How does the Douyin open platform create a digital channel for SMEs?

Author:Financial and economic Time:2022.09.09

Text | Mountain Walnut

When the time returned to the 1990s, when Tim Bernas Lee created the world's first Internet webpage when the "father of" created the Internet spirit of the Internet, the Internet spirit of openness and connection was also inherited to this day.

In the past period of time, "opening up" has also become the largest footnote in the Internet world. From "building a fence" to interconnection, the speed of breaking the "wall garden" is still accelerating.

In the past two months, whether it was the official announcement with iQiyi to reach a cooperation, or the shortcoming with the hunger, all signs were indicating that "opening" has become one of the new keywords of Douyin.

On September 6, the signal fell into practice. At the Douyin Open Platform Developer Conference with the theme of "Shinji", Douyin officially introduced the important bridge to connect ecological partners -Douyin Open Platform.

Behind the platform that uses Douyin Mini Program as the main container and is committed to providing open capabilities for industry developers, it is not only a new understanding of Douyin's "openness", but also set off a digitalization of developers to developers. Operating a new wave.

Why is "open" a new key word for Douyin?

Why should Douyin choose "Open" at this moment?

From the perspective of macro trends, "openness" has become a consensus between major platforms.

Since the development of the Internet in China, it has already entered the stage of stock game. The traffic is exhausted, and user growth has become an unavoidable problem. When the Internet platform, which once used traffic as a living and scale effect, has lost its previous halo. The new growth point of the platform lies in opening its own advantages to the outside world, aggregating partners, and building a new platform ecosystem.

From the perspective of the ecology inside the micro vibrato, "openness" is also a good trend.

On the one hand, the change of demand. Douyin's huge user foundation derives complex long -tail needs. These more vertical and personalized needs not only need to be met in time, but also have huge business opportunities.

On the other hand, the supply end is mature. In the six years of Douyin, its product functions, accommodation scenes, and technical capabilities have become increasingly mature, and have already possessed an open ecosystem that can output core capabilities.

At the Douyin Open Platform Developer Conference, the relevant person in charge revealed that as of now, the Douyin Open Platform has now opened nearly 200 APIs to the public, covering the core user management, content management, data assets, interactive exchanges, etc. Main scenes.

Is the entrance, the interface and the exit

The open platform is not a new thing.

Looking at the current practice of Internet companies, according to the content attributes of open capabilities, it can be summarized into three types: first, open customers and product data, provide platform customers and product data for third -party calls; second, open functions and services; The third is to open API and source code to reduce the cost of developers.

Due to the different capacity of different open platforms, the degree of opening up is different.

Compared with the above -mentioned distinct classification, the ability of Douyin Open Platform is more comprehensive. First of all, distinguishing from people's definition of "developers", the definition of "developers" is more diverse.

It is understood that the Douyin Open Platform divides the developers into two types: "developing for themselves" and "development for others". The former refers to brands or businesses with business scenarios and R & D teams. Industry experience can directly use the business plan and capabilities provided by the Douyin Open Platform to directly carry out business.

The latter refers to the role of technical service providers, such as professional operations or technical service providers. They are the matchmakers between the platform and the merchant. They mainly provide agency development services for customers without R & D resources or research and development capabilities.

Under the subject of diversified developers, this means that the Douyin open platform needs to have the value of "entry", "interface" and "export".

First of all, the Douyin Open Platform can provide passengers and traffic entrances for Douyin operators. While reducing development costs and operating costs, it improves operating efficiency.

In the era of high traffic, this "import value" is particularly important for individual operators on Douyin.

A Tan is a personal fitness teacher with nearly 800,000 fans on the Douyin platform. Under various types of small videos about fitness and shaping, "full dry goods" and "very practical" under various types of fitness shaping It is the user's evaluation of the Autra video. Relying on selling fitness courses in Douyin, A Tan not only achieved the operating goals of over 10,000 a month, but also accumulated a group of loyal fans.

