Public opinion Express 丨 Global Top 100 container port rankings are released, China accounts for 28 seats

Author:Traffic release Time:2022.08.30

The ranking of the top 100 global container ports in Toutiao has been released. China accounts for 28 seats. Recently, Lloyd ’s List announced the ranking of 100 major container ports in 2021, 28 Chinese port lists. Among them, Shanghai Port completed the container throughput of 47.03 million tanks, leading the global port for 12 consecutive years; Ningbo Zhoushan Port successfully ranked among the "30 million clubs" with 31.07 million standard boxes, ranking third; Fourth, fifth. In the industry, the industry has recently issued the "Notice on Doing a Better Expansion of Rural Highway Investment and Employment Implementation Work", which requires all localities to conscientiously organize and implement the "Four Good Rural Roads" to help rural revitalization. Good rural road expansion investment and employment.发 The Civil Aviation Administration of China recently issued a notice of complaints on public aviation transportation passenger service complaints in June. In June, 9755 complaints on domestic airlines accepted passengers, of which more than 60 % were abnormal flight service complaints. Ticket refund and signing problem. A few days ago, the Hunan Provincial Department of Transportation issued the "Opinions of the Hunan Provincial Expressway Service Area" and issued the "Opinions of the Hunan Provincial Expressway Service Area" to further promote the transformation and upgrading of the province's highway service areas. This is the first policy document in Hunan's highway service area.银 On August 29th, the Grasson Tale Bridge of Chongqing City, the Chongqing City of Yinli Hundred Highway completed the first domestic single -arch rib to compound. The bridge is about 330.8 meters in length. It is the first time in the country to adopt a large -span arch bridge with a single -ribs of air rotation and vertical mixed rotation technology. 2 Eastern Airlines Logistics released the 2022 semi -annual report on August 29. In the first half of 2022, operating income achieved 11.607 billion yuan, an increase of 14.62 % year -on -year; net profit was 2.508 billion yuan, an increase of 43.73 % year -on -year. Affected by the global epidemic and international geopolitical conflict, the gross profit of aviation speed and comprehensive logistics solution sector increased significantly.日Fukou taxi recently announced the first half of the 2022 financial report showed that the company's revenue achieved approximately 349 million yuan, an increase of 15.5 % year -on -year; the company's equity holders should have a loss of about 1.049 billion yuan during the period, about 3.25 times year -on -year. This is also the first transcript surrendered after the fast dog taxi landing on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. Overseas Overseas Reporting Xinhua News Agency reported on August 29 that due to high inflation disputes over labor -oriented, large -scale and long -term strikes of port workers in many places in Europe have recently improved to improve salary and working conditions. People in the industry said that the strike will exacerbate the congestion of the new crown epidemic, which will affect the normal operation of Europe and even the global supply chain. 、 Affected by the shortage of employees, strikes, and universal traffic chaos, many European and American airlines including Hansha Airlines, British Airlines, Daimei Airlines, Nordic Airlines, etc. have begun to cancel winter flights. According to Aviacionline, the Brazilian Federal Senate is discussing the revision of the Aviation Law to allow passengers to transfer air ticket ownership within 72 hours before the plane takes off. The public said that some local governments' "fines created revenue" seemed to have some "suffering", but this is tantamount to drinking and quenching thirst, which may cause serious consequences. The high fines will deteriorate the local business environment, which will cause enterprises and investors to avoid it. It will follow the tighter local taxation, and the financial gap continues to expand, and then it can only rely more on fines. This is a vicious cycle that only causes multiple losses. It is obviously unsustainable. The new opinion issued by the State Council should be the impulse to curb the "fines of fines" in local governments, and create a better environment for enterprises and operators. In addition to special rectification, the improvement of legislative suggestions made by experts is also worth pondering. When the fine income turned into the "income" of the fines, the impulse of self -interest is difficult to curb. It is recommended that the penalty without income is directly paid to the central government without paying the place. This is the relationship between the bottom of the kettle, cutting off the relationship between fines and income, and may be more cure than after the punishment. ——The recently, the General Office of the State Council issued the "Opinions on Further Regulating the Formation and Management of Administrative Tailoring Power Foundation and Management", strictly prohibiting the creation of fines by fines. Red Star News commented that inhibiting the fines of the fines should be drawn at the bottom of the kettle. Public opinion analyst 丨 editor of Zhao Ning 丨 Li Yuanyuan review 丨 Lian Meng's supervision 丨 Sun Yingli traffic person's public opinion reference

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