The trend of China's economic recovery is further consolidated

Author:CCTV Time:2022.08.17

CCTV News: On August 16th, the National Development and Reform Commission held a press conference to introduce the current economic situation. The relevant person in charge said that with the continuous release of the macro policy effect, the trend of China's economy recovery will be further consolidated.

At the press conference, in July, the country's power generation volume was 805.9 billion kilowatt -hours, a year -on -year increase of 4.5%, and the growth rate accelerated by 3.0 percentage points from last month. In the first seven months, the power generation of industries above designated size increased by 1.4%year -on -year, and the growth rate accelerated by 0.7 percentage points from the first half of the year. Among them, thermal power and solar power generation remained rapidly growing.

According to reports, in order to stabilize the economic market, since this year, the "14th Five -Year Plan" planned 102 major projects has been implemented solidly, and the overall progress has been smoothly progressing. At the same time, the development of special bonds for local governments has accelerated. As of July 31, 3.45 trillion special bonds used for project construction this year have basically been issued. Recently, the third batch of special bond projects has been organized.

Luo Guosan, director of the Fixed Asset Investment Department of the National Development and Reform Commission: In the next step, we will continue to supervise the guidance and guide the local government in accordance with the requirements of the State Council, do a good job of special bonds, accelerate the progress of special bonds, and give full play to the leading role of investment guidance in the central budget.

In the second half of the year, my country will promote effective investment in infrastructure and new infrastructure such as transportation, energy, logistics, agriculture and rural areas, promote consumption recovery in key areas, continue to exempt new energy vehicle purchase tax policies, support rigid and improved housing needs, and improve the demand for housing. Implement the policy and measures to stabilize foreign trade and promote the stable growth of foreign trade.

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