Heavy fist hit Pakistan City to carry out excessive packaging, "sky -high" moon cakes and crab card coupons for centralized rectification

Author:Sichuan Food Safety Time:2022.08.29

Commodity over packaging, "sky -high" moon cakes and crab card coupons and other issues, run counter to the development of green and low -carbon, are alienated with the origin of traditional culture. The Bazhong Market Supervision and Administration Bureau decided to carry out centralized rectification through 2 months.

The remediation mainly includes the overwing of the products, the "sky -high" moon cakes, and the proliferation of crab card coupons. Carry out on -site law enforcement inspections on moon cake manufacturers, urge and guide enterprises to properly handle old packaging materials, strictly investigate overpackaging illegal behaviors, focus on implementing standards for moon cake production and sales enterprises, random inspections on the safety of mooncakes, and increase spot checks. The enforcement investigation of unqualified products and enterprises, strengthened the analysis and evaluation of the results of spot checks, and strengthened the use of high -quality use of random inspections; focusing on the sales price of moon cakes exceeded 500 yuan. Advertising propaganda, related illegal advertising clues such as extravagance and gold worship, etc., organize investigations and investigations in accordance with the law in accordance with the law; cooperate with the business department to carry out supervision of the crab card coupons in the crab card coupon. Wait for illegal acts.

During the special rectification period, Bazhong City will release consumer warnings through government websites, WeChat public accounts, LED display and other methods, continuously expose illegal cases, publicize green consumption, and advocate consumers to consciously resist excessive packaging. At the same time, the channels for reporting complaints are unblocked, and various clues of online and offline clues are fully excavated, and the common situation of participation in all sectors of society, governing a good situation of co -management, and comprehensively promoting the concept of green and low -carbon development deeply rooted in people's hearts. (Reporter Cheng Bo full beam plan)

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