6 major economic provinces play their respective advantages to promote the quality of preservation of foreign trade

Author:Securities daily Time:2022.09.05

The symposium of the main person in charge of the major economic provincial government held recently requested that "the big economic provinces must be bravely picked up and play a key role in stable economic support."

Data show that foreign trade imports and exports of Guangdong, Su, Lu, Lu, Zhejiang, Yu, and Sichuan are close to 60 % of the country. Xiao Benhua, deputy dean of the Research Institute of the Free Trade Zone of Shanghai Lixin Institute of Accounting and Finance, said in an interview with the Securities Daily that in the first seven months of this year, Guangdong Province, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, and Shandong Province ranked among the top four of my country's foreign trade exports. The amount of export trade in Guangdong alone was close to 3 trillion yuan in the first 7 months of Guangdong Province. Therefore, the bravery of the economic province has not only laid the foundation for the overall stability of my country's foreign trade, but also provides a demonstration role for other regions to stabilize foreign trade.

The first 7 months of 4 economic provinces

The growth rate of foreign trade is faster than the national level

From the perspective of foreign trade data, economic provinces play a supporting role in stabilizing foreign trade. From January to July this year, the foreign trade of Zhejiang, Shandong, Sichuan Province, and Jiangsu Province in the 6 provinces was 10.4%year -on -year, which was 19.5%, 18.8%, 12.7%, and 11.5%. The year -on -year growth rate of foreign trade in Henan and Guangdong Province was lower than the overall level of the country, with 6.5%and 2.4%, respectively.

From the perspective of trading partners, taking Shandong Province as an example, in the first 7 months, Shandong Province's import and export of imports and exports to countries and regions along the “Belt and Road” and countries and regions along the “Belt and Road” in Shandong Province and quick. Among them, the import and export volume of other member states for RCEP was 710.5 billion yuan, an increase of 26.9%year -on -year; the import and export volume of countries and regions along the “Belt and Road” was 706.25 billion yuan, an increase of 40.8%year -on -year; Yuan, a year -on -year increase of 55.9%.

From the perspective of export products, the export of high -level technology products has grown rapidly. Take Jiangsu Province as an example. In the first 7 months, the exports of electromechanical products was 1.3 trillion yuan, an increase of 13.5%, accounting for 65.4%of the province's total export value. Among them, integrated circuits, solar cells, mobile phones, and lithium -ion batteries increased by 21.2%, 84.6%, 121.6%, and 71.9%, respectively.

The chief economist of CITIC Securities analyzed in an interview with a reporter from the Securities Daily that in the 6 provinces, Guangdong, Zhejiang, and Jiangsu Province were traditional export provinces. Competitiveness continues to expand the exports of electromechanical products, advanced technology products, and light industrial products. The exports of Shandong and Sichuan Province have grown rapidly in the first half of the year. The main increase is to increase the exports of countries and regions along the “Belt and Road”. The provinces must make full use of the opportunities brought by RCEP to take effect and their geographical advantages to further expand the international international advantages market.

The executive meeting of the State Council held on August 24 proposed that "facilitates the entry and exit of business personnel." Zhang Yiqun, deputy chairman of the Performance Management Committee of the Chinese Fiscal Society, told a reporter from the Securities Daily that the communication channels for business personnel can ensure the normal connection of trade at home and abroad, help open and expand international exchanges to the outside world, and help foreign trade enterprises grab orders for orders. , To expand the market to support the export of foreign trade.

6 economic provinces

Each exhibition excellent strengths strive to stabilize foreign trade

Faced with the requirements of the "brave beam", the above six economic provinces have recently deployed the work of stabilizing foreign trade in the second half of the year, and it is clear that it will be a good battle for the economic market. Most of the 6 provinces are proposed that in the second half of the year, we must stabilize the growth of foreign trade, maintain stability and improvement, and consolidate the momentum. "Securities Daily" reporter sorted out and found that the task arrangements issued by the 6 provinces have their own characteristics at the focus of foreign trade.

For example, Shandong Province has proposed multiple measures and promoting foreign trade preservation and quality, helping enterprises to guarantee orders for market inspection, and vigorously cultivate a new model of foreign trade formats. After issuing policies such as "12 Foreign Trade Stability and Make -up Article 12" policies, Jiangsu Province will also promote ordering orders in the sea. At the same time, stabilizing the production of logistics expectations, the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Commerce will formulate a re -production and re -production plan, a smooth port plan and a normalization of the port, and the normalization of the port. The "white list" of key foreign trade enterprises can ensure that key enterprises can continue to produce and logistics, so that enterprises can rest assured to pick up and grab orders.

Xiao Benhua analyzed that the six economic provinces are continuing to stabilize foreign trade at the level of increased financial and tax financial policy support and improve the level of trade facilitation. At the same time, the provinces are also improving the accuracy and effectiveness of policy support according to the actual situation.

"This year, my country's foreign trade import and export remained well increased. Six large economic provinces accounted for nearly 60 % of the total foreign trade scale in the country. It is a veritable 'leader' and 'vanguard." It is conducive to grasping the key, highlighting the key points, and forming the effect of multi -dot -noodles and common breakthroughs. The economic structure of the large economic provinces is different from their respective advantages. The coastal provinces are mainly exported by e -products and technical services. Inland provinces are mainly based on primary products and raw material processing. International market demand provides goods and services.

Obviously, the stable supply chain is the top priority of stabilizing foreign trade, and it is necessary to ensure smooth logistics.He suggested that Guangdong, Zhejiang, and Jiangsu Province should consolidate the stability of the supply chain and further enhance the international competitiveness of export products;"The" Maritime Silk Road "four aspects continue to promote the cooperative development of the four roads and build an inland open area; Shandong Province can use geographical advantages to expand exports to Japan and South Korea;Exit of the "Belt and Road" countries and regions.Zhang Yiqun said that in the next step, the preferential policies of foreign trade must be maintained and stable, and everything may ensure the stable market share of the foreign trade market.Increase quality and create good conditions.

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