Baojing in Hunan: Gold tea "rush" to get rich

Author:Yiyuan Rong Media Time:2022.08.22

Recently, the reporter walked into Baojing County of the Miao Autonomous Prefecture of the Xiangxi Tujia family in Hunan Province to visit the new path of revitalizing the local rural industry. Shi Jingui, deputy secretary of the Golden Village Party Branch of Lu Dongshan Town, Baojing County, told reporters that the development of the gold tea industry in the village has "rushed" the road of getting rich. The villagers saw the actual income, and more people participated in it.

Tea Garden in Golden Village, Baojing County. Photo by the reporter of the People's Daily Online

As one of the "two tea and one fruit" characteristic agricultural industry in Baojing County, the gold tea is the main starting point for the development of the golden village industry. Shi Jingui told reporters that before the development of the gold tea industry, other industries have been developed, but they are not successful. In addition, most of the young people in the village go out to work, and the land has a wasteland situation.

In the revitalization of the countryside, first of all, industrial rejuvenation must be kept. Only in industrial and rural areas can people be retained and attractive, and rural areas can be popular and energetic.

In the past few years, some farmers in the Golden Village and the village cooperatives signed a land transfer contract, but after seeing that the gold tea planted on the circulating land was sold well and could make money, many people had their own willingness to plant tea. Essence

"In the rural development industry, the ultimate goal is to benefit all villagers and help the villagers to develop the tea industry to become rich." Shi Jingui told reporters that some villagers who circulate land want to plant themselves to plant themselves themselves. Tea, the village collective and cooperatives changed the contract with the villagers' land transfer contracts according to this actual situation. Tea is sold to cooperatives.

This flexible change not only enhances the enthusiasm of the villagers to develop the tea industry, increases the income of villagers, but also solves the problem of employment to cooperatives, and has formed a win -win situation.

Before 2014, half of the people in the Golden Village worked outside. After the development of the tea industry, there are more people who come back to grow tea every year. Shi Jingui told reporters that almost all farmers are growing tea in the current Golden Village. Every year, when they collect tea before and after Qingming, cars of merchants in various places will blocked the villages.

It is understood that the Golden Village currently has more than 30,000 acres of tea gardens, with an average of nearly 10 acres per person. The tea industry has become an important pillar for villagers' income.

Shi Jianxin, the person in charge of a cooperative of Jinjin Village, told reporters that his father still maintained traditional concepts a few years ago and was unwilling to have a variety of tea. Many people came to persuade them. But later, when I saw the children getting rich by planting tea, they also bought a car before they started to change slowly, and they also planted tea trees.

Shi Jianxin said that Shi Jingui was once a teacher of Jinjin Village and taught himself. He was the earliest person to go out of Dashan in the village. Later, he saw that the teacher returned to his hometown to start the tea industry, and he also came back to make the gold tea industry with many people who worked hard outside the village. Seeing that the tea industry in the village was developing well, Shi Jianxin's son who was studying in college also decided to return to develop the gold tea industry after graduation.

Tourists are experiencing tea collection in the tea brigade integration project of Luodong Mountain Gold Tea Featured Town in Baojing County. Interview

In fact, the development of the golden tea industry in Baojing County is not smooth sailing. Just this spring, the sudden low temperature caused the tea tree to germinate the time to delay. Before the Qingming Festival, the continuous high temperature weather made the tea tree grow too fast, and the tea was collected. The period became short, and the "labor shortage" of tea picking workers suddenly appeared.

Peng Jin, mayor of Lu Dongshan Town, Baojing County, told reporters that in response to the situation this year, Baojing County proposed that each village should establish a village -level labor service company to coordinate the employment period of tea harvesting in the county, and avoid coaxing tea mining to employment. The price is available to prevent some small and medium -sized growers available, and the situation of missed the tea harvesting period.

The tea industry is also periodic in the year. After the tea picking season, the tea garden enters the management period, and the labor demand has decreased. The establishment of a village -level labor service company has allowed villagers to have workers and money to make money when they were leisure, and became a good helper for villagers to increase their income. At the same time, village -level labor service companies have also used resource advantages to carry out the business of agricultural products, helping farmers to broaden the sales channels for agricultural products, and promote the development of the local tea industry and other agricultural products industries. (Reporter Sun Boyang)

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