Shanxi: Financial Services improves new citizens to gain a sense of happiness

Author:Shanxi Economic Daily Time:2022.06.20

Shanxi Economic Daily reporter Ma Yongliang

New citizens have become increasingly important for economic and social development. In view of this, in early June, Taiyuan City's talents among new citizens, the preferential group purchase preferential policies launched by new citizens have attracted widespread attention from society. In the past few days, many eligible talents have submitted a house purchase application on the designated official website. It is reported that the city has identified 1409 suite home with good location, high quality, and low price.

The first batch of targeted group purchases is college graduates who have received and living subsidies or rent subsidies since 2018, and can enjoy a number of policy dividends such as the issue of house purchase subsidies in advance, effectively reducing the cost of buying house purchase. This also provides new "incision" for new citizens of financial services in our province.

Liu Lixin, deputy secretary of the Party Committee and Deputy Director of the Shanxi Banking Regulatory Bureau, said that through strengthening financial services and supporting new citizens to live and work in peace, it is conducive to promoting the formation of new consumption growth points. It is also an effective measure to stabilize the market and benefit people's livelihood.

Since March of this year, the Shanxi Banking Regulation Bureau has organized special investigations to focus on the financial needs of new citizens in key areas of entrepreneurship, employment, housing, education, medical care, and pension. Points to promote the implementation of various policies. The "Implementation Plan for Strengthening the Financial Services of New Citizens" and "Notice on Doing a Good job in Financial Services of New Citizens" have been issued, and docking and collaboration with relevant departments will be strengthened to lead the provincial bank insurance industry and improve the quality and efficiency of new citizens' financial services. Essence

With the encouragement and support of the policy, many bank institutions in our province have innovated financial products, increase credit offer, simplify the processing process, and give a preferential rate of discounts based on the characteristics of short financial demand cycles, small quotas, and high liquidity. The latest statistics show that financial institutions such as large -scale commercial banks have issued a total of 4.34 billion yuan to new citizens.

Li Feng, who works in a private company in Taiyuan, is one of the beneficiaries. He fancy a second -hand house with a total price of 500,000 yuan, but only 190,000 yuan on the down payment funds at hand. In early April, Li Feng went to the Shanxi Bank Second -hand Housing Specialist Sub -branch with the idea of ​​trying to consult. The staff learned about the qualifications and informed the processing process. The next day, he took the information to complete the face -to -face signing procedures. An hour later, the staff of Shanxi Bank notified him by phone that the preliminary trial passed the seller to transfer.

The Shanxi Banking Regulatory Bureau supports bank insurance institutions to implement differentiated housing credit policies due to urban policies, support the healthy development of the housing rental market, and reasonably meet the demand for houses and renting houses for new citizens.

Relevant person in charge of CCB Shanxi Branch told reporters that recently, the bank has cooperated with the Housing Leasing Project of Taiyuan City Housing Management Bureau to build a long housing rental project and provide 221 high -quality housing for new citizen groups.

In order to support entrepreneurship and employment, the Shanxi Banking Regulation Bureau promoted the cooperation of banking institutions with the Provincial Employment Services Bureau and Provincial Financing Reinforcement Group to strengthen credit support for new citizens' entrepreneurship. For the manufacturing, construction, wholesale and retail industry, warehousing and postal industry, such as the manufacturing industry, construction industry, wholesale and retail industry, and other companies, we can vigorously develop supply chain financing and increase the supply of medium and long -term credit. Individual operators who do not need to apply for business licenses in accordance with the law, compare financial support under the same conditions compared to individual industrial and commercial households and small and micro -enterprise owners. Promote the optimization of entrepreneurial guarantee loans and discount policies, and incorporate new citizens into the scope of support for entrepreneurial guarantee loans. As of the end of April, the balance of entrepreneurial guarantee loans in the province was 3.59 billion yuan, a year -on -year increase of 95.6%.

New citizen insurance services have also made full progress. A number of insurance companies have promoted accident insurance, employer liability insurance, etc. for new citizens with prominent career risks such as courier riders, online car drivers, and construction workers. Risk of damage. Docking companies that are more concentrated in new citizens, provide inclusive group health insurance, develop internship liability insurance, education institution liability insurance, etc., and strengthen entrepreneurial employment insurance protection.

Xiao Jian from Henan runs a barbecue restaurant in Taiyuan. Because there is no medical insurance or social security, he is worried that once he is ill, he will bring great difficulties to his family. After understanding the situation of the financial manager of the Taiyuan Branch of Everbright Bank, I recommended him to the Everbright Yongming Child Critical Insurance. Spending a small amount of money can provide high guarantee, solving his worries.

Relying on the "Huimin Medical" products, the Bank of Communications Taiyuan Branch provides convenient financial support for new citizen customers to seek medical treatment, further create a "transmitted cashier pension" service brand, and provides new citizen customers with one -stop pension wealth management and value -added services.

Liu Lixin said that in the next step, the Shanxi Banking and Insurance Regulatory Bureau will continue to strengthen communication and cooperation with relevant departments, promote the implementation of various financial policies to benefit the people in the province's bank insurance institutions, and effectively enhance the sense of gain and happiness of new citizens.

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