The Mid -Autumn Festival is approaching, and the prices of Jiangsu's main referee are fluctuating festive

Author:Intersection Time:2022.09.03

The reporter learned from the Jiangsu Provincial Price Monitoring Center today that the price monitoring in August showed that compared with last month, the price of grain and oil was basically stable, the price of beef and mutton decreased slightly, the price of freshwater fish rose slightly, the price of vegetables rose more, the price of industrial products, the price of industrial products, and the price of industrial products. Mainly descending. The Mid -Autumn Festival is approaching, and the prices of the main non -non -staple food fluctuated festively. In the near future, there are three price hotspots in the market: one is that the price of pork is generally stable; the other is that the price of eggs has risen; the third is that the price of moon cakes is relatively close to the people.

The price operation of important people's livelihood commodities in August

Grain and oil prices are basically stable. In August, compared with last month (the same below), the average retail price of the second -class rice and special flour in northern Jiangsu in the province was 2.67 yuan and 3.14 yuan per 500 grams (the same below), which were flat and up 0.3%, respectively. The price of 5L buckets of soybean oil and peanut oil was 65.88 yuan and 149.91 yuan, which rose 0.6%and flat.

The price of beef and mutton decreases slightly. Fresh beef tendon meat and fresh beef are 52.67 yuan and 48.24 yuan, a decrease of 0.8%and 0.5%respectively; fresh removal mutton price is 44.68 yuan, a decrease of 0.6%.

The price of freshwater fish rose slightly. The prices of catfish, catfish, flowers, white ravioli, and grass carp are 10.65 yuan, 14.12 yuan, 10.97 yuan, 5.41 yuan, and 9.96 yuan, which are rising by 4.8%, 1.8%, 1.3%, 1.1%, and 0.3%, respectively.

Vegetable prices rose more. Affected by large -scale high -temperature weather across the country, the prices of 32 vegetables in the province's key monitoring were "25 liters and 7 drops". Among them, the prices of lettuce, vegetables, and leeks rose by 19.5%, 19.3%, and 10.6%, respectively; the prices of loofah, thin skin green peppers, and cauliflower decreased by 9.6%, 9.0%, and 8.3%, respectively.

The prices of industrial products are mainly reduced. The price of steel trading fell narrowly, and the price of wires (6.5mm high) and thread (28mm) was 4907 yuan and 4612 yuan per ton, a decrease of 0.6%and 0.1%, respectively. The price of non -ferrous metal transactions rose slightly, zinc (0#zinc ingot), copper (1#electrolytic copper, cathode copper) prices rose by 8.0%and 5.4%; the price of chemical product transactions generally declined, and the price of sulfuric acid (98%acid) decreased by 32.8% Essence

Recent price hotspot dynamics

The price of pork is generally stable. In August, the average retail price of lean pork in the province was 20.55 yuan per 500 grams, a decrease of 1.5%month -on -month (up 27.6%from July). On September 1, the average price of pork was 20.54 yuan, a decrease of 1.9%over the same period last month, and 5.4%from the recent high (July 20). As many sections are approaching, the National Development and Reform Commission will work together to put the government pork reserves in batches in the batch of government pork reserves in September, and guide local linkage to the reserves. Orderly release pork commercial inventory and increase market supply.

The price of eggs has risen. On September 1, the average retail price of eggs in the province was 6.09 yuan per 500 grams, an increase of 1.2%over August 31, and 7.2%over the same period last month, the highest price since this year. Reasons for the rise in egg prices: From the perspective of supply, the high temperature duration of Sanfu Tian this year, and the amount of egg yielding eggs has decreased significantly. Recently, the temperature has fallen, but the overall production capacity has not yet fully recovered; from the perspective of demand, the Mid -Autumn Festival is approaching, the school has begun schools, and the demand for egg stocking has increased. Xuzhou Xinyi Phoenix Egg Guide Farm reflects that the current average daily output of eggs is around 8.5 %. After the Mid -Autumn Festival, the production capacity can be basically recovered. It is expected that the price of eggs will decline significantly after the festival.

Mooncake prices are more affordable. In order to implement the "Announcement on Containing" Sky "Mooncakes and Promoting the Healthy Development of the Industry", Jiangsu has strengthened its linkage in many places and departments in many places in Jiangsu, continued to carry out actions such as policies and market inspections, and resolutely curb "sky -high" moon cakes. Recently, the Provincial Development and Reform Commission issued a post again, requiring localities to pay close attention to the market price dynamics of the moon cakes and strengthen market price monitoring during the Mid -Autumn Festival. The monitoring of the province shows that there are many varieties, stable prices and consumption in the market. Nanjing reports that the price of moon cakes before the holiday has declined compared with the early stage, and promotions such as Su Guo Supermarket are abundant. Lianyungang reports that moon cake packaging is simple and simple, and the supermarket is mainly sales of moon cake sales in low -end price. Changzhou reported that the city issued the "Proposal on Containing" Sky "Mooncakes Standardizing Market Order". The price of gift boxes was about 100 to 200 yuan. Consumers in Yancheng Tinghu District reported that it was mainly to buy moon cakes in supermarkets, but now the price of hotel moon cakes is getting cheaper, and hotel moon cakes have also become a new choice for consumption.

Xinhua Daily · Jiaojiao Reporter Shen Jiazheng

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