The 6th Silk Expo achievement was released and signed a total of 1.53 trillion yuan in cooperation projects

Author:Xi'an released Time:2022.08.25

From August 14th to 18th, the sixth Silk Expo with the theme of "Interconnection, Interoperability, and Sharing Win -win Win" was successfully held in Xi'an. This year's Silk Expo focuses on the main line of high -quality development, adheres to the concept of "investment banking", "chain thinking", "incremental thinking" and "closed -loop thinking", and strives to promote large projects with high gold content, high green content, high new volume, and high new amounts. Good projects, the conference signed a total of 2,309 cooperation projects, with a total investment of 1.53 trillion yuan.

18 special activities

Strengthen in -depth exchanges and cooperation in various fields

It is understood that the theme of this Silk Expo, exhibition exhibitions and important activities focus on high -quality co -construction of the "Belt and Road", focusing on the joint consolidation of interconnection cooperation, and stabilizing new fields of cooperation, jointly creating iconic people's livelihood projects, and unswervingly unswerving Deepen the cooperation of the “Belt and Road”, promote the early recovery of the world economy, and strive to make the “Belt and Road” into a “development belt” for benefiting the world and the “happiness road” that benefit people from all countries.

With innovation as the lead, this year's Silk Expo held 18 special activities and 84 investment promotion activities as scheduled, strengthening in -depth exchanges and cooperation in various fields. The activities of various conference forums are distinctive. The conference set up 6 exhibition halls in the International Pavilion, China Pavilion, Shaanxi Pavilion, Rural Revitalization Museum, Smart Manufacturing Pavilion, and Green Industrial Museum. The total exhibition area was 72,000 square meters, 256 exhibitors, and exhibits in 1910. Among them, the International Pavilion focused on the image, investment areas and major cooperation projects and specialty products along the Silk Road countries and regions, and innovated the special exhibition area of ​​the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Agricultural Technical Exchange Training Demonstration Base, RCEP special exhibition area, and international friend city famous characteristics Commodity exhibition area. The Shaanxi Pavilion has specially set up special exhibitions of Qin Chuangyuan and Central and European trains, mainly showing the construction of a scientific and technological innovation platform for the “Belt and Road”, the China -EU trains (Xi'an) assembly center, etc., which fully reflects the deep integration of the “Belt and Road” in Shaanxi. Comparative Advantage. The main nations, the main guest provinces, and the theme cities have their own characteristics. The provinces and cities and cities will focus on the overall image, resource advantages, investment environment, and key industrial projects. The majority of enterprises actively show their unique products or technical advantages. Create visual shock and characteristic image. The intelligent manufacturing museum focuses on the 23 key industry chains in our province, focusing on displaying new technologies and products such as 5G technology and commercial, aviation research and development, high -speed rail, smart cars, etc. The Green Industry Museum displays energy -saving and environmental protection technology and products, new materials and new product applications. And the latest products and technologies such as new energy, carbon neutralization; the rural revitalization halls show the achievements of smart agriculture, modern agricultural informatization, the transformation of agricultural scientific and technological achievements, and "Internet+", which has attracted a large number of professional audiences to participate and promote exchanges and cooperation.

Focus on high -quality development

Sign 2309 cooperation projects

Focusing on the main line of high -quality development, the Silk Expo adheres to the four thinking concepts of "investment bank thinking", "chain thinking", "incremental thinking", "closed -loop thinking", and focuses on promoting high gold content, high green content, new content of new content, and new content. High large projects, good projects. According to statistics, the conference signed a total of 2309 cooperation projects, with a total investment of 1.53 trillion yuan, of which 30 foreign projects were used, and the total investment in the contract was 3.617 billion US dollars; 2,221 domestic joint projects were signed, and the total investment in the contract was 1.51 trillion yuan. The project involves eight fields including modern agriculture, equipment manufacturing, food and medicine, high -tech, infrastructure, energy conservation and environmental protection, business services, and cultural tourism.

On the basis of in -depth exchanges, this year's Expo has further promoted inter -provincial and provincial cooperation, reaching a series of cooperation results. During the session, the signing of the strategic cooperation framework agreement between the two provinces and districts of Mongolia and Shaanxi, the signed contract of the Sushan Shaanxi cooperation, and the pilot policy of the Tax Returning Pilot Pilot Pilot Pilot Pilot Performance of the Gui Shaanxi Land Road (Xi'an -Beibu Gulf Port) strategic cooperation framework agreement, etc., pushed regional cooperation To deeper, wider areas, higher levels. The province's Yan'an and Yulin signed the "Yan'an Yulin Coordinated Promoting High-quality Development Strategic Cooperation Agreement". The two cities also signed the "Yan'an-Yulin-Extended High-level" Annong Feidi Park "cooperation framework agreement with the extension of the Petroleum Group Injecting new impetus into the high -quality development of northern Shaanxi. China (Yang Ling) Agricultural Digital Valley Cloud Platform was launched.

"Online Silk Expo" clicks 6.46 million times

Further expand the brand influence of the Silk Expo

The Silk Expo has overseas guests and merchants from 73 countries and regions including South Korea, Thailand, and Singapore to participate in the conference. Uzbekistan, Uruguay, Sri Lanka, Costa Rica, South Korea, Thailand, Singapore, Cambodia, Malaysia and other countries in China and China -ASEAN Center and other international organization representatives attended the meeting.

The conference also organized the theme literature of the Silk Expo of the Silk Expo in Shaanxi. On the day of the opening ceremony, the sixth Silk Expo special answer activity of the "Learning Power" platform was launched, which attracted the extensive participation and interactive exchanges of all sectors of society. Essence

In order to further expand the brand influence of the Silk Expo, the Silk Expo uses an online and offline integrated office model to create an exhibition service platform for "online empowerment offline, offline drive online, online and offline integration".Uploaded videos such as the exhibition, conference activities, etc., enrich the platform data, and ensure the smooth progress of the online Silk Expo.Since its launch on July 20, the online Silk Expo has registered a total of 1,770 exhibitors and 2,660 exhibits, and more than 6.46 million people clicked by the "Online Silk Expo" website, further expanding the brand influence of Silk Expo.The exhibition exhibition and various forum conferences carefully planned by the Silk Expo will give full play to the role of Shaanxi's comparative advantages and Silk Expo to consolidate cooperation consensus, deepen economic and trade cooperation, promote the development of linkage, communicate with the public opinion, and promote China and Silk RoadDeepen cooperation and mutual benefit and win -win results along the countries and regions along the route have made new contributions to the construction of a new development pattern of using domestic large -cycle as the main body and the mutual promotion of domestic and international dual cycles.

Xi'an Newspaper All Media Reporter Huang Xiaowei Editor Wang Yuanzhi

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