000 for female ads.#Boarded on Weibo hot search.

A few days ago, the article released by the official public account of the Shanghai High Court "Pujiang Tianding" showed that in May 2019, a bank published an article push an article "Don't tell others, your belly was big! " The content is the preferential activity of the bank's credit card holder to participate in some restaurant merchants in a shopping center.

This advertisement was designed and produced by an advertising company. After the bank review, it was released by the bank. By August 2019, the accumulated reading volume of the advertisement was 198 times and the number of fans pushed 42,466.

According to media reports, "a certain bank" in the article is Guangfa Bank. On May 31, 2019, the Shanghai Branch of Guangfa Bank published an advertisement tweet through the "Guangfa Card Shanghai" WeChat public account. The title was quite "eye -catching". ", But its graphic content is a discount activity of some catering merchants in the" Shangyue Bay "shopping center. The Credit Card holder of Guangfa Bank can enjoy a 50 % discount of food discounts through snapping coupons.

In this regard, the Shanghai Market Supervision Bureau's comprehensive investigation, visits, and hearing, determined that the advertisement had derogatory and insult to women, violated the relevant provisions of the advertising law, and constituted an advertisement that violated the good fashion of society. The bank was fined 600,000 yuan, and the advertising company, as an advertising operator, fined 300,000 yuan.

Among them, the advertising company did not accept it, and then sued the Market Supervision Bureau to the court and asked to revoke the relevant penalty decision.

The "Administrative Judgment of the Shanghai Third Intermediate People's Court" shows that the title and content of the advertisement involved in the advertisement were designed and produced by Shanghai Houmei Advertising Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Houmei Company"), which was reviewed by Guangfa Bank Shanghai Branch. Single advertising production costs are 1,800 yuan.

The court found that the content of the advertisement involved in the above case was to promote the credit card through the preferential food of catering merchants. The title of the advertisement "Don't tell others that your belly is made by us". Indeed, there is a crowd of pet, low -level vulgarity to attract attention, violate public prefaces, and easily produce negative effects.

In the end, the court of first instance believed that the punishment of the Market Supervision and Administration Bureau was clear, the evidence was indeed sufficient, the applicable law was correct, and the tailoring was not obvious, and the appeal of Houmei Company was rejected by the Shanghai Third Intermediate People's Court of the Second Trial Court.

Zhang Wenzhong, president of the administrative trial of the Third Intermediate People's Court in Shanghai, said that the so -called "creativity" here uses the improper description of women's bodies to be petted, and there is no respect for women. The personality dignity of the majority of women is corrected by the negative impact of the laws of application.

In this regard, there are also many netizens who call "good punishment" and "how do you think about the wonderful slogans, which should be punished" "there is no lower limit for the eyeballs."

Radar Finance combed and found that in recent years, the executives of Guangfa Bank have been dismissed and received a tens of millions of tickets.

Among them, in December 2017, Guangfa Bank was fined a huge amount of 722 million yuan for illegal guarantee cases. At that time, the supervision clearly listed 12 major violations of laws and regulations such as "internal control management seriously violated the rules of prudential business" and "unshaps due to due diligence review factoring business trade background".

In September 2020, Guangfa Bank was confiscated by the CBRC for 511.53 million yuan in violation of laws and regulations involving 21 illegal and illegal acts, fined 87.7153 million yuan, totaling 92.83 million yuan.

On February 3, 2021, the State Administration of Foreign Exchange has publicized many cases of bank foreign exchange violations, including Guangfa Bank Wenzhou Branch illegally handling internal and external loan cases. From January 2015 to February 2016, the Wenzhou Branch of Guangfa Bank did not fulfill its responsibilities and handled internal and foreign loans in violation of regulations. According to Article 43 of the Foreign Exchange Management Regulations, the bank warned and a fine of 17.64 million yuan was fined.

In early April 2021, the Quanzhou Branch of Guangfa Bank had issued three tickets by the Fujian Quanzhou Banking Insurance Bureau due to illegal handling the business acceptance bill business and the interbank financial management business of illegal regulations, with a fine of 15.5 million yuan. Penalties for banning the banking industry for life.

Since this year, Guangfa Bank has also received a ticket. On January 9, the Credit Card Center of Guangfa Bank had been fined 800,000 yuan due to employee behavior management. In March, Guangfa Bank was fined 4.2 million yuan for regulatory data quality and data to report 16 illegal acts for regulatory data (EAST) system data quality and data.

In addition to frequently receiving tickets, Guangfa Bank also had executives. According to the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, on September 7, 2021, Zhao Yong, former party secretary and president of the Tianjin Branch of Guangfa Bank, was expelled from the party for suspected serious disciplinary violations.

On April 13 this year, the Guangzhou Tianhe District Supervision Committee issued two consecutive announcements. The announcement shows that Lu Shengnan, former member of the Party Committee and General Manager of the Credit Card Center of Guangfa Bank, and Qiao Yuliang, the director of the inspection office of the Guangfa Bank Party Committee, are suspected of serious disciplinary violations and are undergoing disciplinary review and supervision and investigation.

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