[Follow] Wuhan social security card will change new!

Author:Published by Hubei Time:2022.09.06

Social security cards can be used as valid identity vouchers

Take public transportation and swipe the card

Visit the A -level scenic spot, swipe the card

Taxation, water payment, swipe the card

Link to benefit the people and benefit farmers subsidies, swipe the card


Today (September 6)

Wuhan Municipal People's Government website released

"General Office of the Municipal People's Government

About the printing and distribution of Wuhan social security card

"One Card" three years of tackling

Notice of Implementation Plan ""

The focus of the small cloth

Expand government service card

1. Give full play to the social security card identity voucher function. Sort out various government public services and government management matters, and use social security cards as individual valid identity vouchers to handle various government services and enjoy basic public services. Relying on the provincial government service platform, with "I Wuhan" as the entrance, the output social security card's real -name authentication capabilities will be exported to provide real -name registration and identity identity services for the people holding social security cards to solve the repeated registration and repeated people on different government service platforms on different government service platforms. Verification and other issues.

2. Realize the full business card in the field of human resources and social security. Increase online and offline application scenarios in the field of human resources and social security, and penetrate the application of social security cards throughout the process of employment and entrepreneurship, social insurance, personnel talents, labor relations and other business processing and public services. The city's human resources and social security system realizes the full business, whole process, all -regional, and all population cards.

3. Promote health and medical insurance service cards. Accelerate the information resource sharing exchange mechanism of Human Resources and Social, Health and Medical Insurance Department, integrate the functional application of relevant cards and code, and ensure the use of social security cards, electronic social security cards, medical insurance electronic vouchers, and diagnosis cards in the city Registration, payment, diagnosis, settlement, settlement, inquiry, printing reports, etc. The entire process of medical settlement is used to achieve social security cards to query the health information of residents such as electronic health files and other related applications.

4. Promote the union member service card. Give full play to the advantages of the basic information library of "one cartoon", and use social security card identification union members' identity functions to promote the application of social security cards in service matters such as legal aid, career introduction, occupational training, difficulties, and labor dispute mediation. Subsidy funds such as assistance subsidy and employee medical mutual assistance funds are issued to the social security card bank account.

5. Realize cards in the field of social governance. Promote the basic database of the public security population, the city's credit information platform and the "one -cartoon" application base interconnection, and support the application of social governance fields such as hotel accommodation, personal qualification certification inquiry, citizen credit information query, etc. with social security cards as carriers.

6. Expand the comprehensive service card for talent. Relying on the basic information database of the social security card, the talent management service system that integrates talent introduction, employment and entrepreneurship, and life services is the main content of talent management service systems to achieve the functions of accurate statistics, accurate identification, and automatic matching employment and entrepreneurship services of talents to provide decision -making for improving talent policy policy Support, and provide exclusive services for the introduction of talents through "one card", and provide intimate services such as party fees with party fees with cards.

Promote the convenient card of residential services

1. Expand the Cultural Tourism Sports Card. Actively expand the application of social security cards in the fields of culture, tourism, sports, etc., and explore the application of social security cards in the city's A -level tourist attractions, stadiums, libraries, museums and other places. Borrowing books, event registration and consumption settlement functions.

2. Accelerate the use of urban traffic travel cards. Consolidate and enhance the social security card to load the "Wuhan Tong" function advantage, deepen the application of social security cards in urban public transportation fields such as subway, bus, and ferry, and promote the "one cartoon" of other cities in Wuhan City to realize the traffic travel.

Promoting financial services safe card

1. Implement the use of the subsidy funds of Huimin and Huizheng. In accordance with the "One Card Card" Management of the "Ministry of Finance and other seven departments and other seven departments on further strengthening Huimin Hui Agricultural Subsidy Fund" One Card "(Caikai [2020] No. 37) and relevant policies, encourage and support financial subsidies for all districts and departments The funds directly enter the beneficiary bank card (including the social security card bank account), passbook, etc.

2. Promote the business card of the housing provident fund. Support individuals to handle the provident fund purchase transfer and withdrawal, market rental withdrawal, etc., and carry out business inquiries and deposit certificates.

3. Encourage the financial payment card of the participating people. When applying for various subsidy and benefits business, financial institutions should support cross -bank issuance, formulate and introduce and implement preferential policies for social security card financial services, and encourage the exemption of annual fees for social security card financial accounts, small account management fees, SMS reminder fees, loss of loss Fees such as handling fees, cross -bank and cross -regional access fees. Vigorously guide the people participating people to pay personal taxes, water and electricity bills, traffic violation fines, etc. through the social security card account, etc., and explore the application applications in commercial fields such as shopping mall supermarkets, catering and entertainment.

Hubei released the official video number online

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Source: Hubei Release, Wuhan Municipal People's Government official website

Edit: Zeng Han

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