The Russian Moscow Exchange further relax the transaction restrictions, and the stock transaction is nearly 14 hours a day; the Russian Prime Minister has stated that Western countries have failed to achieve this goal

Author:Daily Economic News Time:2022.09.12

According to CCTV News on September 12, according to Russia, the Russian Moscow Exchange took new measures on the 12th to further restore the normal trading system. Among them, the stock trading time will be extended, and the total time of the transaction will last for nearly 14 hours. On September 8, local time, Russian Prime Minister Michase Jing said when attending the Moscow Financial Forum that Western countries failed to achieve the goal of destroying Russian finance.

According to a report by Xinhua News Agency on September 3, since the outbreak of the Ukraine crisis, the West has imposed sanctions on multiple rounds of many fields in the West, and the Russian economy has encountered impact. After Russia introduced a series of countermeasures, the Russian economy showed good toughness. Analysts pointed out that the current Russian economic situation is better than expected, indicating that Russia has the ability to resist external shocks. However, Western countries have difficulty in blocking Russia in the fields of finance, investment, and technology products that may have difficulty in the long -term development of the Russian economy.

Moscow Exchange further relax trading restrictions

According to CCTV News, it quoted Russia on the 12th, the Russian Moscow Exchange took new measures on the 12th to further restore the normal trading system. Foreign exchange transactions have recovered from 7:00 to 19 from the 12th. The stock trading time was extended to 10:00 to 23:50, and the total daily transaction was nearly 14 hours.

In addition, foreign customers from friendly countries will be allowed to trade stocks from the 12th; natural persons in unwavering countries or companies controlled by Russia can start trading stock Strategic companies (mainly energy and financial sectors) stocks.

On September 8, local time, Russian Prime Minister Michase Jing said when attending the Moscow Financial Forum that Western countries failed to achieve the goal of destroying Russian finance. The West tried to limit Russia's energy exports, but during this period, Russia's export of oil and natural gas income increased by nearly 50%. Michase also said that Russia is adapted to sanctions. Russian financial authorities will focus on improving security and economic independence in the next 10 to 12 years.

Picture source: Xinhua News Agency

Russian economy under Western sanctions: toughness and hidden concerns coexist

According to a recent report by Xinhua News Agency, Oliga Izrianrdonova, chief researcher at the Institute of Applied Economics, Institute of Applied Economics of the Russian Economy and National Administration Institute, told reporters that Russian economic data is far better than expected.

According to data released by the Russian Federal National Bureau of Statistics at the end of August, the GDP of Russia (GDP) in the first half of the year fell only 0.4%year -on -year. Russia's First Vice Prime Minister Andre Bueluusov recently said that the decline in Russia's GDP this year will be slightly higher than 2%, and the decline in 2023 may not exceed 1%.

In terms of inflation, as of August 22, the annual inflation rate of Russia was 14.6%, which was far lower than previous expectations. In terms of exchange rate, the ruble exchange rate rebounded and strengthened all the way in the early days of the Ukraine crisis. It is currently stabilizing at about $ 1 of 60 rubles. In terms of trade, although imports are suppressed, net exports, especially energy export revenue, have increased significantly, becoming an important factor in supporting the Russian economy.

Maxim Kuznetsov, co -chairman of the Russian Development Promotion Association, said that in order to cope with sanctions, the Russian government has adopted effective currency and fiscal policies in a timely manner. For example, by raising the benchmark interest rate, restricting capital flow of capital, requiring exporters to sell most foreign exchange income, and settlement of natural gas trade with rubles, the Russian financial market has gradually stabilized, inflation has been suppressed, and the ruble exchange rate stabilizes.

Picture source: Xinhua News Agency

Russian rich agriculture and natural resources have also become the "weapon" to deal with Western sanctions. Analysts pointed out that although the West's restrictions on Russia's energy restrictions are increasingly stringent, rising energy prices are beneficial to Russia, and the increase in Russian oil and gas export revenue has accumulated foreign exchange for economic development. In addition, Russia is actively developing non -Western markets, adjusting the export direction of agricultural products such as food, and promoting energy from natural gas and coal to Asia Pacific, the Middle East, Latin America and other regions.

Although the Russian economy has shown a strong ability to resist external shocks, analysts are worried that the West has increasingly restricted Russia in key areas such as finance, investment, technical product imports and energy. Negative impact. The Russian central bank predicts that although the impact of sanctions on Russia at this stage is "small" than expected, it may last long.

The director of the Russian International Affairs Council Ivan Jimoferv said that Western restrictions are almost involved in all key areas of the Russian economy, including finance, energy, black metallurgy, mining, electronics, transportation, engineering, etc. For a long time, Russia's high -tech and industrial equipment fields have closely related to the European Union, the United States and its allies. Western companies withdrawn from the Russian market and prohibited from importing high -tech products in Russia, which will cause sharp shrinkage of the Russian machinery manufacturing industry. The worst situation appeared in the field of vehicle manufacturing. In the first half of 2022, Russian vehicle production decreased by 40%, and in the second quarter, it decreased by nearly 63%.

In an interview with a reporter, Alexander Bangkarin, a well -known Russian economist, said that in the face of sanctions, the Russian economy should conduct profound structural reforms and create a new economic model. The new economic model should include strategic planning, positive industrial policies, and investment in the fields of high -tech, education and health care in the state and relevant public and private sectors. Russia has advanced technology, rich natural resources and huge talent potential, making it possible to create a new economic model.

Daily Economic News Comprehensive CCTV News, Xinhua News Agency

Daily Economic News

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