Deep · Look 丨 Extraordinary ten years -the "sense of belonging" in Suzhou originated from the "two -way go" of this pair of CP!

Author:Watch Suzhou Time:2022.09.09

[See Suzhou Specialist Suzhou Radio and Television All Media Report]

"It gives me an unprecedented sense of belonging here, it's my city." This is what the net celebrity master Zhang Xuefeng. When he came to Suzhou "secondary entrepreneurship" from Beijing a year ago, what he said. Now living on the Jinji Lake, he likes to run, and runs around Jinji Lake every morning. He said, "Hugging the door of the East with his left hand and embracing Jinji Lake in his right hand, life and work are great!"

The word "belonging" may say a lot of people who come to start a business, do business, and settle in the Soviet Union. It reflects the color of Suzhou's business environment.

In the "China Business Environment Report 2021" issued by the National Development and Reform Commission, Suzhou was evaluated as "excellent performance" for the first time in Suzhou, ranking sixth in the country; 2021 "Wanjia private enterprise evaluation business environment released by the National Industry and Commerce Federation "In, Suzhou also ranked third in the country.

How is this sense of belonging made? Some people say that this is the two -way walk from the "effective market" and "the government", so that the "minimum cost of the same conditions, the best cost service, and the most service market opportunities" have become a distinctive sign of Suzhou's business environment, so that "A sense of belonging" has become the unique temperament of this city.

01 Let the "lathe and car shaft" intimacy and driving market environment innovate strong

Everyone who works hard in Suzhou is the most important thing is that Suzhou's powerful industry and innovative ecology. This point, Suzhou's advantages are obvious.

The opportunity given by Suzhou is: complete industrial chain and supply chain, the innovative stories of lathe and axis are staged at all times.

Suzhou, 160,000 industrial enterprises, cover 35 industrial categories, 171 industrial categories and 505 industrial categories, involving 11 advanced manufacturing clusters including biomedical, aerospace, integrated circuits, equipment manufacturing, and high -end textiles. It is one of the most complete cities in the domestic industrial system.

Such a huge industrial network will undoubtedly bring lower supporting costs and faster logistics efficiency to enterprises. For companies, it is likely to be a lifeline that determines life and death.

Take high -tech enterprises as an example. At present, Suzhou has 11,165 valid highs, maintaining the first province and fifth in the country. In the first half of this year, the output value of high -tech industries in our city accounted for 52.7%of the total industrial output value.

The "Key Technology and Industrialization Project of High Bright Life and High -power Semiconductor Laser Chip" of Suzhou Governor Guanghua Citrier Optoelectronics Co., Ltd. is accelerating the progress of promoting domestic alternative in relevant areas of my country.

On the chip plate of the square -inch size, nearly 50 high -energy laser chips are densely distributed. The thickness of each one is comparable to the hair.

Such innovative technologies do not rely on single to fight alone. Changguang Huaxin, the Suzhou Medical Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Suzhou Institute of Industry and Research of Zhejiang University, the Gusu Laboratory, and the Suzhou Research Institute of Southeast University, the Suzhou high -power semiconductor laser innovation consortium, is a strong backing behind the project.

The same story is also staged in Suzhou Biomedical Industrial Park.

"There are instruments on the left, and raw materials on the right." Fabe Biotechnology (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. focuses on the research and development of neurological innovation drugs. The company's R & D staff Yang Dong said that it is the support of upstream collaborative research and development companies, downstream clinical enterprises, platform collaborative enterprises, scientific research institutes, etc. Fabe has grown the fastest. The original choice of Suzhou was also based on the Suzhou Biomedical Industry Chain and the Innovation Chain are accelerating.

02 Let the boss have a high degree of convenience for government affairs services

How fast is the company who opened the company? Many citizens are handling their business at the "Enterprise Opening One" window in the Suzhou High -tech Zone Government Service Center.

"One thing, one thing at a time", and some people "help to do it." You only need to prepare the application materials, the window submit, the remaining business licenses, official seal engraved, tax social security handling, etc. Tongtong can be handled by the window staff. What you have to do is wait a little bit.

"A few years ago, each matter had to run a department." For the administrative manager of Suzhou, who is applying for a related license to the enterprise, said, "It takes only two hours today. All procedures are one -stop. Completed. "Shen Li, director of the Administrative Examination and Approval System of Suzhou High -tech Zone's Administrative Examination and Approval Bureau, introduced that now in the high -tech zone, it can start the enterprise as soon as 0.5 working days, or even two hours.

"This year, we have also compiled the service specifications of administrative examination and approval services. This specification has also been successfully established as a local standard for Suzhou." Shen Li said.

How fast is the speed from picking up land to entering the market? At the construction site of the Moriya Robot Project, the workers were piling the construction of the heavens and the earth. At present, 20%of the pile foundation construction has been completed. From allocation to landing in construction, the project only took 4.5 hours.

The Moriya Robot Program is a key project of this year. The project covers an area of ​​about 52.4 acres. After completion, it will carry out the new generation of intelligent robots, smart systems, intelligent equipment, and system integration R & D, production, and sales.

"Such an efficient speed saves time and cost for our projects, later investment and construction, and operation." Zhu Lin, the person in charge of the Morida Robot Project, told the reporter of Suzhou.

In the past ten years, the changes in Suzhou can also be described by several "one".

