Luoyang currently has 5 key pre -production manufacturers, and strives to exceed 3 billion yuan by 2025

Author:Dahe Cai Cube Time:2022.08.22

[Dahecai Cube News] On August 22, according to the Luoyang Municipal Government, during the "Fourteenth Five -Year Plan" period, Luoyang will anchor the prefabricated vegetable industry's air outlet and strive to build 25 enterprises above designated size by 2025, of which 1 billion yuan One of the above leading enterprises has promoted the overall output value of Luoyang's prefabricated dishes exceeded 3 billion yuan. This was learned by the reporter at the city's pre -production industry development symposium on the 17th.

The meeting pointed out that the current overall scale of Luoyang's prefabricated vegetable industry is small, but it has unique advantages in terms of production raw materials, processing equipment, and consumer markets. The industrial foundation of the development of the prefabricated industry chain is obvious.

According to statistics, the current overall output value of Luoyang prefabricated dishes is about 1 billion yuan. There are currently five key prefabricated production enterprises in the city. Among them, Luoyang Zhengda has launched pork conditioning prefabricated dishes in the country. The stable supply of well -known enterprises such as Ba Nu; Mingzhen Food focuses on Luoyang Water seats, Luoyang's "Eight Bowls", Luoyang Tang Products and other foods with Luoyang characteristics in the country to sell and produce, accelerating the creation of "nostalgia on the tongue"; Kangpu Food and Luoling Foods are mainly based on the production of student meals; Tianyou Chun actively expands the prefabricated vegetable business. Its products have covered hot pot, sauce, leisure food, student nutrition meals, seafood, no oil smoke, no smoke -free smoke, no smoke -free smoke, no smoke -free smoke, no smoke -free smoke, no smoke -free smoke, no smoke -free smoke. Six categories such as products.

In addition, around the development of the prefabricated vegetable industry, many key enterprises such as Mingzhen Foods, Luoling Foods, and Conopen Food are actively building a central kitchen and food industrial park project. The industry lays a good foundation.

The relevant person in charge of the Luoyang Industrial and Information Bureau stated that based on the prefabricated vegetable air outlet, the next step, Luoyang will anchor the "two guarantees", with the industrialization, standardization, and large -scale production of dishes as the direction of instant food, heat, that is, cooking, that is, and dishes. Focus on demand traction, innovation -driven, brand cultivation, and standard creation, accelerate the construction of prefabricated vegetable foundation, actively explore the construction of a standard system for the entire industry chain, and support the key links of key enterprises around the core key links of the industry chain. Create a prefabricated vegetable smart production workshop and smart factories, and through the development of prefabricated high -quality corporate ladder cultivation operations, promote key prefabricated vegetable companies to do excellence and guide the city's prefabricated small and medium -sized enterprises to develop to the "specialized new".

Responsible editor: Shi Jian | Audit: Li Zhen | Director: Wan Junwei

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