Busy investigation before the holiday, will you be attacked after the holiday?Top flow institutions frequently visit these companies

Author:Costrit Finance Time:2022.09.12

In September, the keen institutional investors started a new round of dense investigations and actively found high -quality targets for the fourth quarter.

The reporter followed the pace of the collaboration and detailed the "roadmap" that the institution was surveyed in detail. The new trends, new preferences, and new highlights were at a glance. Taking advantage of this Mid -Autumn Festival, investors may wish to study it.

Electricity equipment, automobiles, and bank heat have increased significantly

According to Eastern Fortune CHOICE data, since September, a total of 271 listed companies in the A -share market have ushered in institutional investigations. The research objects are mainly concentrated in power equipment, machinery and equipment, pharmaceuticals, basic chemicals, automobiles and other industries.

In order to eliminate the impact of the company's family's number of companies, the author uses the proportion of the number of investigators in an industry to observe the directional changes of the investigation of the institution.

The change in the proportion of the past three months has shown that the attention of the three industries of power equipment, automobiles, and banks has increased significantly. For details, in July and August, the proportion of companies that have obtained institutions surveyed by electricity equipment accounted for 8.06%and 8.53%, respectively. 4 percentage points. The proportion of the automotive industry directly jumped from 5.74%and 4.47%in the first two months to 7.38%in September. The proportion of banks in August was only 0.62%, which is currently rising to 4.06%. Data changes have shown a significant increase in institutional research in these industries.

The reporter noticed that although these companies are divided into different industries, they have participated in the new energy industry chain, such as photovoltaic, lithium batteries, virtual power plants, charging piles, TOPCON batteries, wind power and other segmented hotspots.

Instead, the heat of medicine, biology, electronics, and electronics significantly cools down. The proportion of investigators in the electronics industry exceeded 10%in July and August, but since September, it has only 5.17%, a decrease of nearly 7 percentage points. Medicine creatures have also dropped by 4 percentage points.

Institutions frequently visit these companies

Of the 271 listed companies surveyed by the institution, 214 market value was less than 20 billion yuan, accounting for nearly 80 %, and 73 market value was less than 5 billion yuan. Data show that small and medium -sized market value companies are still the focus of institutional attention.

From the perspective of the number of institutions, 21 companies including Eston, Honglu Steel Structure, and Xinchi Source were investigated 3 times and above by the agency within 7 trading days. 15 companies were investigated by more than 50 institutions.

Among them, the agency has the highest attention to Estton. Data show that since September, the organization has successively investigated Eston 10 times, with a total of 96 participating institutions. Moreover, well -known QFIIs such as Goldman Sachs and UBS, as well as domestic public and private head funds such as Tamsui Spring, Xingshi Investment, Xingquan Fund, and Wells Fund Fund all appeared in the research list. In general, institutional investors have conducted detailed exchanges on the infiltration, orders, and improvement of the company's robot products in the automotive industry.

Since the third quarter of last year, the domestic industrial robot industry has entered a downward stage of growth. Affected by this, Estton's performance appeared on a landslide. In the first half of 2022, the company realized operating income of 1.655 billion yuan, an increase of 6%year -on -year; the net profit after deduction was only 34.518 million yuan, a year -on -year decrease of 28.76%. Moreover, in the second quarter of 2022, the company achieved single -quarter operating income and net profit attributable to the mother's net profit decreased by 8.13%and 46.24%year -on -year, respectively.

Correspondingly, the company's stock price declined all the way from July last year to the lowest point to 12.17 yuan/share. Star fund managers such as Zhu Shaoxing and Guangfa Fund Qiu Yan, including rich country funds, have greatly reduced their holdings in the second quarter.

Research institutions believe that the robot industry is currently at the bottom stage. According to data from the National Bureau of Statistics, the output of domestic industrial robots in the first half of 2022 decreased by 11.2%year -on -year. MIR data shows that Estton ranks third in the domestic industrial robot market and is also the largest domestic industrial robot enterprise with the largest shipping volume.

