Guangzhou Nansha: "Hong Kong -Man Hong Kong Tax", "Australian and Australia Tax" officially landed

Author:Yangcheng Evening News Yangche Time:2022.08.19

Text/Yangcheng Evening News all -media reporters Gao Yan, Zhang Haotu/correspondent Shu Xia

On August 17, the reporter learned from the theme press conference of the "Co -Building High -level Opening Portal of Nansha Foreign and Trade Policy" in Nansha District, Guangzhou City. The part marks the implementation of the preferential tax policies of Hong Kong and Macao residents proposed by the Nansha Plan. At the same time, Nansha District issued three foreign economic and trade development policies, focusing on promoting foreign trade to maintain stability and quality.

According to Wei Min, member of the Standing Committee of the Nansha District Party Committee and executive deputy district, the "1+3" special policy released this time is a specific measure to build a high -level open portal task to the "Nansha Plan" to implement the "Nansha Plan". Next, Nansha will use foreign trade in a comprehensive and wide field to help improve the quality of the industrial system and build a high -level cycle of mutual advancement of trade and industries; continue to guide foreign high -quality industries and high -quality funds to increase investment stability, accelerate the formation of the formation International competitive industry chain cluster.

"Hong Kong people Hong Kong Tax" "Australian and Australia Tax" landed

Recently, the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation issued a notice on the preferential policy of personal income tax in Nansha in Guangzhou, and clearly explicitly exempt the personal income tax burden on Hong Kong and Macao residents who work in Nansha exceeded the Hong Kong and Macao tax burden. On August 15, the Guangdong Provincial Department of Taxation of the Guangdong Provincial Department of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation put forward specific implementation opinions. This is the first major policy that has been connected to the Nansha Plan since the release of the Nansha Plan, marking the official landing on the personal income tax policies of Hong Kong and Macao residents proposed by the Nansha Plan.

The reporter learned from the conference that the tax preferential policy covers all Hong Kong and Macao residents working in Nansha and realizes the "Hong Kong -Hong Kong Tax" and "Australian Australia Tax". Since then, the implementation measures, declaration guidelines and work guidelines will be formulated to further clarify matters such as the definition methods obtained from Nansha, the identity conditions of the preferential discount, and the calculation method of personal tax burden to maximize the application of Hong Kong and Macao residents.

Tao Wensheng, deputy director of the Financial Bureau of the Nansha District of Guangzhou, said that the implementation of the tax preferential tax policy requires the calculation of the Hong Kong and Macao residents' Hong Kong and Macao tax burden. At present, it is planned to promote the establishment of a fiscal and taxation team in the Guangzhou Nansha Cantonese and Hong Kong Cooperation Consulting Committee to further strengthen the related matters related to the tax system.

Cross -border transportation channel subsidies for Guangdong and Hong Kong up to 2 million

At the press conference, the reporter learned that 160 new foreign-invested enterprises in Nansha District this year, from January to June this year, actually used US $ 1.723 billion in foreign capital, an increase of 1.89 times year-on-year. Grow 9.4%.

In order to enhance the development of foreign trade and foreign investment, the "Policies and Measures for the Construction of Imported Trade Promotional Demonstration Zone in Nansha District, Guangzhou in Nansha District, Guangzhou, Nansha District, Guangzhou Nansha District, 2022 of the Nansha District of Guangzhou", "The Nansha District, Guangzhou" at the press conference "Investment enterprises' development support measures" three items of stabilizing foreign trade and stabilizing foreign capital policies, "smooth", "stabilization", "lower", "guarantee", "conservation", "extending" combination fists, and promote foreign trade to maintain stability and quality.

In order to unblock the pain points of logistics, Nansha set up a maximum of 2 million yuan of Guangdong -Hong Kong cross -border transportation channel subsidies in the stabilization of foreign trade policies, a maximum of 500,000 yuan of Guangdong -Hong Kong -Macao cross -border freight operation point epidemic control subsidies, and up to 2 million yuan Subsidies for import and export of air cargo stations. In order to stabilize the supply chain of the production chain, set up a maximum quotation chain replenishment award with a maximum of over 2 million yuan, and a one -time "National Supply Chain Innovation and Application Demonstration Enterprise" award.

In terms of the main entity of the market, the corporate risk tolerance is appropriately increased, setting up 500,000 yuan of tariff guarantee insurance subsidies, an export credit insurance subsidy of up to 100%premium, and an increase of 80%of the credit survey costs; set up up to 500,000 yuan Support for the export of independent brand exports, up to 1 million yuan of subsidies for the main body of processing trade. In addition, Nansha has set up a facility transformation subsidy of up to 10 million yuan, subsidies for leased venues with a maximum of 1.5 million yuan, and a maximum of 300,000 yuan of traceability center subsidies to help enterprises reduce costs and increase efficiency.

In order to encourage enterprises to grab orders and expand the market, Nansha has set up a maximum foreign trade growth award of 5 million yuan, sets up an exhibition subsidy of up to 500,000 yuan, and sets a key category import award with a maximum of 2 million yuan.

Source | Yangcheng Evening News · Yangcheng School

Editor -in -law | Chen Qian

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