In the first August, funds outside the investment area of our district increased by 36.58% year -on -year Time:2022.09.07

Tianshan News (Reporter Hei Hongwei reported) The reporter learned from the Business Department of the Autonomous Region: From January to August, the entire region implemented 4,571 investment promotion projects, an increase of 115 over the same period last year; Increased by 36.58%.

Since the beginning of this year, the business and investment departments at all levels in Xinjiang have focused on recruitment, breakthroughs in the agglomeration project, promoting industrial transformation, highlighting the chain chain of key industries to extend chain chain, and increase investment in investment promotion. Especially since August, the overall planning of the epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development, adopting closed -loop management, strengthening protection, scientific prevention and control and other measures to promote the construction of investment promotion projects in an orderly manner, actively cope with the adverse effects of the epidemic, achieve better results, and achieve better results Essence Data show that the funds in place in northern Xinjiang were 3330.62 billion yuan, accounting for 61.06%of the region, an increase of 37.48%year -on -year; the capital region (including Turpan and Hami) was 212.406 billion yuan, accounting for 38.94%of the region, an increase of 35.19%year -on -year increased by 35.19% Essence

The top spot in the area outside the district (state, city) is: 115.371 billion yuan in Urumqi City, accounting for 21.15%of the region; 92.122 billion yuan in Yili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture, accounting for 16.89%of the region; 84.982 billion yuan in Aksu area , Accounted for 15.58%of the district; Changji Hui Autonomous Prefecture was 66.815 billion yuan, accounting for 12.25%of the district.

The growth rate of funds outside the district exceeded 50%: 63.42%of Karamay, 57.92%in Urumqi, 56.17%in the Altay area, and 54.83%in Aksu area. In particular, the contribution rate of Urumqi, Aksu region, and Ili Prefecture to the region's capital increase was greater than 10%, and the total contribution rate exceeded 60%.

On September 5, the Aksu area held the third centralized signing event at the Aksu Investment Promotion Service Center. Photo by Jin Kaifeng

In the first August, our district strengthened the system guarantee and environmental guarantee of investment promotion, focused on leading industries, continued to recruit strong and new, and continuously improved the level of industrial modernization and core competitiveness, and drove the development level of development. Establish a category of investment promotion in various localities, combined with their own advantageous resources, adhere to the principles of lacking what to attract and weakness, to achieve accurate investment promotion. A batch of high -quality projects with gold -containing, green content, and new content has been signed, and new kinetic energy has been accumulated for the high -quality development of the local economy.

In order to overcome the impact of the epidemic, the method of innovating investment promotion in our district in many places, combining "face -to -face" and "screen -to -screen", adopting the synchronous online, video interactive communication, and online questioning and confusion of merchants to plan online investment promotion activities, and and with the way of answering doubts and confusion. Relevant industry merchants "Cloud" negotiated, met, and signed contracts.

On September 5, the Aksu area held the third centralized signing event at the Aksu Investment Promotion Service Center. Signed projects cover the industries and fields of energy chemical, textiles and clothing, agricultural and sideline products, building materials metallurgy, equipment manufacturing, business and logistics.

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