Total investment 43 billion yuan!In the third quarter of Xiong'an New District, 46 key projects started construction in the third quarter

Author:Hebei Radio and Television Sta Time:2022.08.19

Hebei Client reported (Hebei Taiwan Liu Jinbo Zhao Xiang in Ocean Correspondent Wang Tiecheng) On August 19, the centralized start -up activities of key projects in the third quarter of 2022 were held in the Xiong'an New District. There are 46 key projects in concentrated construction, with a total investment of 43 billion yuan.

These 46 key projects cover infrastructure, ecological governance, public services, and smart cities. There are 29 projects above 100 million yuan, 5 projects of 1 billion yuan, and two projects of 10 billion yuan. Investment of 12.575 billion yuan is a Xiong'an characteristic TOD project that integrates composite functions such as rail transit, aviation services, office, and business. The construction of this batch of projects will further consolidate the foundation for the development of high -standard and high -quality construction in the new district.

We will conscientiously implement the spirit of the Tenth Plenary Session of the Tenth Provincial Party Committee, and the Xiong'an New District insists on the construction of major projects as an important starting point for investing in projects and stabilizing the economic market. Xiong'an New District actively creates a first -class development environment to further enhance the ability to undertake and lift the attractiveness.

Improve the "Headquarters+Management Committee+Work Class+Comprehensive Service Center" to solve the service mechanism, implement the "one project, one leader, a team, a set of solutions, one with the end" coordinated service mechanism, provide registration, land supply, and supply land supply, land supply, and land supply. Examination and construction of the 'one -dragon' comprehensive service; to set up a special service window in order to disintegrate the enterprise, and carry out "cross -provincial general management" services in Beijing. End, effectively enhance the power of undertaking the work, and build a healthy undertaking organization system.

In the past five years, the Xiong'an New District has completed a total of more than 430 billion yuan. In the first half of this year, the total investment in the New District was 148.1 billion yuan, and 96 projects started, and fixed asset investment increased by 34.7%. A number of key dredging and transfer projects has been landed in an orderly manner in Xiong'an New District.

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