The first is the "one net", from the previous "finding multiple networks" to "find a network", from the traditional window to "online office, palm office, self -service office, nearby office" transition; "One -stop", the first "one -stop service window for political and bank cooperation enterprises to open a one -stop service special window" in the province to achieve full coverage of the main regions of Suzhou City; "one thing", that is, "one thing" reform, access to access Including "one thing" such as enterprises and construction permits are processed online; the total entrance of urban life services is "Summer", and the total entrance of the legal person service is "Su Shangtong", which realizes one -click on the policy of benefiting the enterprise.

As of now, more than 2,000 matters have achieved the "One Netcom Office", which can reach more than 90%of the network office. The approval time limit has been accelerated by an average of 80%compared with the statutory time limit.

03 Let the policy come to the "enterprise" pro -business concept "fine" into the hair of the capillaries

In fact, the Suzhou government's service concept and the political and business relationship between "pro -pro -" and "Qing" have long been well received.

When Zhang Xuefeng officially moved to the park on March 15, 2021, he had missed the declaration of leading talents. However, the park has specially targeted Zhang Xuefeng and launched a "one discussion".

Half a month later, Zhang Xuefeng got the leaders of the park and a series of tax reduction policies. The entire floor of the new company can save a lot of costs for three years.

From time to time, "Hoving the cold and asking warmth" made Zhang Xuefeng move. "The park often says that you can mention any development and needs of the company." In Zhang Xuefeng's view, this is unimaginable in most cities. It is really "the charm of the Suzhou service government for the first time."

Even his personal life, the park has always come to care about what kind of help can be provided.

In Suzhou, the winter solstice is as large as year, and Zhang Xuefeng, who is the northeast man, does not know much about it. In the first year of the winter solstice, the park cared for him and said: Have you ever been in Suzhou? We invite you to drink winter wine. "I drank winter brewing for the first time, and I felt it was particularly sweet."

In fact, Suzhou's parental and business philosophy is almost engraved in the bones, and it is more "thin" into the hair blood vessels.

The nation's first concept of "relatives, businessmen, and wealthy businessmen"; the first "one -stop" service center in the country; the first entry -exit service smart hall in the country; the nation's first door -to -door investment promotion model ... all originated from Suzhou.

At all stages of the epidemic prevention and control, Suzhou took the lead in the nation of the country's "Hui" ten, Su "Huiwai", ten "Hui Nong", Ten Su "Huifu" in different types of enterprises of different types and sizes. Wait a series of support policies.

In order to allow entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs to clarify various policies, Suzhou also did one thing -the development of "policy calculators". With the help of big data and artificial intelligence algorithms, a large amount of policies, industrial and commercial big data, and the detailed information reported by enterprises are accurately matched to help companies understand all policies that can enjoy and apply for steps.

The commendable point of Suzhou is that, anytime, anywhere, lean down to listen to the voice of the company.

04 Make "fish swimming" and the rule of law is more hard core

When you are in a market -oriented, international, and innovative business environment, the only lack is the guarantee of the rule of law.

"The rule of law is the best business environment." Suzhou also took the lead in proposing "an important symbol of the rule of law to become the core competitiveness of Suzhou" in the country, and creating the integrity of the rule of law into the hardest core of the business environment.

Suzhou is the only city in the country that has 4 related professional courts with the business environment. Among them, since the establishment of the Suzhou Intellectual Property Court, it has attracted well -known international and domestic enterprises such as Midea, New Bellen, Nature Home, and Hemo Technology to Suzhou to fight intellectual property lawsuits.

In the case of a home furnishing enterprise in Fujian's furnishing enterprise infringement of trademark rights and unfair competition disputes, the Suzhou Intellectual Property Court severely cracks down on the "Bian famous brand" behavior, and determines that the defendant constitutes the trademark infringement and unfair competition. Supported a compensation request of 15 million yuan in nature home, refreshing the record of compensation in the field of intellectual property rights in the mainland industry, and effectively maintained the market fair competition order.

"By allowing the infringer to pay high infringement costs, to solve the problem of" low infringement costs, high rights protection costs, and low compensation "in intellectual property cases, to guide market entities and consumers to strengthen intellectual property protection awareness, which is conducive to the whole society Create a good atmosphere of respect for intellectual property rights, "said Zhao Xiaoqing, deputy president of the Suzhou Intellectual Property Court. In recent years, the city's courts have given full play to the functions of the four "national" professional courts of the Suzhou Intellectual Property Court, the Suzhou Bankruptcy Court, the Suzhou International Commercial Court, and the Suzhou Labor Court, and transformed the platform advantage into the competitive advantage of the business environment of the rule of law. Let entrepreneurs concentrate on entrepreneurship, rest assured investment, and relieved.

The relationship between the business environment and the market entity is like water and fish. The rule of law is like a fence. It is necessary to put water to raise fish and keep the fish from crossing the red line of the fence. This puts forward higher requirements for justice.

The procuratorial organs of Suzhou have continuously strengthened the need for arrest and the need for prosecution necessity, and did not arrest and complain about the enterprises and the person in charge with minor crimes and their leaders. In 2021, Suzhou's economic crime case did not prosecute 18.5%, and the pre -trial detention rate was 23.9%, which remained in a reasonable range.

Suzhou judicial administrative organs have formulated the "two lists" of administrative law enforcement involvement involving enterprises; among the cities in Jiangsu, the first basic and comprehensive local regulations on optimizing the business environment "Suzhou Optimized Business Environment Regulations" The formal implementation stipulates that July 21st is Suzhou Entrepreneur Day every year ... Suzhou has been on the road with a hard core guarantee of the rule of law.

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