[On the field of hope] 400,000 acres of autumn grains in Qinzhou District is a good harvest

Author:Qinzhou Rong Media Time:2022.09.05

Qinzhou District Rong Media Center, September 5 (Reporter Liu Wufeng Kang Ruilu Bingyu) Due to the good foundation and field management measures, this year, Qinzhou District corn, soybeans, potato and other autumn grains are generally good, 400,000 acres of autumn grains Harvest is imminent.

A few days ago, the reporter saw in the composite planting demonstration sites in the soybean corn band -shaped soybean corn town in Qinling Town. The green soybeans and corn are neat and orderly. For more than ten days, this thousand acres of autumn grains will enter the harvest period.

"Sowed soybeans and corn, corn may reach 1200 pounds per mu, and the yield of soybean acre can reach more than 400 catties. From the perspective of the planting situation this year, the growth is still quite good. Du Xin, head of the farmers cooperatives of bamboo rhymes in the state area, said.

Soy corn band -shaped composite planting technology is a high -yield and efficient autumn grain production model that has focused on promoting demonstrations this year in Qinzhou District. It can achieve the effect of "corn does not reduce production and collects more stubble beans". This year, the region has developed a total of 10,200 mu of soybean corn bands.

"I feel very scientific, because its density is up. The growth of corn has almost no smaller. It should be the harvest of two acres of land, that is to say, planting a acre of corn can receive one more season more season Bean. "Du Xin, the head of the peasant cooperatives of the bamboo rhymes in Qinzhou District.

"This year's big harvest, there will be a bumper harvest for about twenty days. I estimate that the regular acres will receive between 1500 and 2,000 catties. Last year, there were so many in Sichuan. No less than 1500 pounds. "Hao Yaoming, head of the farmers' professional cooperatives of Yaoming breeding farmers.

In the fields of Yangjia Temple, Tianshui, Wangchuan and other towns, autumn grain crops such as corn, potatoes, soybeans such as corn, potatoes, and soybeans grow strong, and a beautiful "Feng" scene in hoping. As soon as the autumn rain stopped, the technical staff of the Qinzhou District Agricultural and Rural Bureau came to the autumn grain planting bases in Nobitan Village, Tianshui Town, Yanji Village, Wangchuan Town, and carry out the field management, research and production measurement before the harvest, and harvested the autumn grain harvest. , Autumn Broadcasting and the beginning of the year are prepared for grain planting.

"This land used to be a wasteland. After the agricultural cooperatives opened up wasteland and the cultivated land and work in recent years, the technicians guided the species and helped medicine during the plan. The whole process has the support of the Agricultural Bureau. Crops are particularly good this year. "Du Genqin, a worker in the bamboo rhyme cricket farmers cooperative in Qinzhou District.

It is understood that this year, the region has grown more than 220,000 acres of corn, potatoes of more than 150,000 acres of potatoes, and soybeans of more than 20,000 acres. Recently, more than 400,000 acres of autumn grains in the district will enter the harvest period. In order to ensure the return of grain granules, Qinzhou District will fully harvest this year.

"Corn will enter the main collection period in about 20 days. If these cooperatives of grain produce are all -in -law planting, it may be appropriately delayed. It is mainly conducive to the loose water and storage of corn to increase the income." Yang Jian Tai, a promoter of the service center, said. (Edit Chen Yiyang)

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