The contract amount of the first four World Manufacturing Conferences is nearly 2 trillion yuan

Author:Anhui released Time:2022.09.10

Create a high -end exchange and cooperation platform to empower the high -quality development of manufacturing. The 2022 World Manufacturing Conference with the theme of "Manufacturing the World · Create Beauty" is about to be held. The reporter recently learned from the Provincial Department of Economic and Information Technology that since 2018, the four -session of the four sessions of the World Manufacturing Conference has been successfully held in order to promote the manufacturing of our province. Industry transformation and upgrading played an important role in win -win cooperation in the world manufacturing industry. The first four World Manufacturing Conferences signed a total of 2,454 contract cooperation projects, and the contract quotation was 1968.2 billion yuan.

There were more than 4,000 guests participating in the 2018 World Manufacturing Conference, of which more than 100 domestic and foreign world's top 500 executives, nearly 500 leaders in the domestic and foreign manufacturing industry, and more than 30 "two houses" academician experts and scholars attended the meeting. 436 contracting projects and 447.1 billion yuan in investment covering 9 industries including electronic information and home appliances, new materials and new energy, equipment manufacturing, energy conservation and environmental protection, modern services, automobiles and automobile parts, and biomedical.

The 2019 World Manufacturing Conference, more than 4,500 guests from 78 countries and regions attended. There are 638 concentrated projects, with a total investment of 735.1 billion yuan. The signing project covers integrated circuits, new display, smart terminals, robots, general aviation, rail transit, new materials, biomedicine, new energy, new energy vehicles, energy saving and environmental protection and other industries.

"Online Economy Empowerment High -quality Development" is the theme of the 2020 World Manufacturing Conference JAC Online Economic Forum. Through the combination of online and offline, the cloud opening and main forums, cloud signing, cloud forums, and cloud display "Four Clouds" series activities are held. Entrepreneurs and scientists in the global manufacturing and digital economy areas, on the "cloud" or on -site participation. There are 678 contract projects and a total investment of 617.8 billion yuan, of which 288 strategic emerging industrial projects representing the future development direction of the manufacturing industry and 284.8 billion yuan in investment.

The 2021 World Manufacturing Conference, the national ministries and commissions, the provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities), the ambassador in China, the international organization, the Fortune 500 overseas world, the central enterprise, the private enterprise, the business association and the academicians and the well -known experts attended the meeting. Focusing on the precise and pragmatic invites of emerging industries and industry leading enterprises, there are nearly 350 companies in the top ten emerging industries, more than 60 Fortune 500 companies, and more than 70 listed companies. 656 manufacturing cooperation projects were promoted, with a total investment of 533.49 billion yuan.

The 2022 World Manufacturing Conference will create the "Cloud Opening, Cloud Forum, Cloud Exhibition, Cloud Release, Cloud Control" five -line segment, and strive to achieve dual -line integration, panoramic presentation, combination of exhibitions, and never end. In terms of exhibitions, it is divided into two types of government -led exhibitions and market -oriented exhibitions, with a total area of ​​74,000 square meters. At the same time, the online exhibition integration platform, conference work platform, and supply and demand docking platform support platform, build a reception service with invitations as the core, digital network dissemination services with activities as the main line, and security support services supported by documents. Essence (Reporter Wang Guoliang)

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