Academician Zhao Chunjiang: Agricultural digital accounts for 80%of the entire digital economy, and is an important area for future development.

Author:Contemporary China Think Tank Time:2022.09.14

"In the future, the prospects for the development of the digital economy in rural areas will be relatively broad. By 2025, the agricultural digital economy will reach 1.26 trillion yuan." Recently, Zhao Chunjiang, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and director The "2022 Digital Economic Performance Summit" and delivered a keynote speech.

In Zhao Chunjiang's view, China is a large agricultural country, agriculture is a large industry, and it is also a traditional industry. From the composition of the digital economy, the digitalization of the industry accounts for 80%of the entire digital economy, so agriculture is an important area for future digital economy development.

Zhao Chunjiang said that according to the urbanization rate, China still has a considerable proportion of population in rural areas. At present, the netizens in rural areas are about 330 million, accounting for only 30%of the entire domestic netizens, and the digital gap between urban and rural areas still exists.

"At present, although the total number of rural netizens does not have the total number of netizens in urban areas, the growth rate is very fast. According to the strategic research of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Ministry, the Internet Information Office, and some corresponding commercial institutions, the digital level of the country's entire agriculture is now 23.8 %, Different fields are not the same. The economic value of facilities, gardening, greenhouses, and greenhouses is relatively high, and the degree of digitization is relatively high. "Zhao Chunjiang said.

According to calculations, the scale of my country's rural digital economy in 2020 was 577.8 billion yuan. Zhao Chunjiang predicts that according to the speed of digital transformation and development of the entire agricultural and rural areas, including the speed of my country's agricultural economy development, the agricultural digital economy scale will reach 1.26 trillion yuan by 2025, and will reach 7.8 trillion yuan in 2035. It reached 24 trillion yuan.

Zhao Chunjiang pointed out that in the process of developing agricultural e -commerce, logistics is a big bottleneck problem. Agricultural products are lively, and the development of digital economy requires supporting infrastructure. At present, the development of various new formats and new models of the platform economy has developed rapidly. Many enterprises have deployed in the agricultural and rural fields. Through a series of value -added services such as prenatal, during, and after delivery, the development of China's agricultural and rural digital economy has been promoted.

In the past ten years, Central Documents have mentioned digitalization, informatization, and intelligence of agriculture and rural areas, including digital agriculture and smart agriculture, which provides policy guarantees for all industries including enterprises.

Zhao Chunjiang believes that in the future, the following points should be paid attention to developing the rural digital economy: "First, to reduce digital gaps, and to strengthen the construction of infrastructure for key industries, fields, and some key points. Second, we must strengthen The support services of digital technology, around the intelligent production of rural industries, precise operations, digital management, and networking; third, strengthen the construction of rural digital governance capabilities, and comprehensive penetration of production, living, governance, and services in rural areas. "

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