But before May 2021, there were still multiple obstacles in front of Ah Tan. On the one hand, it is the dilemma of business. Although he has seriously shared the dry goods and accumulated some fans, A Tan's income is not ideal. "For several months, there is no penny income." The other side is "anxiety" operating online.

A Tan told the financial and economic. In the past, the coaches and users were "one -on -one" lectures, but online, A Tan sometimes needed to answer the questions of hundreds or even thousands of people at the same time. Although these issues have a high degree of homogeneity, in order to consider the user experience, A Tan had to spend more costs to repeatedly answer similar questions, but the effect of "time -consuming and labor -intensive" was not satisfactory.

Occasionally, AC Tan came out to know the Douyin Open Platform and the Dolphin of Douyin with Douyin Mini Program as the main container. "(This) opened my new idea." A Tan said.

The so -called "new idea" is the manifestation of the value of the entrance. With the help of Douyin Mini Program and Dolphin, A Tan first realized the refined management of the course. This process of giving fitness, systematic, and standardized output to help A Tan achieve more accurate customer acquisition. At the same time, by mounting their fitness courses in the applet and facing the user's homogeneous question, A Tan can guide users to click on the applet to view themselves. In this process, not only did he improve his operating efficiency, but also shortened the user's decision -making link, laying the foundation for later operating transformation.

It is obvious that the "entry value" is also the original innovative tea brand Yihe Hall.

Starting from a university in Wuhan, Hubei, the number of new tea brands from the campus has exceeded 5,000 stores nationwide. In the process of orderly expansion scale, Yihetang is also actively looking for a better entrance to reach users.

It is undeniable that because of both fast -moving consumer and retail attributes, whether it is online channels to obtain passengers new or offline "land" to seek a better experience. One of the key problems.

Bai Xiaoxiao, the marketing director of Yihetang, mentioned that in the previous online operation practice, Yiretang encountered two pain points about the "entry", one was to pull new. "The channels for obtaining customers have become more, more traffic, and the cost of obtaining customers is getting higher and higher."

The second lies in the optimization of offline experience. In the process of buying Yihetang group purchase coupons online to consumption, it is often facing the problem of low nuclear sales efficiency. The traditional nuclear sales model is complicated and trivial, not only requires special equipment, but also needs to rely on brand stores to complete training by themselves.

Bai Xiaoxiao told Financial and Economics that in the traditional nuclear sales model, the process cost and time cost will be very high, and during the concentrated peak of the store, the pressure brought by the complicated nuclear sales process will further reduce the offline offline of users Experience.

However, after cooperating with the Douyin Open Platform, the above -mentioned problems were resolved, and the final results even exceeded the expectations of Yihetang. After using the Douyin Mini Program for premiere nationwide, Yifangtang exceeded 32 million GMV in 3 days, the number of orders exceeded 4 million, and the cumulative sales volume exceeded 5.2 million.

"This is the first time that we have used the Douyin Mini Program to make live broadcast. It is also the first time that we have cooperated with Douyin's open platform. We did not expect that this result will be produced, which exceeds the expectations of Yihetang." Bai Xiaoxiao commented.

Behind Yihetang's "exceeding the expected results" is the embodiment of the value of the entrance of the Douyin open platform. By using the Douyin Mini Program in the live broadcast room, the customer can directly click on the order page to open the order page, place an order to select the product, and automatically use the group purchase coupon. After the production rate and work efficiency of offline stores, Bai Xiaoxiao said: "The friends of the Yihetang store also recognized (Douyin Open Platform) very high recognition."

With the deepening of the value of the entrance, the "connection force" of the Douyin open platform is further prominent.

On the one hand, this "connection force" is reflected in the Douyin open platform that can open up the closed loop of public and field for Douyin operators, and has a closer "connection" with users.

