[Lixiang China] The advantage of consolidating the "steady" chassis of "steady"

Author:China Economic Network Time:2022.08.18

[Stable and advanced@【求 development]

Core point: Mao Tonghui, the author of China Economic Network column, believes that "stability" is the basis and premise; "advance" is the direction and the goal. In order to steady, in order to advance, the two are integrated and two wings, promote each other, and jointly build a strong support of high -quality development, reflecting profound dialectics.

The general tone of steady progress in the work is an important principle of governing the country and governing the country, and it is also a methodology for doing good economic work and achieving high -quality development. "Stability" is the foundation, the premise; "enter" is the direction and the goal. In order to steady, in order to advance, the two are integrated and two wings, promote each other, and jointly build a strong support of high -quality development, reflecting profound dialectics.

At present, in the face of the domestic and foreign situations that are superimposed at home and the century epidemic, to achieve high -quality development, the key is to adhere to the stability of the word, and to effectively achieve "the epidemic should be defended, the economy must be stabilized, the development is safe", and the power is concentrated. " Do our own things well. " On this basis, adhere to the steady progress, take the initiative to act, and overcome difficulties, and promote the steady improvement of the economy and the reasonable growth of the quantity.

Since the beginning of this year, the international environment has become more complicated and severe, and the domestic epidemic has more exudation, and sudden factors exceed expectations. Under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee, all localities and departments implemented the deployment of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, and effectively responded to the super -expected impact encountered in the second quarter. In June, it reversed the negative growth of the main economic indicators in the first two months, and the economic operations stabilized and rebounded. Recently, the economic operation of the National Bureau of Statistics in the first seven months of this year showed that with the continuous results of the policies of high -efficiency epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development, the national economy continued to recover. However, due to multiple factors, the foundation of economic recovery is still unstable, and economic operations still need to be intensive.

It should be seen that at the same time as economic growth, industrial structure optimization, growth momentum transformation, deepening reform and opening up, green low -carbon transformation, and regional coordinated development have continued to advance. The number of positive factors has continued to increase. High -quality development has taken a solid step.

Furthermore, entering the new stage of development, the development of the internal and external environment in my country has undergone profound changes. , Strongly take the road of high quality development.

On the one hand, we must consolidate the "stable" chassis. Comprehensively implement the requirements of "the epidemic should be defended, the economy must be stabilized, and the development must be safe", consolidate the trend of economic recovery, and strives to stabilize employment and prices, and maintain economic operation in a reasonable range. On the other hand, the advantages of "entering" must be cultivated. The main line of supply -side structural reform is the main line, and the innovation "first chess" is good to promote economic transformation and upgrading, improve quality and efficiency, promote green transformation, deepen the market -oriented configuration of factors, expand high levels of openness, promote regional coordinated development Fresh the domestic and international dual cycles.

Of course, insisting on steady words and seeking progress in stability is to put steady growth in a more prominent position. Macro policies must actively act in expanding demand, which must be strong, and reasonable and appropriate, and do not pre -advance the future. It is necessary to accelerate the implementation of various policies that have been introduced so that they can implement fast, coordinated, and quick results. It is necessary to strengthen policy pre -research reserves and implement them in a timely manner. The facts have continued to prove that we not only have a solid foundation of stable broad markets and expanding total, but also have a strong momentum of innovation -driven, quality and efficiency, and will continue to promote high -quality development and show new vitality. (Chinese Economic Network columnist Mao Tonghui)

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