The Fifth Anniversary Expert Seminar of the Expo was successfully held

Author:China International Import Exp Time:2022.08.26

On August 25, the Fifth Anniversary Expert Seminar of the Expo was successfully held in Beijing. Deputy Minister of Commerce Sheng Qiuping attended the meeting and delivered a speech. Wang Yibiao, deputy editor -in -chief of the People's Daily, attended the event.

Deputy Minister Sheng Qiuping said that holding the Expo is a major decision to focus on promoting a new round of high -level opening up, and it is a major measure for China to actively open markets to the world. In the past five years, the Expo has been successfully held in accordance with the general requirements of "more and more better". The quality of the exhibition has continued to improve, its role has become increasingly prominent, and its international impact is more extensive. The Ministry of Commerce will work together with Shanghai and relevant departments to concentrate on their hearts and overcome difficulties, go all out to do a good job in the preparation of the Fifth Expo, promote the "better and better" of the Expo, and welcome the party with actual actions. Twenty victories were held.

The participating experts conducted discussions on the practice and experience and experience of promoting China's open development, global mutual benefit and win -win results around the Expo. Experts agreed that in the past five years, the Expo has given full play to the role of four platforms such as international procurement, investment promotion, open cooperation, and humanistic exchanges, and continuously promotes "exhibit products and exhibitors to investors" to effectively connect the Chinese and world markets.

The meeting was hosted by the Import Expo Bureau, experts from related fields, and some of the exhibitors, purchasers, Hongqiao Forum members and other enterprise representatives attended the conference.

Source: Business Micro News

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