I still take Yihe Hall as an example. After completing the new pull, the operation and fission of private domain flow test testing the global grasp of Yihetang. Bai Xiaoxiao mentioned: "The transformation of public domain traffic into a private domain member is an active indicator that brand marketing activities attach great importance to." In the past, although the private domain operation model of Yifangtang also focused on the specifics of "pulling new-repurchase-fission" and other specifics. The depth and width of the conversion still need to be strengthened.

For example, in the flexible design of the brand image, the Douyin Mini Program provides a more flexible customized space for Yihetang. "The brand can personalize the page display and the revealed product information according to its own brand tone." Bai Xiaoxiao believes that by incorporating the IP of Yihetang, the IP of Yi Hutang into the homepage decoration Brand cognition, strengthen the brand connection with users.

On the other hand, this "connection force" refers to the Douyin open platform to further release the growth ability of the service provider.

As one of the "developers", the service provider is a trading partner between merchants, consumers, and experts. Under the empowerment of the Douyin open platform, this group of service providers has established a more efficient and closely connected ecological ecology. Essence

Qianqianhui is one of them.

After many years of rooting in the field of local life. Since becoming a Douyin open platform service provider in June 2021, Qianqianhui has ushered in a wider market space in the local life field in the field of connecting merchants, connectors, and consumers.

On the connection of merchants, from the age of graphic to the short video era, more high -quality merchants are standing on the crossroads of the transformation of private domain. Thinking, because they look at the real transformation. "Merchant's concerns have further affected the market expansion of thousands of benefits.

However, with the help of Douyin public domain traffic and the solution provided by the Douyin applet, Qianqianhui has further tapped the market depth while expanding the market breadth.

Previously, in the field of local life, thousands of Hui had many experience in "explosive products". However, behind the "explosive product", the process of building a private domain network is not easy. How to aggregate upstream resources and find appropriate categories and channels to test the comprehensive strength of service providers. "This process is relatively long, and it has also suppressed our growth." Zhang Yi mentioned that many markets have seriously affected the company's development speed because of the slowdown of the traffic system. In the past, Qian Qianhui relied on the experience precipitation and systematic training mechanism in the local life field to establish a connection with merchants under the categories of local living in categories to establish contact with market expansion. Essence

Based on the huge user foundation, Douyin's public domain traffic solves the problem of thousands of benefits. At the same time, in addition to the large -scale public domain flow, the personalized recommendation distribution mechanism of the Douyin open platform can push various content and services to the most needed users. Under this recommendation logic, Zhang Yi found that the accuracy of traffic has been greatly improved, which can help merchants find the user group more efficiently and accurately. The merchant forms a tight connection.

More changes are also happening in the connection of people. From the perspective of commodity attributes, most of the local life services are non -standard products, which often affects consumers' final decision -making factors. Therefore, this brings difficulty to match the accurate people's resources.

Zhang Yi told the financial and economic. Matching and matching of people have always been a problem that the service provider needs to spend a lot of time to communicate and handle. However, Douyin Mini Program provides service providers with a master task table model. At the same time, through the designated capabilities of suppliers to bring goods, it ensures the exclusiveness and accuracy of the service traffic distribution, and further enriches the exposure and distribution scenario of the product.

It is not difficult to find that, under the open platform of Douyin, on the on the one hand, the service providers are integrated with the data of merchants and experts. Whether it is product data, cargo data or sales data, it can The concentrated presentation has further improved the efficiency of service provider matching; on the other hand, under the logic of distribution of personalized recommendations, the master task table will also recommend interested categories to experts nearby.

"These experts will choose to bring this product by themselves." Under the precise recommendation logic, it will further increase the final conversion rate of thousands of benefits.

For consumers, the multi -channel purchase entrance and multiple package combinations of Douyin applets can also meet the diversified consumer needs while providing convenience for consumers.

For example, at the purchase entrance, the Douyin Mini Program has a variety of traffic entrances such as short videos, Douyin eating, drinking and playing, Douyin same city page, short video review area, and component cards in the live broadcast sector.

