Heze online investment promotion activities and centralized signing ceremony were held, with a total of 13 projects, with a total investment of 10.594 billion yuan

Author:Heze Daily Time:2022.08.18

On August 17, the online investment promotion and centralized signing ceremony of Heze City was held. Zhang Xinwen, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, Zhang Lun, Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and Mayor, and Li Chunying, Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, attended, and the deputy mayor Zhang Peng presided over.

The signing ceremony was held in a video connection. A total of 13 projects including Wanhui Food Industrial Park Project, Puders Medical Devices Project, Shanghai Pharmaceutical Pharmaceutical APIC and Pet Pyrmal Production Base Project, with a total investment of 10.594 billion Yuan, including $ 25 million in the contract. The signing project involves the fields of biomedicine, high -end chemical industry, agricultural and sideline products, new energy and new materials, and modern service industries. City high -quality development.

When he presided over, Zhang Peng pointed out that today's Heze is looking forward to cooperating with entrepreneurs with an open mind and positive attitude. Early birth. It is hoped that guests will further publicize Heze and promote Heze, so that more friends and merchants will gather in Heze to create a better future.

Heze Pay Industry All Media Reporter Hu Deguang

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