True Hui!Buyers in advance, you can also enjoy this round of Huimin Consumer Coupon

Author:Jiaodong Online Time:2022.09.07

Jiaodong Online September 7 (Reporter Jia Chuhang Li Gang, a trainee reporter Li Yifan) From September 8th, Yantai City will issue a new round of car Huimin consumer coupons with a total scale of 26 million yuan. If the citizens apply for consumer coupons on September 8, but the 4S shop does not have an existing car, it needs to wait until December 1 to pay for the invoicing and pick up the car. At the press conference of "Yantai Automobile, Home Appliances, and Cultural Tourism Consumer Consumption" held by the Yantai Municipal Government News Office on September 7, Yang Bingwei, deputy director of the Municipal Bureau of Commerce, answered: Yes!

Yang Bingwei said that this situation has been considered in advance when formulating the implementation rules, so that the general public and friends can fully participate in the activities and enjoy the policy dividend, especially considering the current long delivery cycle of new energy vehicles, 1-3 months, etc. In reality, the time for the invoicing, tax payment and vehicle listing to the time of the listing, the time of uploading materials was extended to January 15, 2023.

As long as the motor vehicle sales issued by the car sales enterprise participating in the event before December 31st, the tax payment and vehicle listing will be completed, and the relevant materials will be uploaded through the "Cloud Flash Pay App" before January 15, 2023. After reviewing, you can enjoy consumer voucher subsidy funds.

The consumer coupon of 26 million yuan in this round will be issued from September 8th. According to the consumer coupon application, the deadline for determining the activities of the activity is determined. Individual consumers who buy cars from August 1st to September 7 can also participate in the event.

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