"Confidence in the prospects of the Chinese market" -Cleig Allen, president of the National Committee of the US -China Trade National Committee

Author:Ministry of Foreign Affairs Time:2022.08.28

Recently, Craig Allen, president of the National Committee of the US -China Trade National Committee, said in an interview with this reporter that the trade connection between the United States and China is very deep and close. Many American companies are still optimistic about the Chinese market and plans to increase investment Establishment. The win -win cooperation between the United States and China has a key role in promoting the world economy from the epidemic of new crown pneumonia. Many people in the United States have urged the United States to cooperate with China not to decide, and the two countries should work together to build a more peaceful and prosperous world.

The US -China Trade National Committee was founded in 1973. It has more than 200 American members who have business in China, including many world -renowned brands in the world. Allen said that since its establishment, the National Committee of the United States and China Trade has actively built bridges for trade between the United States and China, and current member companies are still increasing. China is one of the most important investment markets in the world. Most member companies have invested in the Chinese market for decades and have a long -term vision and commitment to the development of China. According to the agency's investigation of member companies in 2021, 95%of the interviewed companies have stated that they have achieved profitability in China in the past year, and exceeding 40%of the interviewed companies stated that they will increase investment in China.

Craig Allen, President of the National Committee of the United States and China Trade National Committee

Allen believes that China has made hundreds of millions of people get rid of poverty and strives to live a better life. This is a great achievement. With the continuous improvement of living standards, people can enjoy more high -quality goods and services. China is continuing to deepen reform, expand opening up, and continuously optimize the business and investment environment. The vibrant Chinese economy will bring more development opportunities to foreign investors. "Many American companies tell us that they are confident in the prospects of the Chinese market," Allen said.

In 2021, China's trade with the United States increased by nearly 30 % year -on -year to $ 755.6 billion, a record high. The US -China Trade National Committee recently issued a report that last year, the US exports of cargo in China reached US $ 149.2 billion, the highest level in history, an increase of 21%over 2020.

Allen said that the trade between the United States and China in 2021 is strong, and exports to China will help to maintain profitability and competitiveness in all walks of life in the United States. Among them, the export of American agricultural products to China is particularly strong, which has played a positive role in the economic development of some agricultural states in the United States. Trade in China has also created a lot of employment opportunities for the United States. "The number of employment in the United States has more than 850,000 employment in China. In his opinion, the economic and trade relations of the United States and China are very important, and "greater stability performance brings more opportunities to enterprises and the public."

The increasingly close Sino -US economic and trade bonds confirm that win -win cooperation is the general trend. Allen emphasized that economic globalization is very important. It is not conducive to China, which is not conducive to China, the United States, and the world. "We should oppose trade protectionism and support the process of economic globalization. This has improved the living standards of billions of people in the past few decades. contribute."

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