Agricultural goods are more efficient farmers and citizens are sweet (consumer kaleidoscope)

Author:Modern Logistics Newspaper Time:2022.08.24

"Today's vegetables have been booked, we will send them in time." After sending such a news in the WeChat group, Jiang Futian was happy. Jiang Futian is the person in charge of the Winter Winter Winter Winter Vegetable Vegetable Greening Project of Caohe Town, Luozhou District, Jining, Shandong. In recent years, the Party Branch of the New Village of the Puanokou has established agricultural technology companies to accelerate the development of modern agriculture, build projects such as winter warm vegetable greenhouses, high -quality grape planting bases, and produce a number of high -quality agricultural products.

How can a good product sell well? In order to reduce circulation links and improve the efficiency of circulation, and more accurately docking target customers, Jiang Futian tried to sell fruits and vegetables through new channels such as WeChat groups. In the WeChat group of Jiang Futian's "Pipe Store", citizens can buy the fruits and vegetables that are now picky at a more affordable price. In less than 3 days, WeChat groups attracted more than 400 people to enter the group, 300 copies of fruits and vegetables per day, and were often snapped up in less than half an hour. Nowadays, the new village of the tube of the sweetness has been tasted, and the development of resource technology and the development of the 6 villages in the surrounding villages will drive more farmers to increase their income and benefit more consumers.

From vegetable baskets to rice bags, the circulation of agricultural products is connected to the citizens, and one end connects farmers. It is an important part of the modern circulation system. In recent years, driven by the Ministry of Commerce and other departments, my country's agricultural product circulation network has become more sound. Public welfare agricultural products wholesale market, the construction of the farmers' market construction and transformation speed up, the cold chain logistics infrastructure of agricultural products has been continuously improved, the shortcomings of cold chain logistics are accelerated, and the circulation of agricultural products actively embrace digitalization, which has promoted the safety and efficiency of agricultural products from the field to the people's dining tables. Circulation.

Consumption upgrades have put forward higher requirements for the construction of agricultural product circulation system. The "Opinions on Further release consumption potential to promote consumption potential to promote continuous recovery of consumption" issued by the General Office of the State Council proposed that "accelerating and improving the circulation system of consumer goods", "in -depth implementation of the number of merchants and the farming," courier entering the village 'and' Internet+'agricultural products "Out of the village into the city and other projects." The General Office of the Ministry of Finance and the General Office of the Ministry of Commerce issued the "Notice on Supporting the Construction of Agricultural Product Supply Chain System to further promote the development of cold chain logistics", focusing on the shortcomings of the cold chain facilities, improving the quality and efficiency of cold chain logistics, and being a modern circulation system for agricultural products. Construction provides a solid foundation.

Experts believe that the modern circulation system of agricultural products that can open up and efficient, penetrate urban and rural areas, and safety and standards are a powerful guarantee for helping rural revitalization, optimizing market supply, and activating the potential of county and rural consumption, and providing strong support for the construction of a new development pattern. Judging from the current actual situation, there is still a certain gap between the efficiency of agricultural products from people's consumer demand and the requirements of agricultural modernization. In the future, we must make good use of new technologies such as the Internet and big data to build a modern circulation network of agricultural products to better meet diversified and personalized consumer needs.

Source: People's Daily Online

Reporter: Wang Ke

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