Haidian District is the city's economy. Cai Qi investigated and visited the enterprise, requiring the advantages of scientific and technological innovation to add a scale to the city's high -quality development

Author:Beijing released Time:2022.06.18

Recently, Cai Qi, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, went to Haidian District to investigate and study. He emphasized that the string of the epidemic prevention and control cannot be relaxed at the moment. It is necessary to firmly promote the dynamic clearing zero to promote steady growth with the results of anti -epidemic. Haidian District is the base camp of Zhongguancun enterprises. It is strong and energetic. It is a cockpit stone of the city's economy. It is necessary to give full play to the advantages of scientific and technological innovation, efficiently coordinate the prevention and control of the epidemic and economic and social development, and add a scale to the city's high -quality development.

The Fourth Paradigm (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd. is a unicorn enterprise in the field of artificial intelligence. Cai Qichao looked at the prevention and control of the epidemic, technical research and development, and operations, and pointed out that it is necessary to make good use of a series of policies and measures to make good economic growth, provide support for enterprises to introduce talents, increase research and development investment, create first -class innovative ecology, cultivate more innovative chains "chain chain chain chain host". Intelligent operating system technology enterprises, China Science and Chuangda, has become the top 50 of GEM listed companies. Cai Qi understands the development and application of the software and hardware of the enterprise and the business layout, encourages enterprises to adhere to the concept of "technology -oriented, ecology as king", strengthen international open cooperation, and continue to develop in the fields of smart car operating systems and new generation of Internet of Things operating system , Do the head enterprises that can define and fixed standards in the industry. Shengbang Microelectronics (Beijing) Co., Ltd.'s simulation chip products are widely used in industrial control, automotive electronics and other fields. Cai Qichao looked at the display of innovative products and pointed out that it is necessary to customize personalized "service packs" for corporate needs, provide application scenarios and policy support, and escort the rapid healthy growth of enterprises.

In the discussion, Cai Qi emphasized that it is necessary to consolidate the "four -party responsibility" and strictly grasp the epidemic prevention and control. Normal prevention and control measures should be unremittingly grasped. The inspection of the community (village), units and public places must be strictly in place. Haidian District has an advantage in scientific and technological resistance. It is necessary to give full play to the role of Zhongguancun enterprises in R & D production testing agents, comprehensive antibody drugs, and fast inspection products, and strengthen the construction of high -level prevention and control capabilities and emergency response systems.

Cai Qi emphasized that Zhongguancun contains huge development energy and potential. The characteristics of Zhongguancun enterprises are scientific and technological innovation. No matter what kind of storms encounter, they can always grow stubbornly. It is necessary to pay close attention to the implementation of various relief policies in the country and urban areas, reach enterprises directly, stabilize the expectations of enterprises, and strengthen their confidence in development. Carry out in -depth enterprise visits, implement the "service package" and service housekeeper system, and do a good job in key enterprise services. Make good use of investment and financing platforms to increase financial support. At present, it is necessary to strengthen economic operation dispatch, accelerate the construction of key projects and projects, do a good job in the development of industry, information and software services, ensure the completion of municipal tasks, and maintain economic operation in a reasonable range.

Cai Qi emphasized that it is necessary to open up the blocking point, stabilize the industrial chain, supply chain, and accelerate the advancement of re -production. Steady to promote the construction of the national laboratory and strengthen the correction of the "card neck" technology. Grasp the innovation chain, lead the industrial chain and supply chain, and realize the "three -chain linkage". It is necessary to do a good job of trying the reform of the new round of Zhongguancun to further release the vitality of innovative subjects and market entities. Reform measures should be refined one by one, strengthen policy propaganda interpretation, and ensure that it will fall into projects, enterprises and parks. Implement policies and measures such as deduction and establishment of patent pools to implement research and development expenses, and encourage and support enterprises to increase investment in R & D. Accelerate the construction of digital trading ports. Make good use of the "two districts" policy to play the superposition effect. Give play to the role of the Bei Stock Exchange and promote more high -quality enterprises to go public.

Cai Qi emphasized that it is necessary to actively promote the construction of talent teams. Focus on high -precision industries, and introduce a group of strategic scientists, leading talents and innovation teams. Support universities, scientific research institutes, and enterprises to jointly build special research institutes and laboratories, and train talents in urgent need. Do a good job of service for talent development and solve your worries. College graduates are the talent reserves of the development of Zhongguancun. We must strengthen employment services and retain outstanding talents. There are many major Internet factories in Haidian District. It is necessary to strengthen platform enterprise supervision, support the expansion of the field of technology and future industries, and promote standardized healthy development.

Cai Qi emphasized that Haidian District is the place of scientific and technological innovation. It is necessary to play the radiation role of Zhongguancun and drive the innovation and development of the sixteenth garden in the first district. Focusing on the future, aiming is better, higher and more advanced, planning the industrial space layout, doing strategic blank white, and strengthening cross -regional cooperation. It is necessary to set up the bottom line of the people around the "Seven Youyou" and "Five Sexual", deepen the loses and do it, and solve the problem of the masses and the problem of anxiety.

Cai Qi emphasized that the Haidian District Party Committee should put political construction first, resolutely carry out the responsibility of comprehensively and strictly governing the party, unswervingly and anti -corruption, strengthening the supervision of power operation, and creating a good political ecology of the wind and righteousness. The secretary of the district party committee must do a good job in the team, bring the team, and fulfill the duties of "putting the direction, doing big things, grasping the party building, and keeping peace".

City leaders Cui Shuqiang, Zhang Jiaming, and Jin Wei attended.

Source: Written article | Qi Mengzhu Fan Junsheng

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