Education supporting resources shrink Qingdao Wanda misleading and publicity was fined 350,000

Author:Zhongxin Jingwei Time:2022.08.25

Zhongxin Jingwei, August 25th. The Tianyan Check APP shows that recently, Qingdao Wanda Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Qingdao Wanda) was fined 350,000 by the Jimo District Market Supervision and Administration Bureau for misleading the planning cultural and educational facilities.

According to the credit Shandong website, the book number of the administrative penalty decision is Qingming City Supervisor [2022] No. 419. The type of illegal act is a violation of Article 26 of the "Advertising Law of the People's Republic of China" (4). In accordance with Article 58 (8) of Article 58, paragraph 1 (8) of the "Advertising Law of the People's Republic of China", illegal facts are misleaded and propagated to the planned cultural and educational facilities.

Source: Credit Shandong

According to media reports, the preliminary propaganda of Jimodanda Island ONE project will be completed near the nine -year consistent school, but before delivery, it will become a three -year junior high school. The staff responded that the relevant departments had indeed clearly said that the school was a nine -year consistent system, and the later planning changed.

However, for the above reports, Qingdao Wanda and the media have just become.

On June 12 this year, Qingdao Wanda issued the "Clarification Announcement on Education Configuration Issues" through the WeChat public account.

Source: "Jimo Wanda Plaza" WeChat signal

In the announcement, Qingdao Wanda said that due to the lack of middle school educational resources such as Jimo City, the relevant government departments adjusted the configuration of the school after August 7, 2021, and adjusted the nine -year consistent school into middle schools. Promotion description and remove related materials display and promotion.

Qingdao Wanda also said that the media reported that the school involved false propaganda and other related rumors was false. Please self -check and self -inspection of the media to delete false reports in time. Stop related behaviors as soon as possible and delete related remarks. At the same time, the right to investigate the media and individuals that invade goodwill and personal responsibilities will be reserved. (Zhongxin Jingwei APP)

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