Xin'an Street: Heaven "Ping An Rud" is "Ping"

Author:Baoan Daily Time:2022.08.26

The construction of Ping An City is the top priority to promote economic development, maintain social stability, and protect people's security. Since the beginning of this year, Xin'an Street has closely carried out a series of heavy measures that are closely related to the construction of coastal defense construction and anti -fraud publicity. "Ping" continuously enhances the people's sense of gain, happiness, and security.

Smart means weaving the sea defense "Ping"

Xin'an Street has a 4.9 -kilometer coastline. In order to implement the work of the privacy of the sea defense, the street has continuously improved the "human defense and prevention skills and defense", comprehensively constructing a three -dimensional prevention and control system for the coastal defense, and maintaining stability in the jurisdiction.

Since the beginning of this year, Xin'an Street has taken the lead in enriching the private players of the coastal defense, and at the same time arranged the diligence at the key point to carry out the "three -class backward" all -weather patrol prevention and control, and actively organize red and blue against emergency drills; Equipment cabinets and flashing lights, all the CEM cement seat protection nets are set up to set up a series of measures such as floating balls, tin wire isolation nets, and mangroves such as the coastline of the street. Essence In addition, in order to strengthen video inspections, Xin'an Street is equipped with video probes, while purchasing drones to strengthen coastal inspections and control. On the basis of continuously improving people's defense and defense techniques, the weight of the heart defense measures is "online". Xin'an Street actively mobilizes the masses. By setting up large -scale promotional signs and prizes in key parts The strong social atmosphere of Ping An Xin'an "leader".

Group defense group control "money bag"

In recent years, the criminals have aimed at the elderly, so that the east stream of savings and savings under the hard work, it has also caused great harm to the elderly. In order to protect the "money bag" of good elderly people, Xin'an Street has taken a different approach. Relying on the four types of "4+N" four types of positions, it has comprehensively promoted the propaganda of old and anti -fraud in the jurisdiction. One of the anti -fraud positions became a "golden business card" of Xin'an Anti -fraud.

In July 2019, the Happy House Anti -Fraud Studio was spontaneously formed by four owners of Shi Quan City, Xinle Community. At present, the anti -fraud studio has developed into an anti -fraud volunteer propaganda team composed of more than 70 elderly people over 60 years old. The studio created and arranged for the anti -fraud theme group express board, fitness exercise, Shandong Liuqin and other programs. It appeared in major literary and art performances in the jurisdiction, and became an effective way to publicize the people.

In addition, Xin'an Street takes the veteran cadre activity center of the Ganoderma Lingzhang "Runze Garden" as the platform, forming its own characteristics and brands, giving play to the role of veteran cadres to "help the belt", and guide more elderly groups to join the knowledge of old fraud.

Xin'an took the lead in completing the construction of 21 elderly universities in the district in the region. With its efforts to organize lectures and entertaining special activities such as long -aged universities to make the publicity and anti -fraud propaganda. Xin'an also relies on the targeted propaganda activities of the existing seven elderly care institutions, anti -fraud theme street corners, and anti -fraud parks in the area under its jurisdiction, to make anti -fraud knowledge into the minds.

"Hot Spot" builds a anti -drug defense line

This summer, Liu Genghong and Wang Xinling became the fitness coaches that swept the entire network. With this "hotspot", Xin'an Street has carried out a series of characteristic anti -drug activities, which has been well received by the masses. "Liu Genghong Girl, Wang Xinling Boy" Internet Red Anti -drug Fitness, Anti -drug League of Legends COSPLAY Interactive Zone and other "four -in -one" immersive experience methods allowing Xin'an residents to learn anti -drug knowledge while experiencing the fun of the game.

On the afternoon of June 24th, the promotional activity of the international anti -drug day of Xin'an Street "Hearts and Self -adherence to Self" was successfully concluded in Wanda Plaza in the jurisdiction. This activity combined with Xin'an characteristic anti -drug projects, as the highlight of the "6 · 26" anti -drug daily event in Baoan District, was pushed to the city, provincial, and national anti -drug media, which set off a wave of anti -drug propaganda.

In addition, Xin'an actively played the role of anti -drug volunteer teams, and focused on the anti -drug publicity promotion of "entering thousands" and "seven advances" and other activities, so that anti -drug knowledge entered the mind. Focusing on important nodes such as "3 · 1" and "6 · 26", we will make full use of the resources of Xin'an's three anti -drug U stations, street detoxification rehabilitation centers and other positions to drive the integration and development of various types of law general law.

Quickly solve the citizens' "urgent and sorrowful hope"

In the new era, trying to solve problems for the masses and solve the demands of the masses is an important manifestation of the continuous improvement of grassroots governance capabilities. In order to make the letters and visits work in the hearts of the masses, the Xin'an Street Comprehensive Management Office's letters and visits departments kept busy, adding a bright color to Shenzhen to build a "service -oriented government".

On March 16, the Xin'an Street Comprehensive Management Office received a 12345 emergency part of the district, saying that a citizen called for help. The child over 1 year old has been high and repeatedly occurred from March 14th. The child has been crying. The situation is very urgent. When the citizen is preparing to go to the hospital for medical treatment, the community in the community in his residence must strictly implement the siege measures during the epidemic in the epidemic. After hearing the news, the relevant person in charge of Xin'an Street went through and visited the door. The scene was released immediately after the family temperature measurement was registered to ensure that the child had a smooth medical treatment within 1 hour, which became a warm current flowing under the epidemic.

Mr. Wan, a citizen, also felt the efficient and rapid disposal of the Xin'an Street Letters and Calls Department."I was worried about the problem that I was worried within 1 hour." Mr. Wan did not expect that after receiving the contents of the superior, Mr. Wan did not expect to recover more than 100,000 losses for himself. It is indeed "Shenzhen speed".Baoan Daily All Media Reporter Han Yan Correspondent Liu Xiaoyan

Editor Xie Jun

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