More importantly, through the operating cases of the three developers, in addition to differentiated business plans, the Douyin Open Platform helps brands and merchants to find more "exports" -Ind except for short -term business growth, Douyin, Douyin, Douyin, Douyin, Douyin, Douyin, Douyin, Douyin, Douyin, Douyin The open platform further provides a new business opportunity for brand and merchants, creating a new business model.

A Tan told the Finance and Economics. When he first lived, he never thought that he could rely on his own knowledge to make a profit, but under the empowerment of the Douyin open platform, he not only continued to improve his professional ability in his spare time, but also in his spare time. Think about how to enrich your curriculum system.

The same is true of Yihetang. Bai Xiaoxiao believes that the live broadcast experience, consumer portrait and consumer behavior of the high -quality mini -program live broadcast cases created by the open platform with Douyin have become an important reference for the next step of optimizing digital operations by Yizheng.

"As a service provider, only by grasping its own operating quality can we occupy a place in the future market competition." As a local living service provider who connected the Douyin open platform earlier Optimize product quality, operation quality and service quality.

It is not difficult to find that the entrance, interface and exit of the Douyin Open Platform are built a "bridge" to business growth. As of now, the Douyin Open Platform has covered life services, mini games, e -commerce, media, entertainment, entertainment, entertainment, entertainment, entertainment, entertainment, entertainment, entertainment, entertainment, entertainment, and entertainment. Hardware, group purchase and other industries.

How does an open platform inject new value for "open"?

In addition to open capacity, in terms of economics, an ideal open platform should build a dynamic value network jointly participated in multiple subjects. A win -win developer ecology.

What is a good developer ecology? From the perspective of financial and economic, a good developer's ecology must play the "ant colony effect". On the one hand, it has a clear division of labor to ensure efficiency; on the other hand, it fully activate the developer's innovative ecology.

At the Douyin Open Platform Developer Conference, Han Shangyou, Vice President of Douyin, said that the Douyin's mechanism to distribute with a personalized recommendation means to a certain degree of fairness. Partners who can provide good service and experience have new opportunities to have fair growth opportunities.

How to achieve better opening in fairness? The solution of the Douyin Open Platform is to establish an open and trusted platform and industry mechanism to clarify their respective business scope and authority and responsibility system, so that developers can perform their duties; second, with the continuous evolution of the Douyin open platform itself Use continuous iterative business solutions to better empower developers and industry.

This is a process of gradually opening up from the platform to the industry. On the rules of the platform opening, the Douyin Open Platform is open with user experience. Therefore, in the process, while providing refined services for developers, the principles of user experience and privacy protection are the prerequisite and prerequisite for openness and privacy protection. Base.

"The rules are becoming more and more standardized and clear, and the user experience is more and more valued." Qian Qianhui obviously felt the change of the Douyin open platform. Zhang Yi told Finance Wuji. For service providers, a good open platform must be fair and fair and clear. "Only such an open platform can ensure the efficient operation of the service provider."

With the deepening of the industry's participation in the opening of the Douyin open platform, this principle of fairness and opening up will also run through.

In the process of in -depth opening up, the Douyin Open Platform has also given "openness" with new connotations. In the past, most of the "openness" of people's understanding was only limited to the openness between data and data between data and data.

But the key to the "openness" of Douyin's open platform is actually the opening of people and the world.

Recalling the development process of "Yihetang Milk Tea Application", from the project to the official live broadcast, it takes less than a month in the middle. Bai Xiaoxiao remembers that in the early two rounds of pressure testing, in order to ensure the stability of the live broadcast process, the team of the Douyin Open Platform completed the entire pressure test one week in advance. "In this process, what we see is that the Douyin Open Platform is a very passionate, enthusiastic and responsible team."

Standing on a farther place, the "developer ecology" constructed by the Douyin open platform also allows more small and medium -sized enterprises to be on the wet of digitalization.

There is no doubt that its story has just begun. But in a sense, it activates the current digital economy in another way. In the near future, we have reason to believe that on the Douyin open platform, the huge "ant colony" built by developers will write more exciting business stories.

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