Major changes in state -owned enterprises fundamental, turning, and global -the "Ten Years of China" series theme press conference Focus on the achievements of the reform and development of state -owned enterprises in the new era

Author:Xinhuanet Time:2022.06.18

On June 17, the Propaganda Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China held a series of theme press conferences of the "Ten Years of China", focusing on the reform and development of state -owned enterprises in the new era. Xinhua News Agency reporter Chen Yanhua

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, June 17th.

Xinhua News Agency reporters Wang Xi and Liu Yujia

The comprehensive strength and operating efficiency of enterprises have continued to reach a new level; the modern enterprise system with Chinese characteristics is more mature and set; the state -owned enterprise and the market economy are more deeply integrated, the efficiency of enterprises is improved and the vitality bursts out;

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, my country's state -owned enterprises have undergone major changes in fundamental, turning, and global. The competitiveness, innovation, control, influence, and anti -risk capabilities of state -owned economic economy have been significantly enhanced. The role of development and help to achieve high -level technology independence and self -reliance is even more highlighted.

The Propaganda Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China held a series of theme press conferences of the "Ten Years of China" on the 17th, focusing on the reform and development of state -owned enterprises in the new era.

High -quality development takes substantial pace

This is a difficult "transcript "-

As of the end of 2021, the total assets of state -owned asset -owned system supervision enterprises reached 25.93 trillion yuan, an increase of 2.6 times over the end of 2012, and an average annual increase of 15.4%. By 40 trillion yuan, 50 trillion yuan, 60 trillion yuan, 70 trillion yuan.

This is an exciting "innovation list" -

From high -speed rail flying, giant wheels, to "Chang'e's month", Beidou group network, and then to the Hong Kong -Zhuhai -Macao Bridge and Baihetan Hydropower Station ... During ten years, state -owned enterprises have continued to innovate and break through. A large number of major scientific and technological achievements and major engineering projects Stunning appearance.

This is a "layout map" that is constantly optimized-

26 groups of 47 central enterprises have implemented reorganization and integration in accordance with the principle of marketization; adhere to weight loss, comprehensively complete the "zombie enterprise" disposal and special difficulties in enterprises; enhance the ability of global resource allocation ... Focus on the main business of the main responsibility, accelerate the amount of memory, increase the increase, and promote the optimization of layout and structural adjustment.

"We adhere to the complete, accurate, and comprehensive implementation of new development concepts, more prominent high -quality development requirements, and restructuring the" two -profit four -rate "index system to strengthen high -quality development orientation, promote the extensive growth of central enterprises from the past and speed of the scale and speed Speed ​​up to intensive growth changes that pay more attention to quality and efficiency, "said Weng Jaming, deputy director of the State -owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, said at the press conference.

Putting scientific and technological innovation in a more prominent position

In the Centennial Change Bureau, scientific and technological innovation is a "key variable" and a "maximum increase" for high -quality development.

Broken system obstacles, stimulate innovation momentum, increase investment, and strengthen coordination innovation ... Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, state -owned enterprises have regarded scientific and technological innovation as "number one task" and adhered to innovation -driven development.

The information of the conference shows that over the past ten years, central enterprises have invested 6.2 trillion yuan in R & D expenses, with an average annual growth rate of more than 10%. As of the end of 2021, central enterprises had 1.07 million R & D personnel, an increase of 53%over the end of 2012.

According to Weng Jieming, the state -owned assets regulatory department implements an annual assessment extra points, R & D expenses are deemed to have a package of innovation support policies such as profitability, capital injection, and total wages. Leading talents and high -level innovation teams give greater autonomy.

The "Demonstration Action for Science Reform Demonstrations" launched in early 2020 proposes to accelerate the cultivation of a group of state -owned scientific and technological enterprises reform models and innovative artists, and the shortlisted enterprises have expanded from the initial 209 households to the current 440 households, driving more enterprises to promote development with innovation.

Practice has proved that as the mechanism and barriers are constantly being broken, innovation "blood veins" are gradually being opened, and enterprises' innovation and creation potential has been effectively activated —

From 5G communications, high -speed railways, to large aircraft and industrial parent aircraft, state -owned enterprises focus on independent controlling and controlling a number of key core technologies "card necks". The major achievements with the world's advanced level have continued to emerge ...

"The new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial changes have made rapid progress, which is a challenge and opportunity for my country's industrial development." Peng Huagang, Secretary -General and spokesman of the SASAC, said that state -owned enterprises will surely seize opportunities, speed up the cultivation of new momentum and shape new advantages. Provide strong support for the construction of a modern industrial system.

Significant breakthrough progress has been made in state -owned enterprise reform

Behind the high -quality development of state -owned enterprises, it is inseparable from the continuous deepening of state -owned enterprise reform.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, state -owned enterprises have adhered to the direction of the socialist market economy reform and continuously promoted to the "deep water zone". The three -year operation of state -owned enterprise reform has sounded the "charge" of reform and has achieved major breakthrough progress-

Complete the company's system restructuring, and establish the status of the independent market entity of the enterprise from law and system;

The reform of the three systems of labor, personnel, and allocation of three systems breaks the ice break in a larger scope and deeper level;

More than 20,000 public service institutions and 15 million employee districts of the national assets system supervision enterprises have basically completed separation and transfer, and more than 20 million retirees have basically realized social management; actively and steadily deepen the reform of mixed ownership. At present, the number of mixed ownership companies in central enterprises and local state -owned enterprises accounted for more than 70%and 54%, respectively ...

The drastic reforms have laid down many "hard bones" that have long -term trouble in the development of state -owned enterprises, cracking down on many "old problems" that affect the marketization of state -owned enterprises, changed new vitality, changed high efficiency, and changed their good mechanisms.

Throughout thousands of mountains and rivers, the mountains and rivers still need to water. At present, the centennial changes have become overlapping at the same time, and the changes in the world, the changes of the times, and the changes of history are being unfolded in an unprecedented way.

Weng Jieming said that in the next step, state -owned enterprises will continue to promote reform from in -depth, adjust and optimize the structure of state -owned economic layout, continuously improve the market -oriented mechanism, fully stimulate corporate vitality and efficiency, accelerate the construction of world -class enterprises with global competitiveness, better play state -owned state -owned state -owned state -owned state -owned state -owned state -owned Economic leading role and strategic support.

- END -

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