Seeking the online reviewer: The opportunity of sharing and trade openness will create a better future

Author:Seeking the network Time:2022.09.03

On August 31, President Xi Jinping emphasized when he was congratulated to the China International Service Trade Fair in 2022 that China is willing to be with countries around the world, adhere to true multilateralism, adhere to inclusive, tolerance, win -win cooperation, and promote opening up and sharing together. The service economy injects the driving force for the development of the world economy.

Service trade is an important part of international trade and an important area for international economic and trade cooperation. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, my country has insisted on promoting high -quality development at high levels of openness, continuously relaxing market access in the service field, improving the level of cross -border service trade, expanding opening up to the outside world Platform functions, strive to build an open system for the high standard service industry. Since 2012, my country's service trade imports and exports have maintained a rapid growth momentum, with an average annual growth rate of 6.1%, which is 3.1 percentage points higher than the global growth rate. The service trade ranking has ranked second in the world for 8 consecutive years. Since its establishment in 2012, the service and trade will continue to grow and grow, becoming an important platform for my country's expansion of opening up, deepening cooperation, and leading innovation, and has witnessed the process of rapid growth in service trade in my country.

Build a communication platform for international cooperation in the service field. Since the establishment of the Service and Trade Association, each session has held a global service trade summit, as well as important activities such as many summit forums, special forums, and industry conferences to strengthen governments, international organizations, industry associations, and enterprises in the world. Channel cooperation, as well as the development of rules dialogue, policy coordination and experience exchanges, set up an international public platform. This year's service and trade will further play the role of important exhibition platforms to open to the outside world, focus on the front -edge fields of service trade open cooperation, green development, and digital process, and hold a number of activities such as forum meeting promotion and negotiations to better unite all parties to promote the development of service trade. Consensus.

Inject new impetus into the development of global service trade. Since its establishment, the service and trade association has become an important platform for the development of new formats, new models, and new concepts of enterprises in various countries to display and spread the development of services. It has released a number of new technologies, new applications, new applications, and new applications, new applications, and other fields in big data, Internet, artificial intelligence and other fields. New results, new plans. This year's service trade will highlight the theme of "double carbon", set up a special exhibition of environmental services, and comprehensively display ecological environmental protection, green energy -saving technology, and new applications; more prominent new digital technology elements, set up the Yuan Cosmic Experience Hall in the telecommunications service topic, All will fully demonstrate various new technologies, new achievements, new formats, and new models, and further stimulate the new kinetic energy of global service trade development.

Provide important support for the high -quality development of my country's service industry. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the value -added of my country's service industry has increased by 1.49 times, and import services have accumulated more than 4 trillion US dollars, and the oversized market advantages have been further strengthened. As a national, international, and comprehensive large -scale exhibition in the field of service trade, the service trade will be committed to China Unicom's domestic and foreign service market. "Introduction" of high -quality services abroad has promoted industrial transformation and upgrading, and helps build a modern service industry with high -quality, efficient, energetic, and competitive.

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