Chongqing Tongliang: Multi -measure helps the total number of market entities exceeding 60,000 households

Author:Cover news Time:2022.09.06

Li Huimin Cover Journalist Luo Weiwei

Recently, the cover news learned from the Chongqing Tongliang District Market Supervision Bureau that through many measures that have actively reform and introduce support policies, since this year, the market entities of Tongliang District have continued to maintain their growth vitality. It was 11.65%, and the total number has exceeded the 60,000 mark. Among them, there were 1488 companies, an increase of 10.22%year -on -year; 5,219 individual industrial and commercial households, an increase of 12.25%year -on -year; 34 farmers' professional cooperatives, an increase of 4.69%year -on -year.

As of now, various market entities in Tongliang District of Chongqing have exceeded 60,000 households.

The reform of the "decentralization service" is constantly deepening

The vigorous development of market entities is inseparable from the continuous optimization of the business environment. Since the beginning of this year, Tongliang District has focused on the "access, quasi -camp, exit" of market entities, continued to deepen the reform of "decentralization of management service", and strives to optimize the business environment in the region.

Li Yuan and Feng Yijun are all from Tianjin. They are attracted by the Tongliang investment promotion policy. They want to set up a company that specializes in car parts and electronic components in Tongliang Park. The relevant procedures for Chongqing to handle enterprises.

This kind of troubled thing was solved in Tongliang. The parties consulted the staff of the enterprise of the Tongliang District Market Supervision Bureau to open the window to open the process of the entire paper -free registration of the enterprise. In the call between the two parties, the staff also directed Li Yuan's husband and wife to apply for business through the "Chongqing City Opening Enterprise One Capital Platform" in the "Chongqing Express Office".

The application materials are automatically generated by the system, and all shareholders complete the electronic signature on their mobile phones; while the business license, seal exemption, and tax UKEY required by the enterprise are directly mailing from the copper beam to Tianjin for free. Less than two hours before and after, Li Yuan and his wife did not meet the personnel, and completed the company's entire process operation.

Relying on the "Chongqing Express Office" platform, Tongliang vigorously promotes the electronic and paperless working methods of the market's main body, and improves the level of registration and registration of registered materials, pressure time limit, and excellent services for the masses.

Citizen Service and Business Environment Promotion Center in Tongliang District.

Deepen the reform of the commercial system

The market entity can settle in the Tongliang smoothly, and it is inseparable from the improvement of the reform of the commercial system.

According to the Tongliang Market Supervision Department, the local business system has been promoted by the local market. Specifically, including the implementation of the independent application system of the market entity name, the registered name registration and the establishment registration are merged into one to streamline the process of work and open the name resources; vigorous "" One site more ", further relax the registration conditions of the residence of the market entity (operating venue), simplify the registration requirements of the residence, and fully release the venue resources; Certificate and simplified approval to further reduce the entry threshold for the enterprise industry; further promote the simple cancellation of registration reforms in the enterprise, unblock the entrance channels of market entities, reduce the cost of the exit of market entities, and promote further optimization of the market entity structure.

Promoted by institutional reform measures, since this year, Tongliang District has registered 14,566 households in various types of market entities, of which 11,116 households have been electronic and paperless, accounting for 76.31%. By opening up the "E Enterprise Office" platform and cooperating with the online cooperation with the public security, taxation, social security and other departments, it has realized the "business license application, seal engraving, bank account opening, tax invoice application, and employment social security registration during the opening of the enterprise. One network, one window, one day, one day "full process settled, of the newly opened 1488 enterprises, 1378 households applied for free seal at the same time, 141 households applied for invoices and tax UKEY at the same time, 108 households handled employment social security registration during the same period Essence

The staff communicates with the citizens.

Policy support increases

Tongliang citizen Julie just established a cultural communication Co., Ltd. in June this year, mainly engaged in the surrounding supporting services of wedding activities, with an operating area of ​​more than 230 square meters.

Due to the large cost of housing leasing, Julie was a lot of expenses for Julie in the early days of entrepreneurship. However, Julie did not send too much worry. When she registered for the establishment of an enterprise, she saw the promotional materials of "Ten Measures (Trial)" of the Tongliang District Cultivation Market in Chongqing City, and asked for consultation with the idea of ​​trying it. After a detailed exchange with Julie, the staff initially judged that her enterprise met the relevant conditions and could apply for a rental subsidy of 5,000 yuan after June next year. "Such measures have made our small companies truly benefit, and we are more confident to make the company better and better." Julie said happily.

The staff is applying for relevant certificates for the new market subject.

Not only is house rental subsidy, but also "Ten Measures (Trial)" according to the "Top Ten Measures (Trial) in Tongliang District Cultivation Markets (Trial)", local registered, transformed and upgraded, agent accounting services, financial support, tax discounts, break -invisible barriers, etc. Encouragement and support to promote the development of small and micro enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households.

Taking cluster registration as an example, at present, Tongliang District has determined that Chongqing Tongsheng Technology Service Co., Ltd. is a free custodian registered by the cluster. Any market entity that settled in can be exempted from the first year's custody fee. It is expected that more than 200 market entities will enjoy the policy support each year.

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