Promoting agricultural green development is a profound revolution Time:2022.08.30

□ Liu Yi

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that promoting the green development of agricultural development is a profound revolution in agricultural development, and it is also the main direction of the structural reform of agricultural supply -side. Xinjiang is an agricultural area, and it is of great significance to promote agricultural green development.

Not long ago, the 25th regiment of Tiemenguan City, the Second Division of the Tower of Tacheng County and Corps of Tasheng District, Xinjiang was selected as the third batch of national agricultural green development pilot zone creation list. With the support of the department, the experience of exploring the high -quality development of the ecological environment and the high -quality agricultural development has played a leading role in the transformation and upgrading of the green development of Xinjiang.

In early August, the silage of Jilantoshi County of Boltala Mongolia Autonomous Prefecture ushered in the harvest season. Large -scale joint harvesting machines and turning trucks shuttled back and forth, harvesting and pulling off -silage corn. Ma Dongqiang Photo

Promoting the green development of agricultural is not only the two places selected this time. In recent years, in the process of implementing the strategy of rural revitalization, the entire region has taken effective measures to improve the level of pollution control of agricultural facial source, and promote the continuous transformation of agricultural production methods to green development. There are more than 400 demonstration areas such as defense, and the radiation has an area of ​​more than 12 million mu. The recovery rate of farmland residual membranes has reached 81%, and the development momentum of the "white pollution" of farmland is curbed. The comprehensive utilization rate of crop straw has exceeded 90%. The use of pesticide fertilizers has achieved negative growth. With the comprehensive improvement of the prevention and control capacity of major animal epidemic diseases, the pollution of agricultural surface source is effectively controlled.

It is not difficult to find that the promotion of agricultural green development is actually a change in agricultural production technology. By promoting more environmentally friendly and efficient agricultural production technology, while controlling pollution, it will improve the comprehensive efficiency of agricultural production and increase farmers' income.

If you look at the work of agricultural green development with a longer -term perspective, you will find that its importance is far more important to increase production efficiency and income as simple as in the short term. The formation of agricultural facial source pollution is not overnight, and the solution to the treatment is by no means a one -way. In the process of promoting the green development of agricultural, we must not only solve the problem of stock, supplement the former "debt", but also deal with the incremental problem, ensure that the agricultural production is normal, and leave the pollution effects to future generations. Essence

It can be seen that promoting the green development of agricultural agriculture is to face the two "tight curses" of resource conditions and ecological environment, and the goal of coordinating the economy, society, and ecological benefits, relying on various modern technologies to achieve sustainable sustainable available sustainable available sustainable The scientific and reasonable development process of development is a revolutionary significance in the exploration practice of contemporary and favorable in the contemporary and benefit.

To this end, we must deeply understand the long -term nature of promoting the green development of agricultural, and actively promote the green prevention and control of pests and insect pests on the basis of the key tasks such as white pollution control, increasing the accumulation of organic fertilizers and reducing efficiency of fertilizers. The technologies such as fertilization of soil measurement, integrated water and fertilizer, agricultural machinery deep cultivation mode, etc., summarize and promote a group of models and technological integration in line with regional agricultural green development, establish and improve the long -term mechanism, institutional system, and incentive restraint mechanism of agricultural green development , Gradually form a production method and lifestyle that is conducive to agricultural green development, so that green is more colorful in the process of modern agriculture.

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