Ten years of cultivation road "agriculture and rural" show new face

Author:Hebei Communist Member Time:2022.09.02

Since 2012, Hebei Province has conscientiously implemented the decision -making and deployment of the Party Central Committee and the State Council on the work of "agriculture, rural areas, rural areas", and take the implementation of the strategy of rural revitalization. Effects, continue to improve rural appearance, continuously deepen rural reforms, resolutely win the battle against poverty, and implement a good start and progress in the province. In 2021, the per capita disposable income of rural residents in the province reached 18,179 yuan, an increase of 10098 yuan over 2012. The development of agricultural and rural areas has remained stable and good. support.

New appearance in De Sheng Village, Zhangbei County

Strengthen the coordination and improvement mechanism construction, and the rural revitalization strategy realizes a good start

Adhere to the implementation of the implementation of rural revitalization strategies at the priority position, strengthen the coordination and coordination, improve the mechanism construction, promote comprehensive agricultural upgrading, comprehensive progress in rural areas, farmers' comprehensive development, and accelerate the modernization of agriculture and rural areas. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Hebei has compiled the "Hebei Provincial Rural Rejuvenation Strategic Plan (2018-2022)" and the "Five major revitalization" special schemes. In the three -year action plan, a number of major projects, major plans, and major projects of "three rural areas" have been deployed and implemented, and the rural revitalization strategy has achieved a good start.

Implement the 5 -level secretary to grasp the responsibility system for rural revitalization. Clarify the responsibility of the provincial party committee secretary to perform the first responsible person of rural revitalization, be responsible for research and dispatch key work, and conduct research and guidance on the grassroots at the grassroots level. The county party committee secretary's main energy to grasp the responsibility list of "agriculture, rural areas, and rural areas, and urge the county party committee secretary to effectively play the role of" first -line command ". Improve the policy system. Improve and improve the policy system for agricultural and rural priority development, clarify that at least 10%of new construction land indicators are arranged to ensure rural revitalization industrial projects, and at the same time implement land transfer income to support the requirements of rural revitalization, and increase the investment in agricultural and rural areas. Since 2021, the provincial -level arrangement supports 44.1 billion yuan of special funds for agricultural and rural areas, and the province's land transfer revenue is used for agricultural and rural areas for 16%. Strengthen demonstration creation. Since 2019, Hebei has adhered to the provincial, city, and county -level linkage. With the county level as the main body, in accordance with the path of "coordinated planning, continuous films, three districts, and four villages", 65 provincial levels have been established. The 107 municipal -level rural revitalization demonstration areas have created a number of characteristic and influential rural revitalization demonstration models in the province, which effectively played a leading role in demonstration. Improve supervision and assessment. Formulate the annual task list of the annual rejuvenation of the city, county, and provincial departments, decompose the annual goals and tasks into 37 specific indicators, implement account management, report each quarter report, middle -aged supervision, and evaluation at the end of the year. The county's comprehensive assessment has effectively promoted the implementation of various work of rural revitalization.

Under the power of the whole province to win the battle against poverty, promote the consolidation and expansion of the results of poverty alleviation and the effective connection with the village

In 2016, Hebei formulated the "13th Five-Year Plan of Hebei Province (2016-2020)" to promote the province's strength to promote precision poverty alleviation and precision poverty alleviation, improve and improve the safety monitoring and early warning of drinking water, and inspection The long -term mechanism of dealing with and running management and protection, the prominent problems of "two -don't worry about three guarantees" are solved in place. In 2021, the province's poverty alleviation won a decisive victory. All 62 poverty -stricken counties were removed, and 7,746 poor villages were all listed. The poverty -stricken people of 2.323 million poverty -stricken people were out of poverty, eliminating absolute poverty and regional overall poverty. Hebei has obtained the "good" in the national poverty alleviation assessment for two consecutive years, and central leaders such as Wang Yang, Sun Chunlan, and Hu Chunhua have affirmed the province's poverty alleviation work. Vigorously develop industry, employment, and science and technology poverty alleviation. A total of 53,000 poverty alleviation projects in characteristic industries were implemented; 709 teams, 14,706 experts and technicians sank to the county to the project to carry out services to achieve full coverage of the poor villages of industrial technical instructor. Deepen the relocation of poverty alleviation. The 302,000 people incorporated into the "Thirteenth Five -Year Plan" relocation plan completed the relocation and resettlement, and the 135,900 relocated poor people were all implemented. Establish and improve long -term mechanisms to prevent poverty. The first poverty -stricken insurance insurance, setting up social assistance funds covering urban and rural areas, and accurate assistance for the targets of poverty -stricken monitoring. At present, there is no new problem of poverty -stricken poverty. Continue to consolidate and expand the results of poverty alleviation. After the battle for poverty alleviation achieved a comprehensive victory, Hebei formulated the "Implementation Opinions on Realizing the Effective Connection of the Revitalization and Effective Connection of the Revitalization of Poverty Alleviation", strictly implemented the "four non -picking" requirements, maintain the overall stability of the assistance policy, improve and improve the dynamic monitoring of poverty -stricken return to poverty -stricken return to poverty -stricken dynamic monitoring and the dynamic monitoring of poverty -stricken return. The assistance mechanism is improved to improve the "trio" of farmers' self -declaration, rural investigation visits, platform screening and warning "Trinity", and implement targeted assistance and assistance to all monitoring objects. At the same time, the municipal, county, and provincial departments are organized to rectify the national examination and provincial examination feedback issues, and to carry out the implementation of the "two guarantees and three guarantees" of all provinces in the province's poverty alleviation population to get out of poverty. Investigate, find problems and reforms to ensure that no dead ends are left.

