Old people who are difficult to live in "online": cities with temperature, will not leave these "slow people"

Author:Jiefang Daily Time:2022.06.19

This is a news that has recently caused heated discussions: a bank's window handling business is limited to 40 daily numbers. At 2 am, the elderly moved to a small bench and waited for the number. At less than 5 o'clock, there was no nickname. Due to epidemic prevention regulations, the elderly who did not call the number could only wait at the door, and some unparalleled elderly people were unwilling to leave and waited for the "addition".

Similar scenes have recently appeared frequently at the door of many banks. With the resumption of business one after another, citizens, especially the elderly's access to withdrawal, transfer, and the demand for water and electricity charges, plus the need for epidemic prevention and control, and some outlets have not fully restored normal business. Essence The staff has worked overtime for this, but the service supply is still stretched for a while.

Will not use "mobile banking", the elderly can only long line, which makes people think of other recent things that happened recent ; In order to apply for the "offline code", many elderly people lined up at the door of the offline outlets ...

The technology is getting more and more developed, the work is becoming more and more "efficient", the pace of the entire society seems to be getting faster and faster. Some elderly people are beginning to worry that will they be "thrown" farther and farther? Code payment, bright code pass, online shopping, online work, and the simple operation of these young people who do not care about it may be a difficult test in the eyes of the elderly.

As of the end of last year, my country ’s 60 -year -old population has exceeded 267 million, accounting for 18.9%of the national population. Everyone has old and everyone is old. Everyone cares about the elderly around them. Treat these "silent minorities" that cannot speak on the Internet. Each of us should not put themselves away.

This is not as simple as some people think of "teaching them how to scan code and how to use mobile banks". After learning the health code, there will be a payment code, a car code, a medical code, ordering code ... Every new technology and application, do you have to subvert the elderly's life experience for decades and re -study? When various difficulties in society are marginalized because of the lack of digital skills and become "technical refugees" in "digital gaps". The equalization, fairness and inclusiveness of public services will inevitably be greatly reduced.

The development of cities must pursue speed and temperature. In fact, more complete and higher levels of digitalization should be reflected in inclusiveness. It can not only allow the fast -moving people to run away, but also allow people who go slowly to move forward steadily. Do not let a person fall behind, take care of all aspects, and bring happiness to everyone. This is the warmth of a people's city.

Recently, the queuing phenomenon of some public service outlets may be the unconventional situation in the context of the epidemic prevention and control. It is also necessary to limit numbers, current limit, and entry. Under such a special test, how to deal with and reasonably coordinate the temperature of public services?

The more special and difficult the situation, the more it can reflect the level of governance. If a short period of time can not increase manpower, open outlets, further extend business hours, and meet the needs of each customer, even if the old people waiting in the hot day will raise a sunshade shed, put a row of seats, hand it over a cup of cups Tea is also a manifestation of goodwill. Or, can the payment period of water and electricity be extended, so that the elderly do not have to rush for a while?

No matter how higher the request, the government departments and operators also have a pre -judgment of such situations, and make corresponding preparations in advance, adjust the epidemic prevention measures of outlets in a targeted manner, reasonably deploy staff, and come to handle to handle the application. The elderly of the business do a good job of publicity and guidance ...

These seemingly small problems include big topics behind governance.

Liberation Daily · Shangguan News Original manuscript, reprinting without permission

Author: Wu Yan

WeChat editor: Jiasinmin

School pair: Antong

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