Public service efficiency improves Huimin in action!

Author:Huimin Rong Media Time:2022.08.27

Huimin Rong Media News In order to accelerate the construction of the county's digital rural construction, promote the stable and increased agricultural production, farmers' income, rural stability and peace, and promote new progress in rural rejuvenation. (2022-2025), strive to build a "100M Village" in all administrative villages (communities) in the county by 2025, and the agricultural-related industry big data information resource system is fully completed. The new generation of information technology will support smart agriculture, support the support, and support Create a smart agricultural demonstration township, cultivate a number of well -known rural e -commerce brands with local characteristics of benefiting the people. The rural network culture is more prosperous, and the level of rural digital governance has been significantly improved.

The Plan clearly implements the improvement of public service efficiency.

Accelerate the construction of rural "Internet+Education". Accelerate the construction of digital campus, carry out high -quality resources sharing, and promote the "three classrooms" construction and application. Strengthen the integration of education cloud network, increase network security guarantee, and continue to improve the school's network environment. Continuously improve the ability of rural teachers to apply for education and teaching; support vocational colleges and industry leaders, research institutes, etc. to carry out industry -university -research cooperation, build smart agricultural training bases, and cultivate high -quality and intelligent skills talents. Develop agricultural -related teaching resources for key rural groups, carry out special training for agricultural -related -related training, and promote employment and entrepreneurship of rural workers.

Deepen the rural "Internet+Medical Health". Strengthen the construction of electronic health archives for all life cycles and gradually open to residents. Promote grass -roots examinations and superior diagnosis, remote medical care covering all township health centers, community health service centers and central village clinics. Promote the construction of the information platform of the Chinese Medicine Museum and enhance the ability of traditional Chinese medicine. Promoting the application of medical insurance electronic vouchers in rural areas, and promoting the "online office" and "hand -in -hand office" of medical insurance office services.

Improve and improve rural social security services. Promote the popularization of electronic social security cards in the rural population, combine employment and social security services with rural inclusive financial services, and gradually establish a "one -cartoon" service model for residential services. Deepen the application of human resources and social security big data to provide personalized and precise services for the masses. Promote the public employment talent service platform to extend to mobile terminals, promote employment data sharing, and provide employment services to rural residents.

Improve the information service experience of special groups. Improve the comprehensive management information platform of social assistance, and promote more rescue matters to be accepted uniformly at the grassroots windows and mobile terminals. Optimize the county -level pension management platform and encourage towns to innovate smart pension models such as "Internet+Pension". Guide various types of applications to carry out aging, barrier -free transformation and upgrading, and promote the promotion and application of barrier -free products and service technology. Develop "Internet+Disability", promote the basic public service projects of disabled people into the "One Netcom Office" platform for rural government service, and promote the loading service functions such as social security cards. Relying on the city's social assistance comprehensive management information platform to strengthen the management of low -income population information. Strengthen legal aid of rural special groups.

Promote rural inclusive financial services reasonably. Explore the establishment of a platform for agricultural credit information, and guide agricultural financial institutions to enhance farmers' construction file rating and credit coverage. Improve the quality and efficiency of financial counseling for new agricultural business entities, steadily promote digital agricultural -related financial projects, and guide financial institutions to innovate digital payment products and services. Increase the coordinated coordinated policy of monetary policy such as central bank re -loans and policy agricultural credit guarantees, and explore the credit support agricultural model of central bank funds and government financing guarantees. Encourage insurance institutions to carry out online underwriting claims for agricultural insurance.

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