Heilongjiang financial institutions help enterprises to help companies focus on inclusiveness and precision

Author:Heilongjiang Daily Time:2022.06.18

The epidemic has a huge impact on the business development of small and medium -sized enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households in Heilongjiang Province. On the 17th, the Provincial Government Information Office held the second press conference of "the province's financial assistance to enterprises' rescue policy and measures", inviting relevant financial institutions to introduce specific measures to support small, medium and micro enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households, and answer media and media and media and media and individual industrial and commercial households Public concern.

Hao Songyan, deputy president of the Heilongjiang Branch of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, said that the bank arranged a special credit scale of 20 billion yuan in the economy and stabilizing the large -scale credit, and prioritized the financing needs of small and medium -sized customers. Households and farmers actively grant 22 billion yuan in credit online.

Ding Wumin, president of Harbin Branch of Industrial Bank, said that the bank made full use of the special subsidies of inclusive small and micro, and strive to achieve a newly increased inclusive small loan of Pratt & Plazy micro -loan throughout the year. At present, the bank has increased by 33.56%, small and medium -sized enterprises' credit loans, medium and long -term loans of 6.89%, and manufacturing enterprise loans increased by 17.05%.

Luo Fei, deputy president of the Bank of China Heilongjiang Branch, introduced that Bank of China has launched a variety of online and offline personal business credit products for small and micro enterprise owners (individual industrial and commercial households). The loans used by individual industrial and commercial households reached 5.4 billion yuan. The online loan product of the "Hui Ruyi" series of Bank of China is the main product of the Bank of China's financing for small and micro enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households, mainly including "credit loans", "tax easy loan", and "E credit loan".

Liu Chang, the person in charge of CITIC Bank Harbin Branch, said that in the first five months of this year, the bank completed 94%of the annual increase plan for the annual increase of inclusive small and micro enterprises. At the same time, the bank insisted on making interests and relief for physical enterprises. It is now extended to 139 personal loans involving 100 million yuan.

Source: Heilongjiang Daily

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