Tongfu Mode Exhibition Hall, Tongfu Model of Zhengding County

Improving the comprehensive agricultural production capacity, and the level of supply guarantee for important agricultural products such as food is significantly enhanced significantly

Hebei is a large agricultural province. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government have thoroughly implemented the decision -making and deployment of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, and effectively ensured the stable and effective supply of important agricultural products such as food, pigs, and "vegetable baskets". Fully do a good job of grain production. As one of the 13 main food and provinces of food in the country, Hebei insists on taking food production as a top priority for the work of "agriculture, rural areas, and rural areas", decompose tasks layer by layer, strengthen supervision and inspection and technical services to ensure that the area and output are not reduced. In -depth implementation of the strategy of "hiding food in the ground, hiding grain in the technology", delineate 45 million acres of grain production function zones and 3 million acres of important agricultural product production protection areas, build 48.62 million mu of high -standard farmland, high -quality special varieties and green high -yield and high -efficiency integrated integration Technical promotion basically achieves full coverage. In 2021, the province's grain planting area was 96.429 million mu, and the total grain output reached 76.5 billion kg. Accelerate the restoration of pig production capacity. On the basis of continuing to prevent and control major animal epidemic diseases such as African swine fever, we will actively introduce stabilizing the production policies and measures to stabilize pigs, strengthen production technology guidance, and vigorously promote the transformation and upgrading of pig farming. In 2021, the province's pig -storage column was 18.101 million, which basically returned to perennial levels. The annual piglets were 34.106 million, and the pig product market was stable. Continue to promote the revitalization of the dairy industry. Formulate the "Outline of Hebei Provincial Dairy Revitalization Plan (2019-2025)" and "Implementation Opinions on Accelerating the Revitalization of the Dairy Industry", and strive to build a high-quality milk source base and a high-quality foam base. High -end dairy products such as sterilization milk are the focus of new and expanded a number of dairy products processing projects. At the same time, in accordance with the requirements of large -scale breeding, standardized production, and informatization management, accelerate the transformation and upgrading of farms. Under the strong measure, Hebei milk industry output has gone out of the situation of 10 consecutive years, with an average annual growth rate of 8.3%; in 2021, the cow storage column reached 1.352 million, and the output of dairy products was 3.976 million tons. The first one. Effectively ensure the stable supply of "vegetable baskets" products. The production of vegetables and eggs is stable in the top 6 in the country, which can stabilize the daily demand of residents in the province. At the same time, the main "vegetable basket" products in Hebei have reached 40%in the Beijing market. It is an important green high -quality agricultural product supply base in the capital. It plays an important role in stabilizing the "vegetable basket" market in Beijing. Vigorously promote the "four agricultural", the level of high -quality agricultural development has improved significantly

