City leaders went to Yunxiao County to investigate and promote the development of modern agricultural industry

Author:Yunxiao Rong Media Time:2022.09.01

(Lin Yibin) On August 31, Deputy Mayor Lan Wanan led the heads of the relevant departments of the municipal units to go deep into the fields of Yunxiao County and the front line of production.

The city leaders went to Xiahexiang Canto Island, Cafeng Technology Courtyard, Kaizhang Impression Landmark Hall, Dongsha Hang Hengtai Biotechnology Company, etc. to learn more about the development of agricultural special industries such as fruit and vegetable planting and edible fungi. To solve the existing problems and put forward specific guidance on accelerating the development of the modern agricultural industry.

Municipal leaders emphasized that the development of characteristic modern agricultural industries is an important part of the prosperity of rural economy, driving farmers to become rich, and promoting rural revitalization. Relevant departments at all levels should accelerate industrial development, actively introduce agricultural industrialization projects, cultivate new types of agricultural business entities such as leading agricultural enterprises, family farms, and peasant cooperatives, carry out high -quality farmers training, improve the "company+farmers+orders", Interest connection mechanism, bigger and stronger special industries. It is necessary to use characteristic advantages to fully tap local resource endowment, accelerate the introduction, promotion and research and development innovation of new varieties and new technologies, enhance the popularity, competitiveness and added value of high -quality agricultural products, promote the improvement of quality and efficiency, upgrading of files, and upgrading of the agricultural industry. Zhangzhou agricultural industry characteristic brand. It is necessary to grasp the extension of the industrial chain, adhere to the concentrated power to break the problems, make up for shortcomings, and strong advantages, highlight ecological planting, standardized management, intensive development, stimulate potential market vitality, extend and expand deep processing, vigorously develop leisure agriculture and rural tourism, Promote the integration and development of rural one, two, and three industries, and promote comprehensive revitalization of rural areas.

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