Ten years of answering volume 丨 Hope field growth modern factor

Author:Tianshan.com Time:2022.08.17

On July 29, the 10,000 acres of dry ground wheat planted in the Jiangbrak Scenic Area, Banjingou Town, Qitai County is stepping up harvest. Photo by Zhang Yan

Xu Qingguang

The foundation of summer grain harvest is firm, the production of vegetables and melon fruit has increased steadily, and the survival of livestock storage has grown rapidly ... It is exciting that in the "semi -annual report" of the autonomous region's economy this year, the growth rate of the primary industry exceeds the second industry and the tertiary industry, showing the show, showing that it shows that it shows that showing that The strong momentum of agricultural modernization in our district.

The outline of the country's focus, the outline of the country. Xinjiang has distinctive agricultural characteristics, obvious advantages, and huge potential, and has an irreplaceable position in Xinjiang's high -quality development. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Xinjiang has adhered to the priority development of agriculture and rural areas, implemented the strategy of rural revitalization, improved the agricultural support and protection system, and deepened the structural reform of agricultural supply side. Comprehensive agricultural production capacity has increased significantly, and modern agriculture in Xinjiang has entered a stage of high -efficiency and high -quality development.

Agriculture is a comprehensive industry. Only by structural science and reasonable layout can we firmly lay a foundation for the development of modern agriculture. It is precisely for many years that have adhered to shortcomings, strong weaknesses, solid bottom boards, and advantages, stabilizing grain, cotton, strong fruits, prosperous animals, and promoting characteristics, and Xinjiang's agricultural structure has been continuously optimized. Make "rice bags" more fulfilling, "vegetable baskets" are richer, "fruit plates" are more colorful, so that the advantages of the cotton industry are more consolidated, and the characteristics of characteristic agriculture and animal husbandry are more manifested. The competitiveness of Xinjiang's agricultural industry can continue to enhance.

Realizing agricultural modernization is an important goal of my country's agricultural development. In the new era, in terms of production methods, modern equipment such as agricultural machinery and drones "fly into ordinary people's homes", Xinjiang's agricultural mechanization rate exceeds 85%; in terms of organizational methods, new types of agricultural operations continue to emerge, and moderate operations are fast -scale operations quickly. Development; in terms of producer quality, the "new farmers" who understand technology and good management have accelerated; in terms of market links, the "two networks" of the China acquisition network and foreign sales network are gradually formed, and agricultural scale and industrialization , Accelerate development. With the increase of modern factors, the breadth depth of the development of Xinjiang's agricultural development will be greatly expanded.

Industry is the foundation of development. Cultivating and developing the entire agricultural industry chain is an important measure to accelerate agricultural modernization. In recent years, Xinjiang has adhered to the integration and development of the first, secondary and tertiary industries, focused on transforming the "inefficient, extensive, and low -cost" of traditional agriculture, and promoted agricultural file upgrade in the extension chain strong chain. Based on the reality of agricultural development in Xinjiang, in line with the laws of industrial development, and vigorously cultivate the development of the entire agricultural industry chain, the quality and efficiency of modern agriculture will continue to increase, and new progress will be made in terms of value chain improvement, supply chain penetration, and interest chain innovation.

During the inspection of Xinjiang, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that "to play a greater role in ensuring my country's food safety and important agricultural products supply", this is not only expected to the Corps, but also the direction of the entire district. It is necessary to consciously put Xinjiang agriculture into the national agricultural chess game, implement the policy of supporting the development of Xinjiang for the development of Xinjiang, give full play to the advantages of Xinjiang, strengthen agricultural technology and equipment support, develop advantageous agricultural products according to local conditions, strengthen the advantageous industries, promote the green and efficient development of agriculture and animal husbandry industry Essence

On the hoping fields, implement the new development concept, promote agriculture from increasing production to quality -oriented, and focus The modern and beautiful paintings of agriculture will stretch the high -quality development journey to stretch on the vast land north and south of Tianshan.

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