The "Three-year Action Plan for the Three-year Action Plan for the Structural Reform of the Agricultural Supply of Hebei Province (2018-2020)" and the "Continuous Deepening the" Four Agricultural "Promoting Action Plan for Agricultural High-quality Development (2021-2025)" The theme of development is based on characteristic and advantageous industries, and vigorously develops scientific and technological agriculture, green agriculture, brand agriculture, quality agriculture, and the level of high -efficiency agricultural development has improved significantly. The characteristic and advantageous industries have continued to grow. Take the creation of industrial clusters as the starting point, to create a demonstration park as a carrier, and strive to grow and strengthen 15 agricultural industry clusters including high -quality wheat, high -quality valley, boutique vegetables, and authentic Chinese medicinal materials to achieve the development of agricultural industry development and scale operations. , Driving and integrating development. At present, the Taihang Mountain Baili Apple Industry Belt, Yanshan Millions of Chestnut Industry Belt, Plain Millions of Shadi Pear Industry Belt, Taihang Mountain Baili Chinese Medicine Industry Belt The muscular wheat industry belt and the Beijing -Tianjin millions of acres of facilities and vegetable industry belts. These industries have become the Beijing -Tianjin -Hebei green and high -quality agricultural product supply base, forming a "one place for nationwide". As of the end of 2021, there were 7 national modern agricultural industrial parks, 231 provincial -level modern agricultural parks, and 1,511 city -level parks. The agricultural product processing industry has continued to grow. Carrying out the big agricultural investment, since 2019, a total of 1,105 agricultural product processing projects have been signed, and the amount of contract is 452.8 billion yuan. A number of major projects such as Shounong, Dabeongnan Group, Mengniu, and Illi have been put into operation in Hebei. At the same time, actively guided the agricultural industrialization leading enterprises to become bigger and stronger, and identified 964 key agricultural industrialization leading enterprises in the name of the provincial government, an increase of 510 from 2012 to give policy and financial support to key leading enterprises. At present, Hebei has a total of 81 key companies in agricultural industrialization, an increase of 35 from 2012; the average annual sales revenue of leading enterprises above the provincial level reached 527 million yuan, and the number and quality of leading enterprises have been doubled. The support of agricultural science and technology has continued to improve. Build 23 provincial -level modern agricultural industry technical system expert teams such as wheat, corn, vegetables, pigs, etc., and integrate the advantages of the three parties of the government, universities, and enterprises to create 223 agricultural agriculture that integrates scientific research, incubation, middle trial, application, and promotion. The innovation station basically achieves full coverage of agricultural counties. The reform experience has been introduced by the Central Agricultural Office and the Ministry of Agricultural and Rural Ministry in the country; the innovation capabilities of the seed industry have been significantly improved. The province has 448 crop seed production and operation enterprises, Sanbei, Guoxin, Xuechuan, Xuechuan , 4 companies in the sky were rated as the Chinese seed industry credit backbone enterprise in 2020. The coverage rate of major crops in the province reached more than 98%. The amount of preservation remained steadily increased. In 2021, the province's total agricultural machinery power exceeded 80 million kilowatts for the first time, reaching 80.968 million kilowatts, accounting for 7.66%of the country's total motivation. The integration, sharing and utilization of important data and information in the rural field, based on a smart agricultural map platform, through the establishment of agricultural and rural basic big data support platforms and geographical space data service support systems, it has realized the planting, animal husbandry, and the water industry. The docking of business application systems such as agricultural machinery, agricultural product quality and safety, rural collective property rights, etc., provides data reference for the formulation of agricultural and rural policies. The brand advantage is gradually prominent. By holding a series of activities such as the Beijing -Tianjin -Hebei Chinese Pharmaceutical Materials Production and Marketing and Marketing Conference, the Pear E -commerce Conference, and the Promotion of Poverty Alleviation Products, Pei Shushu created a series of well -known agricultural products brands in Hebei. At present, there are 105 public brands and 80 corporate brands at the provincial level. Typical representative of agricultural products. Green development is constantly deepening. Vigorously develop water -saving agriculture, and implement seasonal recreation, drought rain, and shallow drip irrigation of water saving irrigation according to local conditions, do a good job of drought -resistant water -saving varieties and supporting technologies, cover a total of more than 38.59 million mu of cultivated land, achieving full coverage of the county. The province's agricultural water used in 2014 decreased from 13.92 billion cubic meters to 9.71 billion cubic meters in 2021, and the proportion of water for the whole society decreased from 72.2%to 53.4%; continued to promote the reduction of chemical fertilizer pesticides to increase efficiency, and the start of chemical fertilizer pesticides in 2015 started The use of zero growth actions, concentrated continuous films to promote scientific fertilization and accurate medication. The province's use of fertilizer pesticides in the province achieve negative growth for 5 consecutive years. Agricultural standardized production, strengthening standards for implementation, the province's agricultural standardized productivity increased from 45%in 2016 to 72%in 2021, and the number of "two products and one standard" (that is, the number of green foods, organic agricultural products and agricultural products) reached 1367 The overall qualification rate of agricultural product monitoring reaches more than 98%. A solid implementation of rural construction actions, the rural appearance has improved significantly