When the industry and the company were in a trough, many institutions actively investigated Eston, which seemed to reveal different meanings and worthy of attention.

New open source is also a small market value company with high attention. Data show that since September, the institution has successively investigated new open source 7 times, with a total of 23 participating institutions. On the whole, institutional investors have conducted in -depth exchanges in products such as PVP and new products Ourai.

In the first half of this year, the new open source achieved bright operating performance, achieving operating income of 678 million yuan, an increase of 26.48%over the same period last year. The main reason for strong reasons is the boost of consumption such as new energy batteries, as well as factors such as regional situations and energy supply. The company's sales of fine chemical products have increased by about 48%year -on -year. The average gross profit margin of fine chemical products is about 35%, and the "PVP Other" gross profit margin in the segmented products has contributed its main profits. In addition, the company's new product Ouizi series has increased by more than 300 tons compared with the same period last year, and is expected to reach 1,000 tons this year.

The company revealed that there are only two suppliers worldwide in the world. Compared with another, the new open source uses a benzene -free process. Its main application areas are oral care and daily chemical products, with a gross profit margin of about 70%.

In addition, there are many A -share companies such as Honglu Steel Structure, Yike Food, Yongmao Tai and other A -share companies favored by institutional investors. Top flow fund manager research multiple companies

Among the 271 listed companies, the research lists of many companies such as Guangyu Development, Shiji Information, Muyuan Co., Ltd., Yongtai Technology, Xingqi Eye Medicine, and Haida Group have appeared at home and abroad.

For example, Yang Jinjin and others of Schroder Schroder actively participated in the research activities of Guangyu's development. Institutional investors are very concerned about the construction progress of the Shantou Haifeng project developed by Guangyu, as well as the company's current projects, and the distribution of future projects. Direction and other issues.

Domestic hotel information management leading stone -based information has also attracted nearly 40 investigations from investment institutions, including the head of the head of the head of Ruiyuan Fund, the Favonian Fund, etc., the well -known private equity such as Jinglin Assets, Hongcheng Investment foreign investment. Among them, Jiang Tong, the manager of Jinglin Assets Fund, participated in the investigation and was noticeable.

Jiang Tong is the fund manager of the Jinglin Harvest Series and one of the partners of more than 100 billion Jinglin assets. She has more than 20 years of experience. She has served as the research director of CCB Fund, the research director of the Southern Fund, and the deputy general manager of the Gast China Fund Investment Management Department.

The focus of the institution's attention to Shiji information is mainly concentrated in the company's future growth and hidden concerns of the company's overseas business, and whether it will be provided with a large amount of goodwill impairment in the second half of this year.

The leading shares of the pig farming industry have won 10 institutions including well -known institutions Gao Yi Assets and Castrol Fund participating in the investigation. Among them, Gao Yi assets Wu Renhao came to the live meeting of Muyuan's shares. Wu Renhao had long managed institutional funds of more than one billion US dollars, and paid more attention to the stability and balance of the combination.

Muyuan shares stated that the company is expected to be close to the column interval in 2022, and the price of pig prices in the second half of the year will be better than the first half of the year. The company has established a veterinary drug company joint venture with well -known companies such as China Mu and Federal Insurance, which helps the company to create a more secure, reliable, cost -effective supply chain, and use the technological research and development strength of the partner to improve the level of prevention and control of the company.

In addition, the former Daniel Stocks Xingqi Eye Pills exchanged with 30 institutional investors including the ICBC Credit Suissey, mainly around the online sales, clinical progress, and OK mirror excellent around Atto's eye drops. Elementary matters such as Bidi. Head institutions and other head institutions such as ICBC Credit, Yifangda Fund, Wells Fund, and Rongshu Investment have participated in the video conferences of Xingqi Eye Medicine. Among them, Yang Yanxiao, the manager of the Yifangda Fund, who is good at the pharmaceutical industry, also appeared in the list.

It is worth noting that, affected by stopping the online sales of Atropine's eye drops, Xingqi's shares have fallen by 40%since July.

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