[Create a new performance to welcome the party congress] Zhejiang rice bowl

Author:Voice of Zhejiang Time:2022.06.19

Over the past five years, Zhejiang has always put the security of food safety in prominent positions, has not relaxed grain production and acquisitions, and has widely used "black technology" to improve grain circulation, reserve and emergency guarantee capabilities, and to firmly expresses the rice bowl in its own hands.

Zheng Yunfeng, a large grain household in Hangzhou Yuhang, planted more than 600 acres of winter wheat this year. At present, all of them have been harvested and sold to Yuhang Mountain Center grain depot. A total of 300,000 kg was sold. Zheng Yunfeng said that the sales of grain sales this year have changed. Open the "Zhejiang Grain and San" application in the "Zheli Office" app on the mobile phone and scan the "ID card" unique to the grain households with the unique grain households. Check the reservation of the grain depot for food sales; and it is also more standardized in the process of cutting and transportation vehicles.

"Now the grain station has a system called a household one yard. The acceptance personnel do not know our name during the food selling process, which is more fair and fair. After that, we have to go to the food station after we make an appointment. Save a lot of time, "Zheng Yunfeng said.

As the first batch of "Zhejiang Grain" digital platform project construction pilot districts, Yuhang took the lead in the construction of integrated digital platforms in the wheat acquisition period. At present, the application of intelligent logistics operation digital system has been fully covered.

Grasp the grain acquisition, our province has implemented full coverage of early rice orders for three consecutive years, helping to increase the area of ​​grain planting and output. Accelerate the construction of the "Zhejiang Grassay" digital collaboration platform. Wenzhou City led the whole country to realize the full coverage of the city -level warehouse supervision. Huzhou built a long triangle rice price monitoring platform and the first rice price index insurance.

Get in food, we must store food. Today, some "black technology" has been widely used in grain storage, effectively ensuring the safety of grain depot. Right now, our province enters the rainy season, and the outdoor is humid and sullen, and when we walk into the granary of the Grain Reserve of Lishui City, the reporter feels the coolness of the fluttering, and smells the fragrance of rice.

Chen Baocheng, director of Lishui City National Grain Reserve, said that the rice they reserves is in the air -conditioned room environment, and the average grain temperature does not exceed 18 ° C. The granary also has a new technology of nitrogen -filled gas -filled gas -tone green grain storage technologies to delay poor food changes. Grain storage is still fresh for 2 to 3 years. "Our grain depot achieves 100%free fumigation and low -temperature green grain storage, so that the cost of insecticidal food and food is lower, the quality of grain storage is better, the auction sales price is relatively high, and we have achieved good ecological and social benefits."

At present, more than half of the state -owned grain collection and storage companies in our province have realized the application of green grain storage technology, and the proportion ranks among the forefront of the country.

Gel grain, but also accumulate food. In order to improve the quality of food, in 2019, our province launched the "five -excellent linkage" reform of the grain industry to make food production, acquisition, warehousing, processing, and sales. Huzhou explored the "empty warehouse model" and temporarily rented the vacant state -owned grain depot to cooperatives or large grain farmers. Sun Jianlong, general manager of Yinjiayu Food and Oil Plant Protection Agricultural Machinery Cooperative in Wuxing District, Huzhou City, said that after the storage cost is reduced, they can boldly expand the production of high -quality grain.

"After we participated in the five -excellent linkage, we recruited 1,000 tons of granary, and the quality stored in them must be good. Then it reduced our funding pressure. This year, put food in it to sell them to them to sell them to them. Form, I need this batch of rice in June and July of the following year, and I will buy it again. This way I reduce the funds from November to June and July of the second year. It is. "Sun Jianlong said.

In recent years, Zhejiang has invested a total of 1.1.25 billion yuan, 79 new reserve grain depots, 360 old warehouses, and the appearance of grain and storage and logistics facilities. At present, the grain government reserves have increased to 12 billion kg.

Pan Jianzhang, director of the Food and Material Reserve of Zhejiang Province, said: "In the new journey, the Provincial Food and Material Reserve will compact the responsibility of the party and government and government of food safety, vigorously promote the construction of high -quality grain projects, and implement the 'Five Excellent Link the quality of quality, accelerate the construction of facilities such as the provincial grain depot and provincial -level material comprehensive library in southern Zhejiang, continuously improve emergency capabilities, and continuously promote the modernization of governance systems and governance capabilities in the grain capital field. The wealthy demonstration zone actively contributes. "

Source: Voice of Zhejiang Reporter Cai Jikang Lishui Terrace, Huzhou Tai, Yuhangtai

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