"Win Golden Autumn" Huabao Fund's first financial management festival grand opening

Author:Discovery net Time:2022.08.22

Stability -the theory of investing in the world of wealth management, take the meaning of "stability and powerful".

One, stable. Buffett's classic quotes: "The secret of success is three: first, keep the principal; second, keep the principal; third, firmly keep in mind the first two." On the road to investment and wealth management, retracement is the biggest enemy. If the principal loses 50%, 100%of the income can be returned later. This is a cruel "mathematics" fact. The importance of stability is self -evident.

Second, powerful. Investment in financial management is intended to "preserve the appreciation". The strong rise is the eager expectations of investors, and it is also the unremitting pursuit of the public fund industry that has been entrusted by people and guest financial management. On August 18, 2022, the net value of the Huabao Power Group Fund unit managed by Liu Ziqiang, a senior fund manager of Huabao Fund Star Star, climbed to 3.4600 yuan, a record high. This is the unique epitome of Huabao Power Group Fund in the weak city environment to attack the city and the innovative high. Liu Ziqiang is the "double ten" fund manager on the market. From 2012 to 2021, the entire market returned a total of 25 "Double Ten" funds with an annualized return of the 300 and Shenzhen and Shenzhen 300 index and an annualized return rate of more than 10%. The Treasure Power Combination Fund is one of them.

In 2022, the new crown epidemic, weak economic data, geopolitical conflicts, high inflation ... The global economy was obviously undergoing undergoing multiple risks.

Under the multi -profit factors, the stock market fluctuates, and the money -making effect of most stock funds has greatly reduced the money. The two -year -old "solid income+" fund also includes more decentralized investment and stable FOF funds.

The "Solid Harvest Factory" Huabao Fund's solid -hardened team has a stable style and a keen sense of smell. At present, it has formed a fixed -income product line that includes a variety of investment strategies and covering multiple investment areas to adapt to institutional investors to individual investors From bank channels to mutual gold platforms, from standardized strategies to customized strategies, the market's diversified investment needs. The product covers all segments such as primary and second -level bond funds, short -term medium -to -long bond funds, medium and long -term pure debt funds, bond index funds, convertible bond funds, currency funds, partial debt mixed funds, and finger -based finger -based fingers.

Huabao Tianyi ETF (transaction code 511990), the first domestic trading currency market fund, is also the largest currency ETF currently in Shanghai and Shenzhen. As of August 19, 2022, Huabao Tianyi ETF's latest market size reached 158.394 billion yuan. As one of the biggest innovations in the A -share market, Huabao Tianyi has achieved the "T+0" rotary transaction within the day. The share of the day can be sold on the same day, which greatly improves the efficiency of funds. The share of Huabao Tianyi's market is seamlessly connected with stock investment. Investors can buy Huabao Tianyin Yiyi through the secondary market, and they can enjoy the benefits of currency funds from the same day. stock. In other words, if the funds of shareholders do not buy stocks in the stock market, they can enjoy the cargo base income higher than the current deposit of Huibao Tianyi, which has completely eliminated the idle period of stocks.

In June 2022, the AAA Index AAA Index AAA Index held a 7 -day holding of securities investment funds (015864) was issued, with a scale of over 7.6 billion yuan. The fund provides new channels for the investment of high -quality interbank deposits for the majority of individual investors to participate in high -quality interbank deposits, and also provides a new short -term wealth management tool for the market.

In terms of investment in shorter long -term bond varieties, Huabao Shimoton Bond Fund (Class A code 006947, Class C code 006948) can be described as star products, which have high liquidity and stability. According to the fund report, as of the last six months of June 30, 2022, the Huabao Short Short Bonds Fund A has obtained 1.99%of the positive income. Essence

In 2022, the new rules of asset management were officially implemented, the demand for financial management has increased significantly, the cost -effectiveness of the risk income of solidaries in solidaries is prominent, and the size of the product has also expanded rapidly. Huabao Fund has set up a hybrid asset department, led by Li Dongliang, a star fund manager, to vigorously develop solid income and "solidaries+" business. In July 2022, Li Dongliang's Huabao Kang Bond Fund (A share: 240003, C share: 007964) won the fund industry authoritative award "Five -year Continuous Return to Active Bond Star Fund Award". Recently, the net value of the net worth of Huabao Kang Bond Fund Units is a record high. It is a veritable five -star Grand Slam fund. The highest rating of the five -star.

In August 2022, the first batch of domestic pension target funds were approved for the fourth anniversary. In the past four years, the elderly FOF continued to expand and grow to nearly 100 billion yuan. At present, Huabao Fund has issued two FOF products such as FOF (007255) and Huabao's stable target risk three months of FOF (013150). Over time, the FOF products will be more dispersed compared with ordinary funds, and will play a greater advantage in reducing the volatility of the fund and enhancing the investment experience.

From currency funds to interbank deposit index funds, to various types of bond funds and FOF funds, low -risk wealth management products are dazzling. In August, the first wealth management festival of Huabao Fund opened up! "Win in Golden Autumn" Huabao Fund's first financial management festival is underway. Well -known investment big coffee chats, fund investment education and entertaining, investment advisor to warm heart, assists in the wealth life of each investor Essence

[Risk Tips] Investors buying currency market funds are not equal to depositing funds as deposits in banks or deposit financial institutions. The fund manager does not guarantee that the fund is profitable and does not guarantee the minimum return. The daily computing income does not mean that daily is positive. Before buying funds, please read the fund contract and recruit manual, product information summary and other legal documents before purchasing the fund to understand the fund product situation and the fund investment scope of the fund. Fund's past performance does not represent future performance, and fund investment needs to be cautious. The risk of risk income characteristics of the fund legal document is inconsistent with the risk evaluation of the fund's fund: the statement of the fund legal document investment chapter on the risk income characteristics is based on an overview description based on the scope of investment, the proportion of investment, and the general laws of the securities market. Under the general market conditions, the long -term risk income characteristics of the fund. Sales institutions (including fund manager direct sales agencies and other sales agencies) conduct risk evaluation of the fund in accordance with relevant laws and regulations. Investors should pay attention to the appropriate opinions issued by the fund manager in time. And the evaluation results of the fund product risk level issued by the fund sales agency shall not be lower than the risk -level evaluation results made by the fund manager. There are differences in fund risk income characteristics and fund risk levels due to different considerations. Investors should understand the fund's risk income, and choose fund products with their own investment purposes, periods, investment experience and risk tolerance and bearing their own risks.

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