Focus on the four key tasks of rural toilet revolution, rural domestic garbage governance, rural domestic sewage treatment, and village appearance and village appearance, actively innovate methods, continue to increase their work, the rural living environment of the province has been significantly improved, village ecology livable living is livable The level is significantly improved, and the sense of gain and happiness of farmers have continued to increase. The rural toilet revolution has continued to advance. Scientifically determine the annual tasks of the renovation of rural toilets, decompose step by step from top to bottom, improve the five -level ledger, and rely on the information management system to implement accurate management of the toilet transformation of the province. At present, a total of 10.38 million rural household toilets have been completed, and the penetration rate of the sanitary toilet has increased from 33.8%at the end of 2017 to 81%. Rural domestic garbage is further governed. Printed and distributed the "Plan for the Work Implementation Plan for Promoting the Rural Domestic Waste Treatment System in 2021", high -quality completion and optimizing the collection and disposal system, improving the effects and levels of key regional governance, and promoting the sources of rural domestic garbage sources and resource treatment. The lists of facilities and equipment such as collecting points, transfer stations, and transportation vehicles in various places have been combed and improved, and the coverage of the rural waste treatment system has been significantly improved. 99.47%of the villages in the province were included in the "village collection, township transfer, and county centralized treatment" domestic garbage disposal system. All administrative villages have established daily cleaning mechanisms, equipped with 216,900 cleaning staff, basically achieved collection and transfer of transportation. The governance rate of rural domestic sewage has been further improved. The management measures for the operation and maintenance of rural sewage treatment facilities in Hebei Province, standardize and strengthen the management of rural domestic sewage treatment facilities in the province, and improve operational efficiency and management level. The province's cumulative 17306 villages have completed the rural sewage treatment project, and the governance rate has increased from 26%to 35%. The appearance of the village and village has been significantly improved. The main content is based on the "three constructions and one change" (planning the construction of the clean -ups, small vegetable gardens, and small orchards, and changing the bad habits that affect the rural living environment). In order to improve operations, from 2019 to 2021, 15 counties (cities, districts), including Qianxi County, were rated as advanced counties in the clean operation of villages across the country; vigorously promoted the construction of forest villages, beautiful villages, and civilized villages. Many provincial -level forest villages, more than 3,000 beautiful villages, and civilized villages in the province accounted for 59.1%. The rural appearance in the province has been significantly improved. Continuously deepen the reform of key areas of rural areas, and continue to improve the level of rural society's good governance

Hebei continues to deepen rural reforms, focus on key areas and key links, stimulate the vitality of rural resource element, and continue to make new breakthroughs in reform. Deepen the reform of the rural land system. Complete the task of confirming rural contracting land, with a certification rate of 99.7%, and a mass satisfaction rate of 94.8%; actively carried out the second round of land contracting to extend the pilot of 30 years, and promoted the mortgage loan of rural land operation rights in an orderly manner. The amount reaches more than 200 million yuan; regulates the management of rural homesteads, establishes and improves the management mechanism of provincial guidance, city and county -led, townships and township responsibilities, and village -level main entities. Fifty institutional documents such as paid use of paid use, cautiously promoted the reform of rural homesteads in 4 national pilot counties. Deepen the reform of the rural collective property rights system. Introduced the "Several Opinions on Further Development and Greeting Rural Collective Economy", successfully completed the pilot task of the province of the rural collective property rights system, and 99.83%of the villages in the province set up collective economic organizations to cultivate a new type of rural collective economy in various forms. It is the practice of the revitalization and utilization of collective assets, the development of industrial development, and the driving of support projects. The annual collective income of the province accounts for 84.5%of the villages of more than 50,000 yuan, and the annual collective income of more than 100,000 yuan accounts for 44.1 to 44.1 %. Promote the high -quality development of new agricultural business entities. Vigorously cultivate family farms and standardize and enhance peasant cooperatives. In 2019, the national farm and farmers 'cooperatives to promote high -quality development work promotion of family farms and farmers' cooperatives were held in Xingtai. At the end of 2021, the province's family farms and peasant cooperatives reached 59,500 and 109,200 respectively. Accelerate the development of agricultural social service organizations, and vigorously promote agricultural productive services such as agricultural technology services, land custody, farming and generation, control, drying and storage, and other agricultural productive services. 100 million acres.

(Write: Xing Yali)

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